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I finished my last spreadsheet for the morning and leaned back, stretching my hands behind my head. With bleary eyes, I looked at my colleagues who had quickly become my closest friends in a matter of weeks.
"Slacking off, Jaeger?" Jean's rebuking voice startled me. So much for closest friends. I hated that guy.
I scowled "Shut up, horseface."
"Who you callin' a horse?" Jean shook his fist at me, two tables to my right. Thank god we had Bertholdt between us, or we would have gotten into fights every day.
"Guys, grow up." Bertholdt rolled his eyes "You aren't twelve anymore."
As much as I wanted to throw in a good punch to Jean's face, I had to back down to reason. Reason had saved me too many times, after all.
I huffed and turned back to my computer. Then I saw Petra Ral, a senior, heading towards me carrying a stack of folders. She was a pretty woman with short ginger hair and a short build, even shorter than Mr.Ackerman.
"Morning, Eren. You all." She smiled sweetly at me specifically and tapped my desk "Come with me. I wanna talk."
Ignoring Jean's jealous glare, I got up and followed her to the break room, where she ordered some coffee for us. As she held out a cup out to me, I noticed something glittering on her finger. "Miss Ral, you're engaged? Congratulations!"
Petra blinked once, then blushed "Oh, thank you...Oluo proposed to me last night. Funny thing is, I was going to propose to him at the same time. So we're both wearing rings right now."
"That's great!" I smiled warmly. Oluo wasn't in the same department as us, but I knew they had been going out for a long time.
"Oh, and please call me Petra. Ms.Ral sounds wayy too formal to me."
"Sure thing." I nodded and sipped my espresso. "So what did you wanna talk about?"
"Right!" She smacked her lips "Levi just got a big break in a deal, you must have known about it- it was between him and that Sanders guy."
My eyes widened "That thickhead? I actually met him myself. So did we win?"
"Precisely." Petra laughed at my choice of words "Anyway, we're gonna celebrate tonight. Since you helped out, you have to come too." She smirked "Levi's friends from outside the company will come too."
"I see." I nodded, trying to look eager, when I was actually really nervous.
"On more important matters.." Petra's smile turned sly and her eyes narrowed in mischief "Since you and Levi eye each other so much, be sure to come really well dressed, to make a good impression on his friends.
"Hold on, on second thoughts, they don't really care about appearance much, so..." Petra patted me on the shoulder enthusiastically "Just make sure to be there on time, I guess?"
"Hold on, Miss- um, Petra." I tried to stop the heat from rising to my face and failed "What do you mean, eyeing each other?"
Petra giggled "I meant, making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. Come on, everyone can see it, even blind people. You two are so into each other."
"What the-" I sputtered "We don't do that!"
"Sure. And Oluo is the one I hate the most. Look, Eren, I have known that guy for years, and he's always been a cold block, devoid of emotions. But after you joined, he's changed impressively. Ask his assisstant. Hell, ask Oluo for that matter. You know what? His friends will definitely agree with me tonight." She clucked "But Levi won't, for sure. He's damn near impossible to break."
I was too flabbergasted to process all that. I thought Levi was a cold block of emotionlessness. But this was better than before?
Petra left me in the break room with a cold cup of espresso in my hands.
I got back to my desk, praying that the red tinge had left my face. But no one said anything, so I guessed I was all right. I woke my computer up from its sleep, and tried to get to work.
It was pointless. I couldn't concentrate at all. All I could think of was him. Him and his steely eyes and deep voice that made my heart beat like mad, the way he brought people down with his sharp, stinging words. I couldn't help it. I wanted to touch him every time I talked to him, and I hated myself for it. At night I tried to sleep but every inch of him plagued my thoughts and left me restless for hours. Sleep-deprived, I tried to cut down on caffeine whenever I could.

The phone on my desk rang. It was Gunther, his assisstant. "Hi Eren, it's Gunther. You are called to the office." He had become a good friend of mine, hence the first-name basis.
I swallowed, surprised my sudden nervousness as I put down the receiver. Taking deep breaths, I walked over to the office's waiting room where Gunther grinned and motioned for me to go inside.
I stepped inside, my eyes lowered.
Then I slowly raised them, expecting to see the neurotic glare of that man behind the desk. Instead, he was standing in front of the table, his one leg on the chair where I was supposed to sit and his arms folded. He tilted his head upon my entry. "Ah, good you're here, Eren. Sit."
"Uh..." I eyed his shoe on the chair "Where?"
He scowled and gestured to the sofas off to the side "There, dumbass. Unless you want to sit on my foot."
The worst thing was that I almost said, "I don't mind." but stopped myself just in time.
I awkwardly planted myself on the velvet and eyed him as he strode over to me. Looking closer, I noticed that his cheeks were tinged a slight red. He plopped himself down beside me and stared into my eyes for a solid ten seconds. To my horror, the red on his cheeks just kept getting darker.
"Did you bring my tea?" He asked in that smooth, low voice I had come to like so much. I shook my head, trying not to stare back.
"Tch." He massaged his temples "Then who did?"
"I'm sorry?" This conversation was making no sense.
"Listen up, brat." He leaned in close, to the point where I could see the pupils in his beautiful grey eyes clearly. I thought I was hallucinating when I saw them slightly dilated.
"I think someone slipped an aphrodisiac in my tea."
I tried to ignore the feel of his breath on my lips. My mind was a haze, and I struggled to focus on his words. "What? Really?"
"Yes, Eren. And these are just the effects wearing off. See how red I am? It's nothing compared to half an hour ago. I had to cancel a meeting because whatever it was, it was really strong."
I tried to think. I really did. But every nerve and fibre of mine was screaming at me to lean forward and close the gap between us. The effort to control myself probably made me look constipated.
"Is there a pill to counter it or something? Sorry, I have no idea about this."
"Me neither. I have never taken one before." He sighed and put his head back on the sofa. "This is frustrating as hell."
I hated myself. I hated myself for feeling horny in a situation like this. That man was obviously uncomfortable, and all I could think of was doing it with him.
"What can I do for you?" The words slipped from my mouth.
He raised his head, his eyes widened a bit "What do you mean, brat?"
"Uh, no! Not like that!" I pressed my hands to my cheeks, feeling the heat quickly coming on. "Should I call a doctor or should we wait for the effects to wear off?"
"Tch, you shitty brat." He rolled his eyes "You think I called you here because you're my most trusted employee or some shit like that? I could have isolated myself for a while if I wanted to. I could have called Gunther, or Petra or anyone else. I have a lot of contacts." He 'tch'ed and stood up, then turned to face me.
"Brat, I've noticed that you stare at me a lot. Think about it. You want to take advantage of me right now? Go ahead and do it. Free me from this."
Oh, shit. I realised that the aphrodisiac was still in effect right now. Worse, I thought smelled alcohol on his breath.
I couldn't do it.
I smiled and scooted away from him "Never, sir. I can't do it. I respect you too much."
He stared at me with his mouth open, then clenched his teeth. His stare had turned molten.
"Absolute bullshit."
Levi surprisingly had a lot of strength even in his state. Before I realised it, he had grabbed my wrist and pushed me down on the sofa. In one motion, he was suddenly straddling me. Shocked, I could do nothing but stare. He was panting hard and his eyes were filled with lust. I could see sweat shining on his neck and brow.
I did this to him? The thought sent spasms of pleasure throughout my body.
A knock on the door made me jump. I turned to Levi, expecting him to jump off and straighten himself. Instead he called out "What?!"
Gunther's muffled voice cut the tense air "Sir, the Kohler file is ready. May I come in?"
Please take it, Levi, I begged.
To my relief he got off me. But that was short-lived. He grabbed my arm with his steel grip and pulled me over to his side of the table. Then he made us both crouch down. Putting a finger to his lips, he again pushed me to the floor, such that we were we sandwiched between the desk and the chair. "Leave the papers on my desk. Oh, and there's that one affidavit I want you to look at and review. Ignore my absence meanwhile."
I looked at Levi with a panicked expression.
"You what?" I mouthed.
He narrowed his eyes at me and bit his lips. At that moment, any sense I had left in me started to run away. Gunther meanwhile entered with a prompt "Yes, sir." and walked over to the table.
Levi held my chin and lifted it up. I felt his lips on my neck, skimming down its length. When he bit me, I almost moaned out loud, so I clamped my hands over my mouth and clenched my eyes shut. The heat was unbearable. His mouth felt so good I thought I was dreaming, and I hadn't even kissed him yet. At the same time I was aware of Gunther's presence, his shoes just a few metres away from us. Thank god we're hidden here.
Levi hit the sweet spot on my neck and sucked on the skin there, and I had to grit my teeth to avoid any additional sounds. Beside us, Gunther coughed once and turned a few pages.
Levi's left hand tugged at my tie and loosened it as he bit my ear. He then proceeded to unbutton my shirt with both hands.
What the hell is he doing? I put my hands on his and he paused to look at me for permission. I didn't want to say no, but the look on my face was enough for him. I was scared. Scared of wherever this was going.
I did, however, keep in mind that he was probably drunk too, along with being under the influence of drugs. We werd both red and panting by now.
Alright, then. So be it. I smirked and grabbed his collar, then pulled his face down to mine. Our lips crashed together, and then his tongue was moving around in my mouth, hot and wet. I ran my fingers through his hair as our tongues fought for dominance. Not surprisingly, he won.
Finally, finally Gunther left. The moment we heard the door close, we scrambled up and ran over to the sofa and threw ourselves onto it, with me on top of him. I grabbed his shirt and pressed his lips to mine again. All my feelings for him came out as I licked every inch of his mouth with moans escaping my throat. Levi grabbed my hair and pressed me down to him harder, and I felt his tongue reach my throat. I moaned out loud again and tangled my fingers in his hair.
Suddenly his hand in my hair went slack and his tongue stopped exploring me.
"Uhh?" I separated from him, lines of saliva connecting our tongues. To my surprise he was asleep.
Goddammit Levi. I pouted and rested my head on his shoulder, listening to his breathing. Then I got up to look at his sleeping face.
"Guess the alcohol took its toll, huh?" I gently stroked his hair away from his sweat-soaked skin.
Then I leaned down and pressed my mouth over his ear and whispered "God, you're so sexy, Mr.CEO."
For some reason, something like deja vu hit me.

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