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"Eren, wake the fuck up." I shook the brunette tangled in my sheets, peacefully dozing while frustration bubbled in my chest.
"Eren, it's almost 7, you need to get up now. We have to go to work." I tried slapping him on the face lightly, and he smiled in his sleep. "Mmm, Levi...oh, you feel so good.." He started squirming right there. I was actually impressed by this guy's daring. I smacked his face rapidly, and his eyes opened a pinch. "Oh, good morning, Levi. Wow, my body hurts bad. Last night was woah." He started to doze off again "Hey, why're you up so early? Don't your hips hurt? Mm?"
I tossed the sheets off of him, trying hard not to stare at his naked body. I was in a bathrobe, but I didn't trust it enough to hide unwanted tents.
"I've told you before, I don't hurt that easily. But yes, my hips are actually killing me right now, and it's all your fault. You're the one who took advantage of me and put us into compromising positions all night until I passed out from utter exhaustion. Now get up."
"Heh.." He started to doze off again. "Mr.CEO sure talks a lot after sex."
Well, if he wasn't going to be woken up any other way...
I caught hold of his hair with one hand and pulled him straight up. Those eyes flew open, wide with pain. His cry was cut short when I crashed my lips into his, rapidly thrusting my tongue in every corner of his mouth. His body jerked beneath me, and I pulled him away and let go. He promptly collapsed right back into bed, but this time wide awake and gasping. I wiped the saliva off my moutj.
"Wh-What did you do that for?" He spluttered and stared at me as if I'd just let loose a string of curse words at him. I silently pointed to the wall clock. Move it.
And he did. "Holy shit, we're gonna be late!" Leaping out bed, he ran a hand through his bedhead to straighten it up and failed to make much of a difference. Eren's clothes were all over the floor and he hurriedly picked them up. Then he straightened and looked at me, then the bathroom door, and again at me.
Oh no you don't.
"I need to shower, alone, so you'll have to use another bathroom in one of the rooms." I pointed to the door. "Come on, hurry up."
His face looked weirdly disappointed as he trudged out of my bedroom. My heart jolted as I noticed long claw marks on his back. After a second of hammering fear I realized with embarrassment that it had been my nails which had done that.
I exhaled slowly, recalling the events which had taken place in my clean bed. I patted the sheets and turned my nose up in disgust as I felt the stickiness on them.
I really had to take a bath now, and thankfully without the brat.
Grabbing a towel and my clothes I stepped inside the bathroom and closed the door. Then I stripped, hanging the bathrobe carefully on a hook.
I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering if I'd been too loud last night. My neck and upper body were covered with hickeys. I'd have to be careful around people today.
I touched the bite marks one by one, feeling my insides heat up every time I did. Eren did this to me, I realized.
The thought made me light-headed with a sudden splurge of unusual happiness. Or was it sensual pleasure?
"Shit, I really gotta go..." I turned on the shower and stepped right in without caring about the temperature. It was cold as hell, but I'd had to wash myself thoroughly.
I pushed my hair back, trying to lose myself in the rushing water. It was satisfying, the way it seemed to cleanse me of the dirty things I had done last night.
After a while I dried myself and quickly wore my work clothes, being extra particular about the collar and tie. When the red marks were finally hidden from view, I threw on my suit and strapped my watch on my wrist. I was gonna be really late now. I hurriedly fixed my hair and rushed out of the room.
Work was going to feel extra special today.

I deliberately didn't let the shower clean me properly. I was scared that Levi's scent would disappear, for I wanted his feel on me as long as I could. I imagined smelling myself all day today as I dressed, my clothes slightly damp but otherwise considerably dry. His scent was downright intoxicating, so I hoped I wouldn't make faces that would arouse suspicion among my co-workers.
I hurried out of the room, checking the time on any clock I could find. I hoped breakfast was already prepared, as hunger gnawed at me deeply. I ran down the stairs and towards the dining table where thankfully, I saw two covered plates. I went into the living room to see if my phone was there because I couldn't find it in my pockets.
I jumped in fright as my eyes fell on a figure huddled under a blanket on the couch. It certainly wasn't a pile of clothes, Levi was too organised for that. And I had been paying enough attention last night to know that it had been empty when I came in.
Nope, it was a human shape.
Nervously I crept over to it and hesitantly pulled back a little of the blanket on what I assumed was the head. I pulled it farther till the face became early visible.
It took me a moment to place the person as they were without their glasses, but immediately yelled in outraged as I recognised them.
"Hanji!! What are you doing here?!"
She stirred, her brown hair a rat's nest as she rubbed her eyes.
"Hey!! Wake up!" I shouted and she woke up from my loud voice.
"Oh, Eren, good morning." She said drowsily. "You and Levi done fucking like rabbits?"
I made an enraged sound in my throat, too shocked to reply.
"Shit, son." She sat up, holding her head in her hands. "Couldn't you have a little consideration for this poor teacher? She's having a bad headache from all the noises you were making all night."
"What the-" I blushed involuntarily, making me angrier. "How long have you been here?"
"Ah..I think I arrived a little bit after you two. I live a few houses away and forgot my keys at the Chambre Rose, so I thought, 'fuck it' and crashed here. I swear to god, I never had a wink of sleep till you two finally calmed down."
"But-" I was really embarrassed that she'd heard everything but tried not show it. "You know he has other beds in the house, right?"
"Of, course, honey. But I had to be smart. I just knew that Levi would make me smoothen every single crease in the morning on any bed I slept on, and so the couch seemed a much better idea."
I opened my mouth to rage at her again, but suddenly heard Levi coming towards the door, grumbling "Don't be so loud first thing in the morning, you-"
He stopped to a halt and stared unblinkingly at Hanji as she smiled and waved.
"Shitty glasses. Why the fuck are you here?"
"Good morning to you too, Levi. And you're one to talk. I've never heard anyone being as loud as you in the bedroom. Showing us your true colours, eh?"

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