Chapter 13 <3

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Heyyy :) idk what 2 say here so um yeah...this chapter is gonna be REALLY shocking and kinda sad :(...

Were skipping farther along and it's the day before Justin, Mackenzie and everyones gonna go on tour! On with the story!!!


Mackenzie POV-

OMG! I'm freaking EXCITED because tomorrow were going on tour! AHH! Kelsey and I are sleeping over at Justin and Jazzy's tonight so we can leave early tomorrow. Jazzy and Kels are walking to the movie theater across the street to see The Karate Kid because they think Jaden Smith is "so hot!" haha. Yay! FINALLY Justin and I get some alone time. They have been bugging us all week saying things like "OMG tour in 5 days!" and "Dont you think Jaden Smith is like SO hot?" Pattie went grocery shopping and Kenny went with her because even her face is recognizable now. We were just snuggling on the couch watching who-knows-what when the phone rang.

"I got it," Justin said as he hopped up. "Hello?" His mouth dropped. "Okay I'm coming right now make sure you call my mom on her cell. Alright. Bye." He grabbed my hand and the car keys and sprinted to the car.

"Justin, what's going on?" I asked.

"I'll explain in the car just get IN!" We hopped in.

"Justin, what the HELL is going on?"

"A freaking car ran over Kels!" he yelled. "How do I get to the FREAKING HOSPITAL?????!?!??"

"WHAT?!?! GO! HURRY! TURN RIGHT!!!!!" He speeded down the road WAY over the speed limit but I didn't care. When we finally got to the hospital parking lot he parked randomly and we both sprinted to the lobby as fast as we could. Damn I wish I was a vampire right now!

"May I help you?" The overly sweet 17 year old blonde receptionist fluttered her eyelashes while she asked Justin. Biotch.

"You can help me and my BOYFRIEND by telling us where the hell Kelsey Raith is," I said calmly.

"Down the hall, first door on the left," she said looking pissed. Yeah he's MINE so go suck it! We sprinted down the hall and barged in,to see Kels in a hospital bed with Jazzy,Pattie and Kenny standing over them sadly. I couldn't even talk. I just let out a small squeak. Tears streamed from my face. This can't happen. This can't happen. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! I ran over to Kels and held her hand.

"What happened, Jaz?" Justin whispered to her. I looked up at her.

"We were walking," she said quietly. "When we went to cross the street this huge bus came out of nowhere and swerved toward us. Kels was in to much shock to move but I jumped out of the way. I shouldve pulled her too. She's in a coma and I only have a broken arm!"

"Calm down, Jaz it's not your fault," I said to her. This much stress shouldn't be on a 10 year old.

"Then this blonde woman and a blonde girl about your age," she said pointing to me and Justin, "got out of the truck. The girl said "This is because of you, Mackenzie. Your a b-I-t-c-h and I hate you because you took my man," jazzy said spelling out bitch cuz she didn't want to say it. "The girl said that to the paparazzi as soon as they showed up. Now they know who me and Kelsi are too!"

"That bi-" Justin gave me a look. "Girl. That girl messed with my sister because I'm dating Justin? What a needy who-," Justin gave me another look. "Um...mean person," I finished.

"Hey Jaz are you hungry? How about you come down with me and Kenny so you can get something to eat," Pattie said to Jazmyn. She looked at me then Justin knowingly.

"Sure. C'mon mom." As soon as they left i started with my rant.

"What a possesive little bitch! Hurting my sister because im dating her fucking "man". You are MINE! MY boyfriend!!!!! Ugh FUCK HER! Wait. Wait! WAIT! That fucking whore in the lobby! She's blonde!!!!! What if she's the bitch who ran over Kelsey?!?"

"Oh fuck! What a little biotch! I understand how fans can be a little pissed but seriously? Running over my girlfriends little sister? How can somebody live with themselves after that? OMG! The fucking blonde receptionist! She couldve run over Jaz! There was a big truck parked outside!" Justin yelled at the same time I yelled. Then we heard Jaz scream.

Justin POV-

I heard Jaz scream. Kenzie and I looked at eachother quickly and ran. When we got to the lobby we saw Jazzy standing behind Kenny and crying. I ran over to her.

"Jazzy what's wrong?"

"Thats HER, Justin!" Jaz pointed to the receptionist. "She hurt Kels to get back at Kenzie! What if she tries to hurt me?" Jazzy said in a scared voice.

"She already crossed the line by hurting Kels. I'll KILL her if she even touches you or mom or Kenzie, I promise."


Note From Me again-

That was shocking! Lol another cliffy :) isn't Justin such a sweet big brother?

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