Chapter 2

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Italics- letters, articles, etc.
I'm sorry if the dates aren't the same as in the books but I really didn't want to search for all of them so I made them as close to the original as I remembered. This story is AU and some characters may seem a bit OCC as well.
Harry's POV:

After a few minutes of just sitting and looking blankly at the wall behind the desk the parchment with the potion glowed a shade of red/purple and writing appeared. Taking it slowly if it were to bite me, I really wasn't sure I want to know what it says, I started reading.

Inheritance test:

Name: Harvey James Potter-Black
Born: 31st July 1980
Age: 18
Blood status: Pureblood
Magical Core: Gold (Merlin Level)
Father: James Charlus Potter (deceased)
Mother: Lily Jasmine Potter neè Evans neè Hale (deceased)
Blood-adopted Father: Sirius Orion Black (deceased)
Adoption: 07. August 1980 blessed by both birth parents
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black, Severus Snape
Godmother: Alice Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall (all but the last deceased)


Lord to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter (paternal)
Lord to the Most Ancient and Most Nobel House of Black (blood-adoption)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Gryffindor (paternal)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Ravenclaw (maternal)
Lord to the Noble House of Hale (maternal)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Nobel House of Slytherin (by conquest)


Trust Vault (560)
Potter Family Vault (125)
James and Lily Potter's Vault (563)
Black Family Vault (115)
Sirius Black's Vault (670)
Gryffindor Vault (3)
Ravenclaw Vault (5)
Hale Family Vault (230)
Slytherin Vault (4)

more details about the vaults are on bank statements


Potter Manor (unplottable)
Potter Cottage England
Potter Summerhouse Greece
Godric Hollow England
Black Manor (unplottable)
Grimmauld Place 12 London England
Black Cottage France
Black Winterhouse Sweden
Black Beachhouse Italy
Gryffindor Castel (unplottable)
Ravenclaw Castel (unplottable)
Hale Manor Scotland
Hale House German
Hale Cottage Australien
Slytherin Castel (unplottable)

Abilities, Blocks and Potions:

Parseltounge (blocked 10%)
Parselmagic (blocked 90%)
natural Occlumency (blocked 100%)
eidetic memory (blocked 100%)

Core Block (blocked 75%)
Glamour (James Potter image)
Compulsion Charms
Personality Change (laziness,rashness, shame of abusive household)
Loyalty Potion (to Molly,Ronald,Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore)
Hate Potion (to Slytherin, Malfoy Family,
Severus Snape,)
Love Potion keyed to Ginevra Molly Weasley

All Blockes and Potion keyed to A.P.W.B.D

Marriage Contract between Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley signed by Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore and Molly Iris Weasley

After reading the long parchment I felt dizzy and nauseous but above all I felt betrayed and uncontrollable rage. After taking huge breaths for a few minutes to calm down I asked the Goblin question after question.

"Can we remove the blocks and potion? How I am a pureblood? Why was my mother also a Hale? What the hell is that marriage contract? Did they stole something from me?". Ragnarock seems to understand my condition because he doesn't comment, just answers in an angry tone but obviously not directed at me. "Lord Potter ye-"please could you call me Harry?",,of course Harry then call me Ragnarock, yes we can remove all the blocks and potions from your body, for a fee of course. I'm deeply impressed with what you accomplished with these blocks in your life. Your are a pureblood because your mother was in fact adopted therefore the last-name Hale, it is one of the Noble old lines, she found about it after she graduated so not many knew that information. The marriage contract was made in your second year of schooling and would be in affect this summer when Miss Weasley graduates. It is formed with a wrong name and sighed by someone of not Potter blood, so it's null and void. To the last question I'm afraid Harry that yes your were in fact stolen from, here are all the transactions since your parent's deaths."

Giving me another long parchment, I stared reading it and was even more angry. Of course more questions came to me "I want all that money back but I don't want the innocent Weasley involved, how can I claim mine Inheritance and when can we clean me up?" now the Goblin had a very nasty grin on his face when replying "of course we will sized they vault if that's not enough we will work something out for them to repay. You claim it be saying *I your name claim mine Inheritance as mine. So moe it be*. Right after that I will escort you to the ritual chambers and after the cleaning we can move further."

Now on the table were laying six different ring-boxes, taking a huge breath and saying the needed words for claiming, all the rings seized themselves on my right ring finger when put in with a mix of glowing colors. Next came the ritual that was very long and painful, I think I blacked out for a second there but when it was done I felt free, lighter and like a different person. Looking in the mirror I didn't recognize myself. My hair was still black but a bit longer and wavey instead of the bird nest, my cheekbones were more aristocratic and my skin a little bit paler, I was still small no doubt from the malnourishment I received in my childhood, my body was more not feminine but also not very manly although the muscles were there but my most unique trait were my eyes. They were still green but now they were more Avada Kedavra green then ever, they seem to glow and have silver pecks in few places, yes most unique. I love them I can also see without my glasses I didn't know the world could be so clear and detailed. Going back to Ragnarocks office and doing the last paperwork I visited my parents and godfathers vault taking with me letters. Realizing how tired I am I apparated home.
Harvey- an old English name meaning "strong and worthy" or "battle worthy"

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