Chapter 19

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Three days later the unconscious man awoke. Looking around confused he noticed he was in a stone room that looked like an infirmary and he was in a bed feeling rather weak, confused and overwhelmed in his mind. Moment later two goblins entered his room "Well met. My name is Sharptounge and this is Healer Sharpwitts, also my mate. She will check you, in the meantime I will explain your situation to you understand?" waiting for the nod he continued "you Mr.Riddle committed one of the most grave crimes against magic, hurting your soul, then when you attacked an innocent child we believe Mother Magic punished you, banishing you from your body for 10 years. Now that night you created an accidentally living Horcrux. After we discovered it said person decided to put you soul back together. We did the ritual three days ago since then you have been unconscious and your magic adjusting. Both you magic and body will be weak for quite some time. Any questions?" Sharptounge observed the man the whole time he spoke and noted the confusion as well as overwhelming, but didn't feel very sympathetic. Giving the man time to think he turned to his mate instead, noticing she had his attention she showed him the results "it will take time before his magic or body will be at his peak, his body in few moths but his magic a will take a bit longer, he his gold level but even then the ritual takes a lot. I suspect his mind will also need recovering and coming with terms with everything. Here is a list of potions for him to take and lists of workout he should do. He should be also mostly resting for at least a month." Nodding to his mate he looked at her taking her leave, giving his attention to the man back he was bombarded with questions.

Tom Marvolo Riddle in the time the goblins spoke to each other was trying to think about his situation. He was back in his body although looking at his hands he was younger then he should be. His mind was all unorganized so it was hard to think clearly, but he knew he had a memory or maybe a dream of a lady whispering to him what he did was wrong but she understands and forgives, for him to do what he first wanted and not to shout down positiv feelings. Noticing he had the goblin attention again he stared asking questions "Well met Master Sharptounge. Why had Potter restored my soul? How old I'm am? What are the consequences? What about my heritage? What are my options?" Taking a breath he waited for the answer noticing that the goblin was looking with him with some distant but understanding from where it came from. Sharptounge on the other hand was rather amused be the question fire even if he didn't like this human for the moment. So he spoke in rather cold tone "for your first question human you need to ask Lord Potter. Your body is currently about 22/23 years old, your body is weak as is your magic.  You will need to rest for at least a month, take potion and to a workout and even then it will some moths for your body to be at you peak and even longer for your magic even if it's strong, that's the price of the ritual. Your heritage is untouched even when Lord Potter had the right to it trough the right of conquest. You have two choices but I'm sure you will take the second." The goblin paused for a moment looking into the humans eyes seeing them sharp even in this situation his disliked lessen a tiny bit, so he continued "you first option is to be who you are Tom Marvolo Riddle and change nothing but your age or we could change you name and forge some papers about you past, do the inheritance test and claim your heritage and go into the world free. Think about it and I will come back tomorrow, know you should eat and rest or my mate will skin me alive." With that said the goblin turned around and left.
Tom was lost in thoughts after that he absentmindedly eat his meal and thought about what to do. He knew he need a knew name and a story of his life but first he needed to meditate and sort out his memories.

Taking on a relaxed pose he went into his mind scape noticing how fractured it was. Crack were present in few places and dark corners in other, never a good sign. First he relaxed and calmed himself down, then stared with his memories after the first Horcrux these were easy to sort. Then came memories after school these were a bit harder, he noticed the first signs of his paranoia, then came even more memories were he was losing himself until he finally came to the memories at the end of the war and the fated Samhain night. He couldn't believe that he actually killed so many people and attacked a defenseless toddler. Organizing and restoring rest of the memories he came back from his mind noticing he took four hours to do so, he slump into an uneasy sleep.

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