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Play when you see the (+)

I gawked up at the stage in awe as the second shock of the day hit me in the face, this time more figurative.
Was Levi going to sing?
He was wearing all black, with only his white dress shirt and fair skin contrasting the colour. Along with that, what looked like white paper- or were they bandages?- was wrapped around his eyes.
"It's Masked Bitch!" A girl next to me squealed.
I recognised Hanji and Mike on either side of him in further surprise.
And then he started to sing. (+)
Levi put his lips to the mike, his eyes closed, and sung the first notes in his deep, sexy voice. It felt like his voice had dropped an octave lower. I started breathing hard.
"Ah, it's truly irritating
I'm dizzy from a damaged everyday routine
That face, look and voice are all so unpleasant
I hate this
Fate, miracles- there's no way they exist
I've stopped expecting anything." His voice dripping with seduction, he opened his eyes, the grey in them burning with a passion I'd never seen before. The bandages had slipped a little. His movements were getting rougher. Every vibration of his voice from the speakers was felt in my body, leaving me hypnotised and unable to take my eyes off him.
"Keep piling up your obsession
Close your eyes, catch your breath."
His recorder voice sang the chorus with him. Every word that escaped his sensuous lips sent the blood rushing towards my lower region.
"Let me feel you so much it hurts." He moaned this part, causing every cell of my body screaming to go over to him, but I held my ground.
His skin glistened, coated with a layer of sweat. My legs had a mind of their own as they started walking forwards towards the stage.
Music played briefly while he moved his hips, and then his part started again.
"Ah, it's truly bothersome
This twisted world of reality
That large back, those slender fingers
They don't have to become mine."
"Oh, but they do..." I whispered, my temperature going up faster and faster.
"Passion? Jealousy? As if
I can't become her."
My heart twisted painfully at his words. Of course didn't know it was my adopted sister who had kissed me. He must have thought it was my ex or someone. What a sight that must have been, dear god.
"I get it
So don't look at me like that."
I felt the prick of tears in my eyes as he sung this. Every part of me wanted to jump onto that stage and smother him into a kiss. I never thought it would hurt this bad.
"I don't need love, I can't take it
Solve me as much as you need to
Close your eyes, catch your breath
And just dream of someone else
I don't know guilt
Take me anywhere and everywhere you go
Spew out admiration, will you?
I'll let you feel me until you've been corrupted."
A hiss escaped my teeth at that. I could feel the perspiration on my face, whether from the warm air or from his enticing words, I didn't know. I didn't care what it was. All I knew was that he was practically begging me to have sex with him.
The instruments started their bit again, and he surveyed the crowd, panting silently. I was somewhere in the middle now. If I hadn't moved from my position in the back...
Those eyes would never have landed on me.
His face initially showed pure shock, then started mixing emotions. He froze in his place, clutching the mike with one hand as the crowd cheered with glee. I stared up at him defiantly, challenging him to call me out.

But it was me who was left in nervous astonishment as he leaped off the stage. I thought the roar of the crowd would make my ears bleed. They didn't try to touch him as he deliberately walked over to me like most crazed fans do, but parted respectfully.
His eyes held deep fury in them as they got closer. I waited for the fear to set in, but surprisingly felt nothing. I was ready to beg for his sake, to do anything for this man.
He stopped when we were mere centimetres apart. His jaw was tight, and I closed my eyes, preparing myself to get hit.
The next thing I knew, he had grabbed me and was moaning into my ear so erotically that I lost control of my senses then and there. He said my name, his breath hot on my ear. He was gripping my shoulders, nails digging hard into my skin.
At that moment it all felt so good that my knees gave way and I dropped to the floor, bringing him down with me. My vision swam.
He stood up and ran back to the stage to sing again. I stared at him through the haze in my mind, barely processing the words of his deep, melodious voice.
"I don't need love, I can't take it
Keep piling up your obsession.
Close your eyes, catch your breath
And just dream of someone else."
Oh, if only, Mr.Ackerman.
"Your gaze is full of loneliness
I don't blame you for looking away
Touch me more, fool my whole body
And never wake me up from this dream. "
Maybe the song was close to finishing, because he walked backwards away from the mike.
Now's my chance, I thought.
I got up clumsily, my feet wobbly, and took a few steps forward. He saw me moving and to my despair ripped off the bandages and ran offstage.
He was probably leaving the club.
Through the side entrance.
I turned around 180 degrees and tore out of the door. The bouncers never saw me coming. I was past them before they could make a sound and out of their sight in a flash.
Heavy, cold drops hit me hard in the face as I ran out in the night, making me gasp. I never realized that it had been raining with all the noises of the club.
I looked towards my right and saw a small figure running off in the distance. I threw myself into the ridiculous game of tag yet again, thinking bleakly that I was getting a lot of cardio in tonight.

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