Chapter 11

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Severus Snape, Potion Master and Professor   was in his Chambers in Hogwarts when a Snow White owl flew straight towards him. Outstretching his arms she perched herself on it and stuck her foot out. Asking an elf for some water and bacon for the white Beauty he took the letters. Casting detections charms on it out of paranoia from years of pranks and being a spy he opens the first one after seeing it came clear. It was from Gringotts.

Dear Lord Prince,

we invite you for the execution of the Potter will, you a one of the receivers of it. Please come at your nearest convince. We at Gringotts would as well want to discuss some business with the Prince family.

Master Griphook
Account co-manager of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Severus was a bit startled, everyone thought the Will of the Potter to be missing after all.
Noticing two other letters with a note he decided to look at the note first.

Dear Mr. Snape,

My Name is Harvey James Potter-Black and I recently unsealed my parents Will. In their private vault were these two letters addressed to you. In another letter to me both my parents ask me to pass these letters onto you should you be alive. Please accept them.
Also I don't personally know you, but should you be one of they friends please go check yourself with the goblins you may be surprised, I was.

Your godson

Noticing the respectful way the almost 11 year old wrote to him he found himself a bit surprised, more surprising was the signature Godson?. Taking the first letter he assumed it to be from Potter since the second letter he could recognized that handwriting everywhere.

Dear Severus Snape,

I must sincere apologies to you. You don't have to accept it, I know it won't recompense for what we did to you but I wish to do it anyway because you deserve it and it's the right thing to do. We were very immature at school and should never be allowed to pull all these pranks at you. What we did was outright bullying and the Headmaster should do more then just a slap to the hands. I'm really sorry that because of my stupidity you lost you sister in all but blood. Mine behavior towards you is one of my biggest regrets and I hope my son will never grow to be like me in that regards. Please stop him if it where the case. But please don't treat him as a copy of me he his also Lily's son after all. I hope you can find you peace in life.

Lord Potter
James Charlus Potter

Shaking his head in bewilderment, Severus felt somehow better he didn't know that he needed to hear this apology that badly. Taking the last letter that he knew was from his beloved little sister he tore it and started reading.

Dear Sev,

My dear brother, I'm so sorry for being so stubborn and not accepting you apology then. I shouldn't be that thick headed about it taking the situation and emotional state you were in saying that word to me. I regretted my actions very quickly but was too proud and stubborn to come to you. Maybe you would never find yourself in that dark situation you were.
We named you godfather to our son Harvey. With Sirius and Remus he will need someone responsible to guide him. Please protect my baby. He is innocent after all and I don't believe much of what Dumbledore told us, he behaved strange, my motherly instinct are telling me he has not good intentions toward my Harvey. Look out for him please, maybe he will be able to help you as well. Don't grieve for me long, brother live your life and find love.

Love you always

Wiping away the tear that roll down on his cheek Severus reread the letter twice and could not believe it, he was made godfather to Lily's son and didn't know it! He could have raise him or be close to him. Dumbledore didn't tell him about this, and he knows somehow everything!
Taking the letter from Gringotts and checking the time he noticed he didn't have any classes today anymore. Fire-calling Minerva quickly telling her he needs to go out for a few hours, he went out of Hogwarts and apparated.

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