Secrets of Desire

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The doorbell rang and Armin immediately jumped up from the sofa, grinning broadly.
"She's here."
They opened the door and a smiling Mikasa immediately wrapped her arms around them.
"It's so good to see you two!"
"Wow, Mikasa. You look so different." Armin lightly punched her. "You used to have longer hair. Some guy break your heart?"
"Shut up," she snorted, blushing. Then she teasingly stuck her tongue out. "On the contrary…"
- The two boys gasped-
"I'm kind of in a relationship."
"Kind of?" Eren's eyes glowed "You didn't pick a punk, did you? I swear, if he told you to cut it-"
"Eren, relax." Mikasa sighed and put her bags down. "It's not like that."
"Well, who is it? Can we meet him?" Armin asked eagerly.
"No, bad luck. He lives 5 hours away from here."
She sat down on a chair and smiled at her best friends. "Well? You gonna offer me something to drink?"
"Oh, right!" Eren poured her a glass of water and gave it to her. She gratefully gulped it down, then set it down on the table and studied her brother's face.
"What in the world happened to you?"
"What?" Eren recoiled, infuriated.
"You seem…" she narrowed her eyes "so weird. Like you lost your virginity or something."
Before Eren could react, Armin gasped "A girl's instinct! Does that mean…"
Mouth agape, he slowly turned to look at Eren "Did it with…"
"No!!!" Eren yelled, feeling his face burn up. Just the thought of getting intimate with Levi turned his insides to jelly.
"Who?" Mikasa's eyes flashed, although less ferociously than in the past, when she would hear about anyone flirting with her brother.
"Whom." Armin said in a small voice, not being able to help himself.
"It's the CEO of the bank I work at. It's nothing, Armin just likes to ship us for some reason."
"Oh, okay. I thought it was another one of those bar guys who look at you funny. Even so, you should be careful. Those bigshots like to...control people."
Behind her, Armin flashed Eren one of his rare evil grins, thinking of more meaning behind that sentence.
Calm down, Eren thought, This is not Fifty Shades of Gray, and it never will be.
"Eren, are those documents ready?" Levi power-walked over to his subordinate's desk and leaned on it.
"Ah yes, they're done. I just wanted to review them by Sasha once and I'll give it to you."
Levi nodded, his face expressionless as ever. Eren wanted him to speak more, because- and he was too embarrassed to even admit it to himself- he loved that deep, manly voice of his. It sent chills down his spine which he forcefully tried to suppress.
Levi glanced at the clock. "Lunchtime." Was all he said before he walked away. Eren felt a pang of disappointment. He had been hoping to dine with him once before he died of old age.
But Levi had only gone over to his desk to put his files back in place. Once that was done, he went over to Eren again.
Eren's back was facing him. Levi tapped him on the shoulder, which made Eren jump hard and yelp.
"What the hell, Jäeger!"
"Sorry! I was just startled." Eren giggled nervously.
"Well, brat, I want to discuss something about the overdraft fees, so you're coming with me to Euphoria." That was the name of the cafe near their bank, where successful deals were celebrated over.
"Oh, okay." Eren tried to appear nonchalant, but inside he was screaming with pleasure. Oh man, I can't wait to see the others' faces when they see me going to have lunch with him.
"And see that you don't bring one of your shit friends with you." Levi narrowed his brilliant blue-grey eyes and handed a file to Eren. As the latter reached out to take it, their fingers accidentally brushed. A jolt of electricity coursed its way through Eren's fingers and down his body. He tried not to look flustered as Levi eyed him with suspicion, then watched him walk away, breathing hard. What in the world was that? Why am I overreacting so damn much? He put on a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat wildly just from  that simple touch.
Minutes later, Eren found himself making his way over to the cafe with its wood panels and soft lighting. He went inside and felt the familiar scent of coffee and bread and bagels waft up his nose, instantly making him calmer. All that went to waste when he saw Levi at one of the tables, one elbow on the back of the chair, his steely eyes fixed on him. Eren clenched his jaw and tried to suppress his acclerated heartbeat as he made his way over to him, forcing a smile.
"Well, at least you got here on time. Brat." Levi scoffed. Eren was getting used to his attitude, so he decided on a small smile as he pulled pack the other chair.
"What did you order, si...I mean, Mr.Ackerman?"
"Black tea for both of us."
Eren tried not to wince visibly at Levi's preferences, but he still got a threatening glare from him.
"No coffee?" Eren asked innocently.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. This is not your cheesy morning breakfast." His voice was grumpy, but there was a small light of amusement in those eyes. Eren tried not to stare too hard at them, for he just knew that it would bring on a blush to his face.
"So, you wanted to talk about something?"
"Yeah." Levi's voice was low and seductive, and Eren found himself trying hard not to get aroused. He wondered what was wrong with him.
"About last night..."
Eren felt his eyes widen. What did happen last night? He had made sure to apologise to Levi that morning for being drunk and useless, but he didn't remember a thing about what happened when he was drunk.
Come to think of it, he only grunted when I came to apologise for the trouble.
"You recall anything?"
Eren shook his head apologetically. "Again, if I said or did something inappropriate, then I'll extremely sor-"
"Stop it, brat." Levi snapped "You don't need to apologise to me every single time. I heard you the first time."
Eren hesitated, feeling his intense stare on him. "Then why did you call me here?"
"Well, if you don't remember anything, then I can't help you." Levi propped his elbows on the table and put his chin on his interlocked fingers. He's closer than before, A small voice inside Eren sang.
"So...should I be knowing what happened?" he asked timidly, raising his eyes.
That's when all the breath was sucked out of his lungs as he watched the corners of Levi's lips turn up into a slow, mysterious smile. He was so alluring that Eren had to resist the urge to grab his shirt and kiss him. Levi said the next words in a voice so seductive that he felt his whole body catch on fire.
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know, brat."

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