Chapter 7

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Italics- letters,articles, etc.
Harvey's POV

Potter Manor is one of the most beautiful sights I ever saw. It's very big, has expensive furniture but still the homey feeling. Everything is in warmer darker colors. Looking around I see many portraits that are obviously very old, I can't wait to chat with them, maybe some of them could teach me. Going into the leaving room there was a pop and in front of me are standing seven house elf's with one in front " welcome back Master Harvey Potter. I is Linky the Head elf of the ancient and Noble House of Potter. We are happy Master is back we waiting for Master and keeping Manor clean. From left to right is Blink & Pink Ground keepers elf's, is Sissy cook elf, is Nissy & Tissy clean elf's and their elfling Rissy in training. I will be Master's Personal elf. Orders master?" Taking a look at them I can see their excitement. "Hello there. In my home you won't have many rules but these that I set you must obey. First you will call me Harvey or Harvey sir if you can't take the first option, second I want you to wear uniforms with the Potter crest since you represent my house, third you are forbidden to punish yourselves, if you think you did something wrong speak to me and we will find a solution, fourth you won't exhausted yourselves when working and will take care of you well being, you can also mate with whoever you wish but I need to know about it. Understood?" seeing them nodding vigorously and muttering about great masters I continue "now I would like my wardrobe to be put in its place I will be taking the master bedroom, books in to the library or my study. Blink and Pink take care of my companions, I wish for dinner at 7pm. Here is a list form my healer. Please tell every elf with a bond to me about the rules and that I wish every property clean. Thank you!" Giving the list and waving them off I went to my bedroom for a shower and a change of clothes, these I'm in now will be burnt. 20 minutes later I feel refreshed and clean. Going to my study I see a snack ready for me and my favorite tea, how the house elf's know these things I have no idea, thinking about house elf brought me the thought about Kreacher and Dobby. Maybe they will come. "Kreacher, Dobby" few Moment's later two totally different house elf's are standing before me. "Who is filthy half-blood who calls Kreacher" came the raspy voice from the left at same time as the cheerful "great Harry Potter sir called Dobby even thoughts Dobby is Malfoy' family elf." Dealing with Dobby first seems easier "Dobby if the bond between us is still there and is stronger then with Malfoy's would you like to be a Potter elf?" He bobs his head up and down very quickly, how can he be so energetic? "Then I would like for you to train under Linky she is the head elf. She will explain all the rules to you, thank you Dobby." Seeing Dobby Pop away I take a closer look at Kreacher who looks very tired and filthy maybe I can bring him to be like he was after I moved into Grimmauld place. "Kreacher, I'm the Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black. I want you to listen to me because I will not repeat myself again. I'm actually a pureblood and the head of four houses and the heir to yours, you will respect me. I want to bring the House of Black to his former glory but I can't do it if your are not loyal, your represent our house and yet you look filthy and without manners. From now on you will listen only to me or Lord Black. You and all elf's of House of Black if there are any, if not find some new, will wear an uniform with the Black crest on it. You are forbidden to punish yourself if you did something wrong come to me and we will solve it. Next you are to take care of your health and well being, if you aren't in shape who will take care of the house of Black? I want every property of Black clean and proud. Understood?" Kreacher seems to be torn between awe and disbelief but finally he straightens himself and nods " alright, now that you know the basics. Sirius Black, since he was imprisoned without being convicted is now the Lord Black, he is innocent of all his crimes and I will have him free in the next half a year. I will speak with him about his position as Lord and your treatment. Also I know of the orders from Master Regulus if you give me the locket I will destroy it like he wished of you. But you are not to speak about it to anyone. Okay" now he was looking at me almost in tears, one pop and he was back with the locket. Waving him off I sat behind my desk and started to devour my snack. So many things to do so little time. When should I restore his body or better yet how. Maybe goblin will know, should I wait for Sirius or even tell him about it? So many questions without answers. Thinking about Sirius the face of Remus came to my mind so I decide to write him a letter.

Dear Uncle Moony,
I know my letter is rather unexpected. I wish to meet you and reconnect. But before it can happen please do me a favor and go to Gringotts and ask for Master Sharptounge or Griphook they will be able to help you. After you are done with them they will give you a Portkey that will take you directly to me. Please do this one thing for me. I will explain everything when we meet.

love you
Harvey James Potter-Black

P.s. don't take the letter to Dumbledore or any of his lackey's, please you will understand when we meet.

Signing it with my ring I wrote a quick note for Gringotts about Remus and called for Hedwig.
"Hey girl. Take that for Gringotts first I don't know how hard it will be to find Remus but don't rash, take you time." Hooting and nibbling my ear she took off. Casting a quick Tempus is was almost dinner time. Well now time to relax a bit.

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