Chapter 6

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Italics- letters,articles, etc.
This story will probably be slash between

"I will claim my rings first, what will happen since I am still ten years old?" Harvey finally answered. "Well Mr.Potter there aren't any laws at what age you can claim your Lordships since the rings test your worthiness and if you are worthy at age 10 then nobody can do anything against it. If they claim you then you will become automatically emancipated, although you can appoint someone as you proxy and magical guardian of sorts." Nodding he took a breath and said "I Harvey James Potter-Black claim my Lordships of Potter, Hale, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and claim my Heirship as Black heir. As is my right by blood, by law and magic. So I want it so moe it be." There was a mix of colors as the rings came one after the other on his right ring finger and each time Harvey felt a pulse of magic and heard a hum of approval. "Now I would like for you or Griphook to be my account manager and sort out my finances. I would like to invest in new business and these that don't made profit to sell. 10% of what you make will go to Gringotts and 5% to the manager. Next I want to be the holder of most shares in Daily Prophet but that doesn't need to happen very quick. My parents Will, I want them unsealed and executed to you best abilities. Now what can we do about Sirius Black case?" The goblin sat there still shocked about the finances part but put himself fast together and made some arrangements on the paperwork's. " of course Lord Potter. Myself and Griphook will be joint account managers since you have so many and some of them were neglected for centuries. Now the shares of Daily Prophet shouldn't be too hard to get since between Potter and Black you have 45%. I can have the majority by the time you are on Hogwarts Express. Your parents Will's can be unsealed only with your blood since Chief Warlock sealed them. Now that you are here we can do just that, as I know that inside is proof, for Sirius Black was never the Secret Keeper. We can gave it to the Head of DMLE together with an anonym tip about a certain rat but it will take time. The trial will probably be about the time you start Hogwarts, maybe a bit sooner. At least he will be taken to a cell in the ministry. What else?"
Harvey took all the information given and nodded, slowly processing what else needs to be done.
"I think that's all for now. I want to go the the vaults before I go shopping and for that I will need the bank card. Also I want to be informed of all the progress, Also I would like the copy of the results of my inheritance test, health check-up as well as my parents Will."
Standing up and taking the documents Harvey bowed to the Goblin "May you Gold flow and your Enemies Fall Master Sharptounge." The goblin bowed back a bit lower "May you Magic grow and enemies tremble in fear." Going to the vaults he took the letters like last time, as well as every book that Harvey took notice to. Going out of the bank without any disguise, since he was almost unrecognizable Harvey made his way to Madam Malkin's for a whole new wardrobe, after that came stationary store, Flourish & Blotts where Harvey bought every book that caught his eye, then the last shops where the Eeylops Owl Emporium where Hedwig waited for him again and Magical Menagerie where he found a small red snake with emerald spots. Taking all his shrunken things he thought about Potter Manor and portkeyed away.

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