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I set my work bag down with a heavy thud and a sigh in the passenger seat and started the car, eager to get to the apartment as quick as possible. A fellow professor passed by my window, smiled and raised his hands at me briefly before moving on. I merely turned my the corners of my lips up at his receding back.

As my car sped up into the darkness, I gripped the steering wheel harder, taking deep breaths in order to guide my thoughts into logical formations. All I could think about was getting to Eren. I had cancelled my date with Annie fifteen minutes ago just so I could be with Eren tonight, and every other night that he needed me. I really liked Annie, she was kind and witty, but I had to prioritise my best friend for now.

Unlocking the door with fumbling hands, I pushed it open and raced inside after taking off my shoes. Eren was probably in the bedroom, as he always was for a while now. I didn't pry.

I made my way into the kitchen, hoping to make a quick dinner for us and to my astonishment I bumped into him.
"Eren!" I brushed my blonde bangs out of my eyes, a hand on my chest from the small jumpscare. He blinked widely at me.
"Oh, hey, how was work?" The voice that came out of his slightly agape mouth was raspy, like he had not talked for days. Either that or he had been screaming his throat out, I wasn't sure which one.
"It was fine, but what were you doing?"

He shrugged. "Dinner, I guess. I felt bad for you, you know. Always taking care of me and stuff. So um, I think I'll just.... uh.. wait a sec, I need to go to the bathroom." He frowned and brushed past me, a hand coming up to comb through his hair which was sticking out in random directions. Even more than usual.

I gulped, feeling like I was being suffocated to death by watching him every day. I didn't dare ask him why he had suddenly left me to entertain his half-brother two days ago, and why he hadn't come back that night.
Why I had found him collapsed onto the couch at 6, all sweaty and bedraggled.

All I could do was stare helplessly at his frighteningly pale, haggard face mornings and evenings.
At least you don't have to prepare the food tonight, a voice chided. I shut it down quickly, feeling the burn of shame for even thinking this.

Dinner was horrible.

And not just the general atmosphere. The food made me want to cry. It wasn't exactly disgusting bad, but something about it was so off I wasn't entirely sure if I was comfortable consuming it.

"It's okay, Armin. You don't need to hide how much you're grimacing." The unnaturally empty voice made my heart palpitate, and I instantly wanted to kick myself in the face. Why the hell was I acting like this? I could've at least pretended to enjoy the potentially edible stuff in in my plate. Why did I have to hurt him at a time when he was obviously struggling?

"Sorry, it's a flavour I'm not used to."

"I know what you mean. It's personally the worst thing that has ever touched my mouth, even worse than the time that moth decided to kiss me." I watched in a burst of relief as the corners of his lips pulled up, then felt slight horror as his grin kept widening. And widening. And widening till it became borderline disturbing, till I had to fight hard to quench the uncanny shiver that shot down my body.

Just as quickly, his mouth drooped down, showing no signs of having smiled in the last second.
Knots of unease twisted in my stomach. Something was definitely wrong with him.

It was Saturday night, but that meant nothing to us anymore. He'd called in sick and hadn't gone to work since that night. It was slowly killing me inside, the fact that Eren was not able to confide in me anymore. But I didn't dare ask him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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