Epilogue (Bieber) <3

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

With the Biebers (Grace, Mackenzie, Justin)

Justin POV

My life is so great. I'm taking a break from my career and I have a beautiful wife. My daughter is growing well and she's such a sweetie. Gracie has light brown hair and blue eyes that are just like Mackenzie's. I love both of them so much. I heard Grace crying and walked into her little room.

"Hi, Graciebear." I hugged her in my arms and she calmed right away. I set her down in her crib again and she sat up to watch me. Mackenzie swooped in.

"Nope, I'm picking out her outfit," she said.

"C'mon Mackenzie. I'm known for my style swagger." I popped my collar jokingly.

"Shut up and go get your daughter." I went over to her crib and picked her up. She started babbling in her cute baby talk.

"Yes, Gracie. I do have better fashion sense than your mom," i joked. Kenzie chucked a baby sock at me and I laughed. When we had her dressed and Mackenzie was done putting pigtails in her hair, we took Gracie downstairs.

"What should we do today?" I asked Mackenzie, while playing peek a boo with Gracie.

Mackenzie POV

"What should we do today?" Justin asked me.

"Well...I've been remembering how I always had a dog in my childhood. Maybe we could go to the pet shop and find a puppy that Gracie likes."

"Sounds good to me." So we strapped Graciebell into her car seat and headed to the pet shop. Justin carried Gracie in and pointed out the fish and birds and dogs trying to get her to say them. No success. I went straight over to the dog section. There were Pomeranians and German Shepherds and Schnauzers and Labs. But there was only one dog that caught Gracie's attention. It was a small Golden Retriever. She was calm and playful and she didn't bite. As soon as Grace saw her she started laughing and giggling.

"Sunnwy!" she yelled.

"I think that's the one," Justin said. "And I think we should name her Sunny." I smiled and asked the man to get me Sunny. He handed her to me and I showed her to Grace. I couldn't tell who was more excited, Gracie or Sunny. We picked out a purple collar and leash and a small food and water bowl. Justin decided to buy a purple and pink bandana for her because Gracie has a matching hair bow. I started laughing hard when he said that and Gracie clapped her hands. I sighed in content on the car ride home. I have an amazing husband, an adorable daughter and a new puppy. My husband and I are still falling for each other a little more every day. My daughter loves us both and we love her even more. This is what happiness feels like.

Note From Me:

Sorry if this is bad, but I've never been a married mom or a married dad before... Thanks for reading!!!

Song Of Da day: Halo by Beyonce


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2011 ⏰

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