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"Now I've done it." I clenched my fists and felt my nails dig into my palms.
"What do you mean? I thought I told you to only find out what had happened." Erwin frowned me from the pillar he was leaning against. Outside the restaurant, the surprisingly cold summer night air chilled my skin and made me realise that my jacket was still in the bathroom. I shook my head "That reminds me, I have to bribe the cctv guy to keep that recording hidden. I also have to look at it myself. That will be on my list for tomorrow."
"Tomorrow's Sunday. Try to chill out. And stop talking like a robot. Are you gonna talk to Eren?"
"I'm not going to do anything." I replied before he could finish his sentence. "I feel like another piece of shit living in filth. You know, the ones who get hard at the thought of human trafficking. Goddammit, this is some absolute fuckery. I'll have to increase work hours now."
Erwin rolled his eyes "It's not like you to be this dramatic. Seriously Levi, you're still not over the past?"
At his words, something snapped inside me. I took a step towards him and swung my fist towards his face.
He caught it as I had expected and held it there. I glared at him, and he looked at me equally calmly. My arm trembled.
"What a scandal, sir." He whispered "The well-known successful CEO is having an affair with his subordinate? What will people think, is your concern?"
I ground my teeth. The muscles in my arm were burning "I don't give a fuck about them. They can think whatever they want. I do give a fuck about him, though. And that's why I'm going to stay away from him, you understand? Erwin, let go. I won't hit you."
"Good." He released me and I stepped back, massaging my arm "I told you never to speak about it. Why did you bring it up?"
The blondie's shoulders slumped "Well, you-"
"Levi?" The annoyingly familiar voice of Eren behind me made me freeze. I gave Erwin one last glare that told him to shut up and turned around to look at Eren. He had our jackets in his arms and he gave mine to me, the tips of his ears turning red "H-here, it's cold." Our fingers brushed when I took it from him, and I saw him bite his lip. The image made me feel warm. Not affectionate warm, but lustful warm. I quickly averted my eyes, feeling dirtier by the second.
"Erwin, I presume?" He gave my best friend a practiced smile and extended his hand "Eren Jaeger."
"Yes, I know." Erwin gave me a knowing smile. I snorted and looked away.
"So you're the one who sent Levi to me?"
Erwin blanched, then nodded "Exactly. You two had a misunderstanding, so in order to clear it up I wished to be of assisstance to him."
"What misunderstanding?" Eren frowned, the confusion visible in his clear turquoise eyes "Wait, do you mean-"
"That's enough." I said shortly "It's already late. Don't you need to sleep, Eren? You too, Erwin."
"Actually, I do have a presentation tomorrow..." Erwin tapped his chin in pretend thought, his act all too obvious. I looked at Eren "You go ahead and wait by my car. I'll catch up. I need to talk to you."
He nodded, looking somewhat disappointed, and left quickly. I guess he had to obey his superior even outside work space.
"Erwin, I'm serious." I watched him leave- the one who was different than anyone else I knew, who made me actually interested about talking to a bunch of idiots every day at work, who did things to me and made me feel like no one could ever do in all my 30 years of life. Everything I had always deemed stupid when other people felt it.
"You might find all this very exciting, but the reality is that we can't always do whatever we want. You know this more than anybody else. You...saw it." I swallowed and inhaled deeply "He's a brat and a complete idiot sometimes, but the truth is...Shit, I can't believe I'm saying this- but I can't detach myself from him completely. For obvious reasons, I need to place his needs over mine. He's still an inexperienced little shit.  I-" My voice cracked for the first time in years, and I felt Erwin's warmth as he wrapped his arms around me. We hadn't hugged like this in years. I allowed myself to take in the feel of his much bigger built against mine. Again, for the first time in a long while, I started to feel like I still had family.
"Do what you need to do." He murmured softly in my hair. I closed my eyes briefly to feel the vibrations from my head and then untangled myself from him.
"But, you know.." He looked at me directly now, his blue eyes grim  "Make sure you don't regret it afterwards."

My fingers drummed anxiously against my leg, waiting for Levi to come. I was standing beside his Jaguar in the parking lot, trying to ignore the chauffeur who was politely staring at me. Petra and the others had already went home, and Hanji had only left after I'd promised her that we'd meet again.
I still couldn't process what I'd overheard between Erwin and Levi when I had gone to look for them. Levi was going to stay away from me? Had I been that bad at the dominance? No, that couldn't be. His face had definitely been doused in pleasure. The memory made me shiver.
"Well, the kissing was pretty fucking excellent..." I murmured.
Than I saw him walking towards me. I almost called out to him before I saw his face. He looked like he was going to a funeral.
"Hey..." I smiled when he came near me and blushed automatically. For some reason, his brooding face made him look hotter than usual.
"I'm going to get straight to the point." He spoke coldly "Forget what happened in this place. We're not continuing whatever we did. My orders. It was a drunken mistake. For the good of the company, I won't let any distraction get in the way."
I was dumbfounded. I was a distraction? I tried not to look pleased and focused on the problem "You don't like being with me?"
"That's not the point!" He raised his voice, shocking me further. It was the first time I'd seen him this angry. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me close. Through tightly clenched teeth, he growled "Listen up, kid. This bank is all I have left of my parents. I won't let anything happen to it." He released me and continued "Intimacy is not an option. If you persist I'll get us both fired. Now accept it and make this less harder for me." He paused "I didn't say that."
A gust of wind sent my hair scattering in all directions. I looked at the shorter man in front of me. He was standing there, waiting for a reply. My chest tightened painfully.
"What about breaks?" My voice came out strangled "Can we...do it during break, and/or lunch? Just after work? Oh, and/or when we work out?" The thought of making out in the gym was arousing.
"We'll see about that. If the bonuses are good this year, then I'll consider it. For that I'll make you work harder than ever."
I couldn't believe it. I still had a chance! Again, I controlled myself and tried to sound calm. "Thank you."
"Whatever." He scoffed.
We stood there for a while in extremely awkward silence.
"I-I should leave." I said just to get away from him. "Can I ask one question, though?"
"Shoot." He said.
"How was it?" I tried to give him a sly grin, but it probably came out as a wince. He noticed it too. "You look like you just took a massive shit. What's up with that?"
"Sorry!" I cleared my throat and after after a bit of hesitation put one hand on the small of his back and gripped his waist with the other. He didn't protest, just observed me. Slowly, I lowered myself to press my lips against the shell of his ear and give it a quick lick before whispering "Tell me what you thought of it."
"Nngh.." The sound he made gave me the confidence to go further. But before I could go any further, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me off him to look at me. Turquoise met grey and a hint of red appeared on his cheeks "Flawless as it was, I do believe in taking turns." He tilted his head and looked up at me through his lashes "Next time, I'll be the one to take the lead."
Next time...
My heart raced faster than it ever had.
He placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned past me to open the door of his car "Good night, Eren."
My eyes followed him as he adjusted himself on the plush leather. Then we both stopped and looked at the chauffeur, whom we had completely forgotten about. He was still staring at us, his face red and one of utter astonishment.


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