Mischief & Maturity

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My breath caught in my throat.
The raven noticed me. His eyes widened for a moment, then went back to their impassive state.
"Good, you're here." He inched closer to me. Cautiously.
The urge to touch him was maddening. It was morning, and we were in the hallway again, the result of me trying to find him the moment I put my bag on my seat.
I reached out my hands towards his face, but he put a hand on my chest. "Not now. Reporters are here. I want you to sit with me."
"I'll do it quickly-"
"Eren, shut up and come with me. You can't yet."
"But you told me the cctv guy will delete the recording..." I started but he cut me off. "No means no. Learn to control yourself when it's necessary. Now, are you coming or do you want to stay here feeling like a dumbfuck?"
The irritation in his eyes reminded me that I shouldn't mess with him so much.
"No, sir." I said quietly. "I'm coming."

I couldn't deny the sinking feeling of disappointment that our meeting hadn't gone as in my dream. Still, had I really expected that dream to come true? That was highly unlikely me- to believe that such things were real.
"Come over after you reach home...." Levi's voice was so soft I barely heard it as we went into his office. My heart thudded at once as his words sunk in.
Yes yes yes.
A group of people with cameras and files looked up at us as we entered. They looked surprised to see me, a young whippersnapper, with the CEO they wanted to interview.
"Good morning." They wished and I introduced myself after greeting them back. Levi repeated the greeting in a murmur.
He settled down at his desk and I took a seat beside him, feeling nervous under the judgemental gazes of the reporters and cameramen.
"Alright Mr.Ackerman, thank you so much for your time again. Ilse Langnar and Moblit Berner here." The woman with short black hair flashed a smile at us. The man with the brownish blonde hair did the same. "Please don't mind the cameras. Thank you for giving us your valuable time. So first question, sir: We wanted to talk about the conflict between your bank and- I'm sorry, is there a problem, Mr.Jaeger?" Ilse looked at me with confusion written all over her face.
I gripped my seat with force, making my knuckles go white as I desperately tried to straighten my face in a neutral one.
"I'm sorry, please continue." I tried to sound calm, which was hard as hell considering Levi's hand was now suddenly resting on my thigh under the table. I never thought he would do a thing like that.
"As I was saying, there's been a conflict of interest between the bank and one subsidiary, Fritz Financial. Can you clarify?"
"There's no overlap between us, simply put." Levi replied monotonously. "Fritz takes slightly higher risk and charges higher rates. They're compensated by lower cost structure. In the last decade, no such case has come to me, none that I know of." He squeezed my thigh with the last few words, sending chills up and down my spine. I almost groaned at his touch, but no. He wanted me to break for some reason. I gritted my teeth, determined not to let him get his way.
The reporters kept asking him questions, and with each carefully-worded answer his fingers kept inching up more and more. I really thought my lip would start bleeding with the force I was biting it, but nope. It wasn't enough.
"What about the future? Can the bank have one without you?" Ilse asked eagerly.
"Well, the entry barrier could change and we have to be prepared for such a situation. We can improve user experience to match the-"
The next thing I knew, he had begun stroking my crotch, so teasingly it actually started making me hard. He was just so suggestive with those fingers. I bit my tongue hard as I took in a forceful breath and aggressively ran a hand through my hair. But unfortunately the action just made me think of his hands in my hair as we did secretive things in his office and in bed, and then suddenly my pants had become the most uncomfortable thing to wear. He finished talking as if nothing was wrong.
"Mr.Jaeger, you don't look too good." The guy called Moblit looked at me in concern and slight frustration. "Please do not force yourself to sit here."
"Yes, if you're not enjoying it, please leave." Levi added curtly. I looked at him square in the face. You bastard.
"I'm fine, just a-" I swallowed "-stomachache. My apologies for disturbing you."
"Please, we were just worried." Ilse smiled and turned back to Levi, who was staring at me sideways with an unreadable emotion in his eyes.
He gripped the tent down south hard and I clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle my audible gasp. Squeezing my eyes tightly didn't do shit. Slight pants came out of me as he started grinding it with his fingers. I was pretty sure I looked high as fuck sitting there.
"Do you have a veto on your successor?" Moblit asked.
"I don't, but I assume that what I say will have a lot of weight." As he said that, his palm pressed down on my crotch and a gasp escaped me. The two interviewers nodded with satisfaction.
"That will be all. Thank you so much again, sir." Everyone got up and started to file out except us two.
"Oh, and please don't forget to send us a photo by evening." Moblit called out as he left.
"What photo?" I asked Levi.
"For the newspaper. I told them I'd send one myself. I don't need some big-ass cameras in my face. That's why...." Levi opened a drawer and took out an expensive looking camera. "You'll take one for me. Right now."
I scoffed. "Bold of you to ask a favour from me after what you did."
"Oh, that?" He slowly raised an eyebrow. "Nonsense, you enjoyed it. I can clearly still see that. That was small revenge for what you pulled in my video conference during our trip. Besides, this is not a favour, it's an order. Now get over here."
"All right." I sighed. Truth to be told, I really wanted to take his picture.
He stood beside the glass panes, sunlight illuminating one side of his face. He looked breathtaking, save for the usual grumpy expression. I raised the camera.
"You know, you could try smiling a little."
"I'm not going to." He grumbled.
"You smiled when you made the first move on me. Remember that morning three months ago, after we ran away from that Sanders guy?"
"That was different, and you were the one who made the first move."
"How come?" I lowered the camera to frown at him.
"The night before, you started flirting with me after a few sips of your tequila."
"Wait!" Heat rose to my face. No wonder he hadn't told me about it the next day. "What kind of flirting?"
"Well, something like 'please throw me onto your table Mr.CEO' or some shit like that, then getting all close to me and whispering shit in my ears-"
"Enough!" I rapidly shook my head. My god, that was so embarrassing. "I don't wanna hear any more. Can I please take your photo now, sir?"
I focused the camera till he couldn't look any more stunning. His expression was softer now, and more inviting, the sunlight making him sparkle in some way.
"Perfect." I breathed and snapped a photo. After a moment of thought I quickly took another one. Just for myself.
"Done?" Levi put the camera back in the drawer, then turned towards me, scrutinizing my face. "Good to see you again, brat."
"Yeah." I closed the distance between us, gently pressing my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my waist. His familiar scent hit me again and I smiled into his lips.
"The hell, brat?" He bit my lip. I shivered and tightened my hold on him.
"Let's go out tonight." I murmured.
He pulled back to look at me. "I was gonna say that. What did you have in mind?"
"Like a cafe or something." I brushed our noses together. "Wherever you like."
"Hmm, is that so?" He tilted his head and pecked my lips again. "Then let's go to a club."
"Woah." I laughed. "Can't say no to that."
"Then we have an agreement. Go straight home in the evening. I'll pick you up. We'll go somewhere where hopefully no one will recognize me."
"You're the boss." I was about to kiss him again when Gunther's voice abruptly crackled on the intercom.
"Sir, your meeting with Mr.Floch."
"Send him in after five minutes." Levi called. Then he detached himself from me. "Better get going, Eren."
"Yeah, see you. And tell me all about Japan tonight." I grinned and left the office.

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