Chapter 17 <3

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"We get IT! You're in love with him, yip-dee-doo. Well what's wrong?"

"She dumped Justin! Over the phone!" El explained.

"Things'll get better, Mack! I bet Justins gonna come fix everything soon." We finished the day and I walked home alone. I plopped on my bed, put my iPhone into my dock and fell asleep to Justins sweet voice singing "Down To Earth".

Chapter 17-


Mackenzie POV-

December 10th. Kelsey is practically bouncing off the walls because she's excited for XMas and I've gotten millions of calls from Justin. Why don't I have the nerve to pick up? I wish he could come back so I could explain! It's Saturday today so luckily I don't have to listen to my teachers lecture me on US history and pronouns and crap like that. I have everybody's Christmas presents! Kels and Jaz get matching scarves and hats (same pattern different color), El gets converse, earrings for Lin, Pattie gets a star shaped silver necklace, and Justin gets another tag for his dogtag chain that says "Kenzigirl" on it and his favorite cologne. Lin and El have decided to set themselves (and me!) up with Lin's brothers random friends. I don't want another guy in my life! Doesn't Justin's present say it all?

"C'mon, Kenzie! Just come with us! You'll have fun!" chorused El.

"Yeah and Jackson, Isaiah and Riley are like super hot! Don't worry," Lin assured.

"Whatever," I finally agreed. "Only because I love you guys. But this isn't gonna become serious!" We got ready and headed to the movies.

"Hey ladies!" One of them called. "I'm Isaiah." He's black and has black curly hair. His eyes were dark brown and he was built. Not really my type. He was too...bubbly.

"Suppp! I'm Riley." He was built too and had amazing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Uhhhh...I'm at a complete loss for words. I managed to bring my eyes to the third one.

"I'm Jackson." He has brown eyes and green eyes. Built as well. Dayummm were all these guys like this? It looked unnatural. I liked Justins just starting six pack. OMG Mackenzie stop thinking of Justin.

We watched the movie but I was watching Riley's face the entire time. We agreed to go on another date. Why? I don't know. Am I over Justin? Hmmm...


Justin POV-

Vacation starts today! Going back to Atlanta! Time to see Mackenzie! For Christmas I got her French perfume (I got it in France lol) and a promise ring that says "I <3 u" all over it.

Mackenzie PoV-

No more school! Can I get a whoop whoop? WHOOP WHOOP! Haha. That was sort of a Chuck Norris moment for me. :) If I thought Kelsey was bouncing off the walls before you should see her now.

"Kenzieeee! Kenzie?" she said.

"What's up, Kelsey?"

"Is it my fault that you're not with Justin so you're dating that jerk Riley?"

"#1 Riley isn't a jerk. #2 No it's not, hun. Things were just...difficult."

"Riley is a huge jerk! I said hi to him and he ignored me. IG-NO- RED!!!!!" she said, emphasizing every syllable. "Justin used to treat me like a princess!" she pouted.

"I'll talk to Riley, okay?"

"Kay." She got back to running around and freaking out cuz "IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!" Hahaha. No matter how hyper my sister is I'll always love her.

Justin POV-

Jaz is FREAKING out because we're on a plane headed to Atlanta.

"We're gonna see Kels and Kenz and Grammie and Grampa and Daddy and Jax-"

"Yes, we get it Jazzy."

"Oh shush sour puss! You're only anxious because you don't know if Kenzie will take you back!" Crap she's right.

Note From Me-

Yeah I skipped. A lot. Do u hate Riley as much as I do? Well I gotta plan >;) lol evil genius face! If y'all hav any ideas go ahead and comment! PAYCE OUT HOMIE! When I was writing this and said "We're on a plane" I thought of that song by The Lonely Island called I'm on a boat. Haha I'm so freaking random :P shawty yeah yeah yeah! ;)

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