He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Chap. 1 <3

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Mackenzie's POV-

UGH! It was pouring. I started walking home. Yup it's true I'm a 17 year old who has a license but no car...Justin ditched me and wasn't here to give me a ride home so i was stuck walking. In case you were wondering, Justin is my "boyfriend". He's filthy rich and famous, but he's just about the sweetest thing on this side of the planet...well except for today. Just so you know he's Justin Bieber and def not Timberlake. We were best friends until 2 months ago when we kissed in his room and now we're "dating". I bet your wondering why I'm using quotation marks. It's because Justin won't tell anyone about us! Is it because I'm broke? He says it's to "protect me" but who knows what that means. I finally got home and unlocked the door. "KELSEY! I'm Home!" i yelled up the stairs. My parents died 5 years ago and I've raised my sister Kelsey since she was little, but she's 10 now. Justin was the only one who knew and i wasn't planning on anyone else knowing. "KENZIE?" she yelled from upstairs. "What is it Kels?" She ran downstairs holding the phone. "Can Jazmyn sleep over?" i thought about it. Let me think about it...Justin's little sister sleeping over...sure. I would get a chance to yell at him for ditching me at school! "Well she has to get a ride here because i don't have a car." she screamed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I PROMISE we'll behave! Hey Jaz guess what?!?!" she yelled into the phone. I smiled, whenever Kelsey was happy i was. "Kels what do you want me to make you and Jazzy for dinner?" i yelled up the stairs. "PIZZA!" i heard someone yell right behind me. I screamed, "AAAAHHHH!" it was Jazmyn "HOLY SHIT! Jaz don't do that ever again!" i yelled and hugged her. "How are you sweetie?!" I asked kindly, I loved Jazzy. "Great!" she answered excitedly and ran upstairs to find Kels. "Guess who?" a familiar voice said and covered my eyes. I was kind of pissed at him right now. "Hey Justin" I said and sighed. "Okay what's wrong?" he asked confused. He really didn't know?!?!? Ugh boys! "Well let me start off at YOU my "boyfriend" DITCHING me at school! I had to fucking walk home in the rain! I'm your GIRLFRIEND you could at least give me a ride to my house!" I started off. My anger started to rise as he just stared at me. "Do you even care about me?!?!" Tears started rolling down my face. I practically cried all the time...when I was happy, sad, and angry, hurt, relieved, yup anytime. "Of course I care about you Kenz!" He yelled. I could tell he was getting angry too. "Well you've got a funny way of showing it! If you really cared about me, you would NOT leave me out in the rain and you would tell people about us and not keep us in the shadows! Do you know how much it hurts when your boyfriend is embarrassed about you?!?! Well it hurts Justin! It hurts so fucking much!" He glared at me "I can't take this! Accused about not caring for you?!?! What The HELL Mackenzie?!?" UGH! "If you can't handle me at my worst, you most definitely DON'T deserve me at my best." I started crying harder "We're over Justin. Get out!" I walked over to the door and opened it for him. He marched out then turned around "You were the first girl I actually thought that we would be together forever...I was obviously wrong" That rubbed me the wrong way "We would still be together if you showed your feelings for me!" I heard the girls behind me and wiped my tears away. "Kenzie-.." Kels started. But I cut her off "No Kels everything's fine" I faked a smile "pizza?" Jaz looked at me sadly "I'm sorry about Justin. He still needs some work" I forced a laugh "I know Jazzy" I clapped my hands "How about that pizza?" We went into the kitchen and I put a frozen pizza in the oven as the girls chatted at me. "While that's in the oven lets go set up your beds!" I said to them "Where do you want to sleep?" They looked at each other and simultaneously said "YOUR ROOM!" I laughed as they squealed and ran upstairs. I heard my phone beep and I groaned. This stupid iPhone reminded me of Justin. He got it for me for Christmas last year. I checked my texts. It was from my best friend, Courtney.

Hey chicky! ~E <3

Hi liza

Ok...? I can tell sumtin is wrong...wat is it?

I just broke up with Justin

OMFG! U dumped him?!?!?

It doesn't count as dumping if he was angry at me

Kenz...im sorry

Its k Liz. It waz time! He left me out in the fucking rain and won't tell a soul about us!

Tru. But u luv him

NO! not anymor

Yes u do! And u kno it!

Ugh I g2g Jaz's here

Oooo his sister?

Ya we started fighting wen he dropped her off

Oh :( ttyl bye

Bye babe!

I shut my phone off and the oven alarm went off. "GIRLS! Pizzas ready!" I yelled up the stairs. "Coming!" I heard Jazmyn and Kels answer at the same time. I watched as they raced down the stairs. I got three plates out and put a slice on each one. "Did u get the things for your beds?" I asked them. Whenever Jazmyn slept over they would set up their beds in my room. I didn't let any other one of Kelsey's friends into my room. "Yeah...We got out the sleeping bags and pillows and blankets. We didn't set them up yet. Are you going to sleep on the floor or on your bed?" Jazmyn said to me. "Your choice, hun" Jaz was like a second little sister! "Will you sleep with us?" Kels asked. "Of course!" I answered happily. My phone started ringing my ringtone Baby by Justin. Ugh!

Woahhh, woahhh, woahhh you know you love me I know you care just shout whenever and I'll be there you are my love, you are my heart and we will never ever ever be apart. Are we an item? Girl quit playin' we're just friends? What are you saying says there's another and looks rig-

"Hello?" I said. "Listen we need 2 talk" ugh Justin. "There is absolutely nothing to talk about." Well that was kind of harsh of me. "Mack-.." I sighed. "Don't even start Justin." Then I hung up before he could say anymore. The only other thing that happened that night was that we set up our beds and I watched Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam with the girls.

Heres what they look like---->


Kelsey- http://www.mamapop.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/2009/02/11/joeyking.jpg



Elizabeth- http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1469870/2/istockphoto_1469870-beautiful-redhead-teen-writing-in-datebook.jpg


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