Chapter 5

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Italics-letters,articles etc.
Harvey's POV

Waking up in the small cupboard under the stairs, was an awful feeling. Looking around and moving my body I noticed that, yes nothing has changed. Concentrating on my Magic I can feel the blocks on it, it's feels like I'm trapped. Another few minutes of just laying there I hear Aunt Petunia coming down and banging on my door teeling me to make them breakfast. My full day consisted of doing chores and planing how to escape from here without alarming Dumbledoor since it's best for now if he stays unaware of my actions. After doing dinner and eating only the minimum I was ordered to go to my cupboard. Thinking about my plans I came to the conclusion the best way of actions would be just to ran away and leaving only a note for them, next I would have to go to Gringotts and do the same tests as last time, speak with them about helping me with Sirius and my estates. I would need to choose where to stay if possible in Potter Manor, training is on the list too, not only magic and physical but also politics, pureblood ways, wizarding world traditions and holidays etc. Thank Merlin I have almost half a year for all it all or I would never be able to do it all.
Waiting for my relatives to fall asleep was not a long wait. After a few hours in the cupboard I finally got out with a bit of wandless magic, taking a few Pounds from Aunt Petunia's purse and some hat to disguise myself at least a bit I searched for some paper and a pen, writing a quick note to them and attaching a midly complusion charm on it I got out of the house, called the Knight Bus and was on my way. The next morning they will only find the note which states:


I ran away from you since I really can't take you abuse any longer. I know you won't care either way so just don' t tell anyone about it and you can forget about my existence. Please burn this letter after reading it so that you can play clueless guardians.

your nephew.

and nobody will find me if I have my way. Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron at I decided for a room and tomorrow morning to start with the plan.

The next morning:

Waking up, doing mine morning routine I was on my way to Gringotts Bank. Bowing slightly to the guard's in front of the Bank I went to the first free Teller and ask in a whisper "Good morning Teller Longfang. I would like to do an inheritance test and speak to my account manager if I have one, my name is Harvey James Potter." Looking down at me and sneering slightly "you have to let 3 drops of you blood on this parchment to identify you."
After this quick test I was shown to a room with golden letters with my family name on the door. The office was a middle in size in darker colors and old furniture, behind the desk sat a goblin a bit taller then the previous one.
"Hello Mr.Potter is a pleasure to meet, even if a surprise. My name is Sharptounge. You wanted an inheritance test as well as to speak with you account manager, it's not me even if we are in his office. For the moment I will take care of you until the test is done. Now please let seven drops of you blood into this vial and then the potion onto this parchment after a few minutes we will have the results."
Taking the vial from him and doing as asked we wait and after a few minutes the parchment glows a red/purple just like the last time and the results became clear.


Name: Harvey James Potter-Black
Born: 31st July 1980
Age: 10
Blood status: Pureblood
Magical Core: Gold (Merlin Level)
Father: James Charlus Potter (deceased)
Mother: Lily Jasmine Potter neè Evans neè Hale (deceased)
Blood-adopted Father: Sirius Orion Black (imprisoned)
Adoption: 07. August 1980 blessed by both birth parents
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black, Severus Snape
Godmother: Alice Longbottom (incapable) Minerva McGonagall


Lord to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter (paternal)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Nobel House of Black (blood-adoption)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Gryffindor (paternal)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Ravenclaw (maternal)
Lord to the Noble House of Hale (maternal)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Slytherin (by conquest)


Trust Vault (560)
Potter Family Vault (125)
James and Lily Potter's Vault (563)
Black Family Vault (115)
Sirius Black's Vault (670)
Gryffindor Vault (3)
Ravenclaw Vault (5)
Hale Family Vault (230)
Slytherin Vault (4)

more details about the vaults are on bank statements


Potter Manor (unplottable)
Potter Cottage England
Potter Summerhouse Greece
Godric Hollow England
Black Manor (unplottable)
Grimmauld Place 12 London England
Black Cottage France
Black Winterhouse Sweden
Black Beachhouse Italy
Gryffindor Castel (unplottable)
Ravenclaw Castel (unplottable)
Hale Manor Scotland
Hale House German
Hale Cottage Australien
Slytherin Castel (unplottable)

Abilities, Blocks and Potion:

Praseltongue (blocked 10%)
Praselmagic (blocked 90%)
natural Occlumency (blocked 100%)
eidetic memory (blocked 100%)

Core Block (blocked 75%)
Glamour (James Potter image)
Compulsion Charms
Personality Change (laziness,rashness, shame of abusive relatives)
Loyalty Potion (to Molly,Ronald,Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore)
Hate Potion (to Slytherin, Malfoy Family,
Severus Snape,)
Horcrux: Tom Marvolo Riddle

All Blockes and Potions keyed to A.P.W.B.D

Marriage Contract between Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley signed by Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore and Molly Iris Weasley

Reading it for the second time did nothing to curb my anger. Wondering why the marriage contract is there, since it was meant to be made in my second year as well as how I have the charms and potion now. Looking up the goblin my voice comes out very cold "you can read it.
I want to claim my inheritance without the Slytherin Lordship since that one belongs to someone else. I would like to pay for one of you healers to give me a check up as well as the cleaning ritual. After that we can speak more."
Nodding he shouted something in Gobbledegook.
15 minutes later I was back at the office sore and quite exhausted. "Mr.Potter here is some pepper-up potion and the list with the potion for your health regime. Now when you where with the healers I looked at your bank statements and found more abnormalities. It seems your last account manager was greedy and let himself be bribed, of course he paid with his head for it. We are ashamed to admit you were stolen from. Albus Dumbledore took much Money since your parents deaths. His illegal organization still gets paid from you funds, some goes to his personal vault and recently he paid Molly, Ronald, Ginevra Weasley and Hermione Granger three times. Also when you were eight they made a marriage contract for you but since it's with the wrong name and without Potter blood is null and void. Now I have here all the rings for the claiming. What do you wish to do?" Looking at me like that I needed a few minutes to think everything trought.

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