Chapter 8

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Italics- letters, articles, etc.

The next few days Harvey read all the books he bought, talk to his ancestors and had a bit of fun on the land surrounding the Manor.
Now a week after sending the letter with Hedwig, at 7am. Harvey is being woken up by Dobby who's babbling about visitors and breakfast. Finally registering what the elf said his head shoot up "visitors? Who is it? Ask them to eat breakfast with me." Dobby looked too cheerful for this early hour "it's says it's Mr.Remus Lupin sir." Shocked for a moment Harvey stood quickly from his bed and wandered to make himself presentable.
15 minutes later a freshen up Harvey went into his informal dinning room and studied the figure of his honorary godfather. Remus looks exactly as he remembered but his body is very tense. Hearing footsteps Remus looks up and his eyes widen with surprise. Before him stood a short boy with black hair and emerald green eyes even if his other features come definitely from Blacks. Not being brave enough he studied the boy memorizing every detail. After a few seconds more of the awkward silence Harvey took the lead "Hello. I'm happy you received my letter, I wasn't sure it would reach you. I have much to talk about with you but tell me where you in Gringotts?" Seeing him tense even more Harvey presume the answer to be yes, nodding slightly his voice came with a growl "yes. It was enlightening that's for sure. I had Compulsion charms, distracting charm keyed to you, loyalty potion and a block on a bond with my wolf all done by Dumbledore. I don't even know what to think. The goblins did the cleaning ritual." Nodding and offering some breakfast Harvey thought how much and what exactly to tell Remus but after a quick thinking he came the conclusion that the truth would be best. Taking a huge breath he began " Remus your are a man of logic and knowledge aren't you?" Seeing a nod he continued "so I will tell you a story and before you say you don't believe me I can show you memories or even tell you thinks I'm not supposed to know. Okay?" Remus looked skeptical but there was a curious glint in his eyes so nodding he gestured to continue "alright it may be strange to hear but I swear everything is true. The night my parents were murdered Hagrid took me from Sirius on Dumbledore's orders and than both of them together with McGonagall left me on the Doorstep of my mother's sister Petunia. I spent 10 years of my life like a slave in that house, slept in the cupboard unter the stairs and was abused mentally as well as physically." here Remus gave a loud growl even if he was confused "then on my 11 Birthday came my letter even addressed to the cupboard, after days of burning these letters Hagrid came to get me and introduced me to the Wizarding World. On the express to school I befriended Ronald Weasley and a muggleborn witch Hermione Granger, for the next seven years we were the best of friends and did everything together. Every year there was some kind of life or death situation which I will tell you about another time. Voldemort was never dead only a spirit without body, he came back in my 4th year but of course almost nobody believed me. In my 7th year the war escalated and there was a final bettle where I killed Voldemort. So far you coming along?" Now Remus was looking like a child before a storyteller but still confused so he only nodded. "Alright. After the bettle the death eaters that were left were all sentenced to dementors kiss. I didn't know what to do with myself because I had so many issues to solve. Everyone wanted to speak with me, ministry wanted me to become an Auror even without NEWTs, Hermione wanted me to go back to Hogwarts and Ron's sister and his mother wanted me to wed her. I was overwhelmed with everything and I realized it was the first time I could think about myself so I shut myself out in Grimmauld place alone. For a year I did nothing else then come to accept my abuse, losing so many I cared about because in the bettle many died and I knew you were one of them, read all books in black library and practice magic. Of course people still wanted something for me and I didn't have any privacy outside even from my friends." Harvey needing to take a breath, observed Remus who looked to be about to solve the mystery of my story and he began to speak "so you were thrust to fight a war even though you were a child, many died who you cared about, somehow you school years weren't safe like should and after the war you didn't have even peace?" Nodding Harvey continued his story.

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