Chapter 18

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Time flew for Harvey in a blurry. His days coexisted from learning everything he should know and training to exchanging letters with Aunt Andromanda, Godfather Sev and having an actual childhood. He finally found a name for his Snake companion, Hades, the snake was very satisfied with it. His lawyer finally stopped the printing of the Harry Potter series and these that very already in shops were put into the fantasy section, he also received 45% of the income from every use of his name. The process of making Sirius have a trial was slow going but not in a Stillstand. Finally today Harvey has a meeting with goblins about Tom.

Harvey in his dark blue semi formal robes was on the way to Gringotts. Nodding to the guards a Goblin waited already for him to extort him to the office.

After formal greetings the meeting began. "Lord Potter what can we do for you today?" asked a curious Sharptounge Harvey took a moment to think about how to form his question. "As in my test states I have a Horcrux in me but I have also a second one in my possession. I know that creating these is a crime against magic and should be punished, but I also think that being a spirit for 10 years is a punishment enough and understand his fears. So I would like to know if there is a way to bring him back in the way he should be and if he would be as he was before these things?"
Silence took over the office both goblins looking rather thoughtful. Harvey was nervous but didn't show it much. He really hoped there was a way to bring Tom back without his insanity. Finally after a few minutes Sharpblade being the older goblins responded with quite a grim tone "yes Lord Potter we Goblins do have a way to bring him, after all our Race specialize not only in finances but also rituals. You are also right that hurting ones soul in that way is a grave mistake but I also believe that his current predicament is Lady Magic's way of punishment." Here he took a moments pause to think about his next words and the consequences. "As for the ritual, well we would need the first made Horcrux, since that one is the biggest part, it would ask be painful for you as the one in you would come out, it would be best to put you to sleep. After the ritual is done we can't say how old he would be looking, it would be lady's magic decision, but he would be like a new born with his intellect and feelings in tact but weak, it would take time for him to be at his peak again. We would need to make a new identity for him for a fee of course after an inheritance test." the explanation ended and Harvey now had a problem how did he get the Diary from the Malfoy's, suddenly he had an idea, gesturing for the Goblins to wait he called out "Dobby!" A pop and the ever energetic House elf stood "how can Dobby help great Harvey sir?" Harvey looked fondly at him but in a serious voice asked "I have an important mission for you Dobby, as a former Malfoy House elf you could you bring me a black diary with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle on it from their Manor?" Dobby bobbed his head and vanished reappearing only moment later with said dairy in hands "here great Master Harvey sir, can Dobby be more of help?" Shaking his head at waving Dobby away he turned toward goblins "here is his first Horcrux, are we able to do the ritual today? I leave the identity and such to him." Griphook took the diary and looked at his elder who nodded and gestures for them to follow. Going deeper into Gringotts they arrived in a stone chamber were a few goblins in white tunics we're talking. Sharptounge exchanged a few sentence with them in their mother language. Then Harvey was being taken to a ritual circle and cast to sleep, the diary was placed in another circle in the middle and five goblins were surrendering both. Then they started chanting in an ancient tongue and after a while from Harvey's scar came a black mist going straight to the middle circle. Not few moment later a white light exploded and after fading an unconscious body of a handsome man in his early 20's was left laying on the cold stone. Griphook took the man to their infirmary and Sharptounge awoke Harvey after checking all his vitals. He awoke rather confused but then remembered what they did and quickly looked at Sharptounge after receiving all information he decided to return home and relax since he too felt rather weak.

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