Chapter 13

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Harvey sat in his office reading yet another book this time about the history of the Wizengamot, when a big black owl came with a letter for him. Before taking it he casts a few detections spell on it, coming clean he took it telling the owl about the treats in the Owlery.
Opening it Harvey was a bit surprised recognizing the elegant handwriting.

Dear Harvey,

I was surprised to receive your letter, but nonetheless thankful. I was at Gringotts as you recommended and was surprised not only about the parts your parents left me but about my role in your life. The headmaster never told me about it and I'm sure he knew, he told me and all that asked that you were with a loving family and a spoilt prince, probably just like James. Hearing it I never suspected anything else but now I would like to meet you and form a godfather bond with you if you are not against it, I also have a few questions.

Your Godfather
Severus Prince

Harvey thought what to do, but he really respected his former/future Potions master and owns him much. The idea of another godfather was also to his liking, he may be mentally 18 but he still had issues from his relatives. Deciding to invite him to his home tomorrow at 10 am. and telling him the true he penned a quick letter to send later.
Decking to take a break from his book he took another parchment to write to a good lawyer that Griphook recommended.

Dear Mr. Williams,

You were recommended to me by a dear goblin friend. I would like to meet with you and ask about you service with hopefully a contract between us at the end of the meeting.
I'm sure my age will surprise you but I hope it will not come between the chance of working together.

With regards
Harvey James Potter-Black
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter
Heir and Lord Apparent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black

Sealing it with both family seals he left at the side with the letter to Severus. Looking at the time he noticed it's time for some lunch. Taking both letters to send on the way to the dining room he went out.

In Hogwarts a certain potion Master was a bit distracted correcting students homework. He couldn't stop thinking about his godson and what his reply will be right then the beautiful white owl came. Taking the letter eagerly he tore into it.

Dear Uncle Sev,

can I call you that? I would be happy to form a bond with you and to know each other better. I have so many things to tell you, that's why I would be happy if you could come tomorrow at 10 am. to my home, I included a permanent portkey with the password
" Veritaserum" on a black armband, although we can later change it to your liking. If you are busy please let me know we can change it.

Your godson

Looking at his timetable he has classes in the afternoon so he can spend a few hours with his godson. Excitement build in him but also anxiety if they can get along and be close. With Draco his other godson it's easier since he has his the same interest in potion and he knew that little brat from toddler. Deciding to finish his work and to some light reading afterwards.

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