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Eren was absolutely, completely crazy.
I was deep into discussion with my colleagues, so focused that I completely forgot that Eren was about to do something. I didn't even notice when he quietly got up from his seat and down on his knees.
I was speaking about future credentials when something touched my thigh, and the next thing I knew Eren's face was smirking up at me from between my legs.
I faltered in my conversation, which caused the other two on the laptop screen to look at me questioningly. I waved a hand to tell them to continue.
"Okay, then." Zackley adjusted his glasses. "Let's look at the employee structure next."
Eren's hand pressed itself between my thighs, and it took all I had not to gasp out loud. Still, I must have looked constipated. I looked down ready to give him a death glare, but faltered again when he gazed at me seriously as his hand squeezed my crotch. To my horror, a small moan escaped my throat and came out muffled through my lips, tightly pressed together.
"Levi?" Azumabito looked at me with concern in her eyes. "You okay, son?"
"Yeah." I groaned as Eren proceeded to rub his hand against it next.
"If your stomach hurts that bad, we don't have to continue this, you know."
"No, it's fine." I spoke tightly through clenched teeth. No way would I stop such an important meeting just because Eren was being such a tease.

Heat sped to my lower regions in torrents as Eren started palming me faster. I bit my lower lip hard to keep myself from making weird sounds and tried to focus on what Darius was saying.

"And so, we can further reduce paperwork with the tech department's help and-" He stopped and looked at me directly "You okay?"
I nodded, too tense to say anything lest it came out as an unwanted sound.
"Levi, you're all red. Do you have a fever? You don't have to continue" Kiyomi frowned in genuine worry. "The important topics are over. Both of us can handle this, so please go get some rest."
"No." I choked out. "I'm listening. Do continue for the sake of- Agh!!" My skin erupted in goosebumps as I felt Eren's lips on my crotch, playfully nibbling right there. I had a full erection now, and it was straining painfully against my suit pants.

Below me, Eren gave out a low chuckle, which didn't help at all. I panted, clutching the edges of the table in agony.
"No, take care of yourself. The two of us can talk this over. You're obviously in pain, son." Darius's voice was stern.
"It doesn't matter." I gasped. "Talking will distract me. Keep going."
"Well, I was about to ask you about the asset manager's problem-"
"Yeah.." I gripped the table tighter and blinked back the tears of pain emerging due to the tightness in my pants. I gave a quick glance down to see Eren softly sucking the fabric, his eyes closed contentedly.
That fucking bastard.
I tried to think of what I was going to say through the clouded haze in my mind. "Yeah...his investor planned to acquire a substantial without a majority interest, and...shit..." I doubled over, sweat rolling down my face and neck. Eren had wrapped his hands around the bulge and had started stroking, biting it gently at the same time.
"All right, that's it." Kiyomi declared firmly. "Take your medicine and go to sleep. It's very odd to talk like this."
"Get well, son. I'm disconnecting. We'll talk later." Darius disappeared from my screen and Kiyomi followed soon.
At once I sprang up and stumbled off to the side, trying to catch my breath. Eren stood up as well.
"You..asshole.." I panted. "Do you have any idea how important that meeting was?"
"But it was going to be over in ten minutes anyway." Eren stared at the time on the laptop screen. He met my eyes and smiled. "They spoke about the duration at the start, yeah? And you did talk the whole time before."
"It doesn't matter." I snapped. "We had work to do, and it would have gone smoothly without your interruptions. You got some nerve in you, brat, for getting in the way of the adults."
"Oh, come now..." He walked over to me, cocking his head slowly. "What I did wasn't very childish, was it?"
I held my ground and continued glaring at him as he grabbed my tie and ran his hand down its length. "You liked it."
"I did not." I spat immediately.
"Your body says otherwise." He pointed to the obvious tent downwards. "Plus, you didn't kick me away or offer any resistance otherwise. Why?"
I just stared at him, my mouth unmoving. I realized I didn't have an answer.
"Why don't you accept it?" He murmured, searching my face. "Why're you in so much denial?"
"There's nothing to accept." I said coldly.
"Oh, for fuck's sake." He snapped suddenly. "Stop with the act, Mr.Ackerman. You're always behaving like this, and I'm sick and tired of it." He breathed in, his eyes shining with ferocity. "I knew there was something wrong with you that Sunday morning when you invited me to eat with you in the cafeteria. You looked positively shaken. I've never seen you, or anyone, look that disturbed in my life. Am I not good enough for you to tell me what's wrong? Why was I the only one to talk about myself all these months? And again at my apartment, when I revealed some really sensitive information? It's not fair at all."
Anger erupted inside me and I stepped towards him. "Who said anything about fair?! You act like we had a deal of sharing our fucking sob stories with each other, when apparently it was all for your girlfriend!"

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