Chapter 1

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Italics- letters, articles etc.
"Hahaha"- Talking

3P. POV:

Harry was siting now on his sofa in Grimmauld place rereading a letter from Gringotts.

Dear Lord H.J.Potter,

we in Gringotts would like to sincerely apologize  for our unacceptable overlooking of all the irregularities.

We would like to sort everything out with your in person, so any more misunderstandings wouldn't create itself.
We are adding to this letter your accounts statements from last year.

We expect your presence in our bank at the fastest convince.

May your gold always flow and your magic grow.

Head Goblin of the Gringotts Bank
Lord Ragnarock

Deciding that there is no better time than the present, Harry took his cloak and made his way to the bank.

One quick pop and he was strolling down Diagon Ally with his hood on to shield himself from the gawking that would be if someone catches a glimpse of him.
Entering the bank and showing the letter to the first free Teller he found, he was being showed to an office in seconds.
The office was elegant and big, you could see old and expensive furniture, behind the desk was an old looking Goblin who stood once he saw Harry.

"Good Afternoon Lord Potter is good to finally meet you, we are very sorry for our incompetence in regards to you accounts. Please take a seat, where would you like me to start?"

Harry taking his seat and quickly making his mind up where should this conversation start replied "Good Afternoon Lord Ragnarock pleasure to meet you as well. We should probably start with explaining to me what these statements mean, cause I was sure I own only mine trust vault and nothing else also why do you call me a Lord?" after finishing he looked at the Goblin only to see him scowling and confused at least as confused as a Goblin could appear to be.

He started searching through all paperwork he had on his desk and than he pulled a ritual looking dagger and a vial giving both to Harry. "I see there is more to it all than meets the eye Lord Potter. To make it all easier as well as more accurate please let 7 drops of your blood into this vial and than the potion onto this parchment, after a few minutes it will show us your inheritance, abilities and block or potion if you have any. When that is done we will take the conversation further." Harry wasn't sure he wanted to know what that potion will show him but after hesitating for only a moment he pricked his finger, let 7 drops of his blood to fall in to the potion and then sprawling it on the parchment, they waited.

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