Chapter Four

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Taehyung's POV -

I felt myself being carried in a pair of strong arms, and for the first time in a long time, I felt safe. I snuggled my head against Jungkooks chest, too sleepy to try and look around to see where we were going, I just wanted to rest.

My eyes fluttered open and I yawned softly, looking over Jungkooks shoulder only to realize that we were in a house, and many people were staring at me. I gasped and stuffed my face into Jungkooks chest, trying to hide from the eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul. After a few seconds, I heard a chirpy voice next to where Jungkook was standing.

" Please Alpha! I wanna see him, he's an Omega too! I can take him  and help get him settled! please, I promise I won't scare him! " A light brown hair boy said as he looked up at Jungkook with pleading eyes.

"Fine, but if you make him afraid or make him cry, you're sleeping in the basement for a week." I heard Jungkook say, which made me smile a little bit, because I knew Jungkook was too nice to actually do that.

Jungkook ran his fingers through my hair softly, and I purred, feeling so relaxed by the touch of my mate.

" Tae, this is Jimin." The brown hair boy smiles brightly and waves at me, earning a small wave in return from me. "He's an Omega too, and i'd like you to go with him and get cleaned up, if that's alright with you." I nodded, feeling relieved that there was finally another Omega who I could be around.

Jungkook set me down and I wobbled slightly, but regained my balance after a few seconds. Jimin took my hand quickly and practically dragged me into what appeared to be his bedroom. His bedroom was nicer than any bedroom i'd ever been in, It consisted of a large bed, a beautiful dresser and vanity, and a door that lead to a bathroom. I stared in awe of the room, and I heard Jimin giggle at me.

"Jungkook told me you don't like to talk, but that's okay!" He smiled and lead me into the bathroom as I kept my gaze locked onto the floor. "I'm gonna start a bat for you, Okay? I can help you if you want, but I won't look at your body or anything !" I nodded, feeling relieved that i'd have some help, since my body is still very weak and fragile.

I watched Jimin start filling the tub with warm water and he added lavender scented bubbles along with some other oils. I turned around and slowly undressed myself, whining quietly as I saw my broken and bruised body in the mirror. Jimin turned and faced the wall as I shakily stepped into the warm, soothing water, instantly purring as I sank in and felt my body relax. 

" I heard your old pack wasn't very good, but i'll make sure everyone here is nice to you!" He spoke as he gently poured water through my hair and started massaging some sweet smelling shampoo into my hair as well.  " Everyone here is really nice, except for my best friend Yoongi, he always acts really grumpy and rude, but he's a softy on the inside. Yoongi's mates with Hoseok,  Yoongi complains about him everyday, don't tell anyone that though!" 

I nodded, wondering why someone would complain about there own mate, maybe he was just joking? Jimin unplugged the water drain and passed me a fluffy towel, helping me get out of the tub and dry off. I watched as Jimin dug through his closet, picking out a yellow sweater and a pair of white sweatpants for me to wear. I changed into the clothing, feeling strange, since my old pack never let me wear comfy clothing.

"You look amazing! I bet Jungkook will be drooling over you the second he sees you! I blushed, would Jungkook really do that? I hope so... I want to make him happy, he seems like he'll be a great mate. I just hope I don't mess it all up. Jimin told me that we need to go see someone named Jin now, and that he'd be able to get me some food that'll be okay for me to eat. Jimin held my hand and walked me through the pack house, where we eventually came upon a beautiful kitchen that had delicious smells emitting from it. We walked into the kitchen, and I soon heard Jimins excited laughter as he latched himself onto a tall male that stood at a stove, cooking soup.

" Jin-Hyung look! I brought Jungkook's new mate, Taehyung! he's an Omega like me!" The man known as Jin turned to me and gave me a king smile.

"Hello Taehyung, I'm Jin, the pack cook. I assume you're hungry?" I nodded, feeling my stomach growl at the mention of food. He nodded along with another kind smile before pouring soup into a bowl, setting it carefully onto the counter. I pulled myself up onto a stool and slowly started eating the soup, quickly eating more as I realized how hungry I really was.

"Easy Taehyung, don't eat to fast dear, or you'll get sick. Jungkook wouldn't be too happy about his mate getting sick on my watch." He chuckled, making me nod, not wanting to disappoint Jungkook. I ate my soup more slowly now, seeing Jimin slip out of the kitchen without Jin seeing him go. 

Yoongi's POV -

Warning- slight smut, nothing crazy..yet

I sighed, walking out of Hoseok and I's bedroom, ignoring his whimpers for me to stay. He always begs me to stay with him after we fuck, but I don't care. Sure, he's my mate, but I want to go see Jimin and all Hoseok ever does is annoy me and bother me to give him attention. I walked to Jimin and I's usual meeting spot, which is a quiet spot in a nearby field. I sit in the grass and lay down boredly, grumbling as I try and get comfortable on the blankets that we always have there. Just as i'm finally falling asleep, I hear someone squeal and jump onto me, literally crushing me.

" Argh! Jesus Chim, you trying to kill me?" I smirked and chuckled, seeing the cute boy in front of me blush and giggle.

" Oh you hush! I'm just excited to see you! did you deal with Hoseok for the night?" asks Jimin, sitting in Yoongi's lap as he happily kisses his cheek.

"sure did, he cried and begged me to just stay with him for the night, but I told him to shut his stupid mouth. Now i'm with you." I said as I pulled him closer to me, nuzzling my head against his neck and inhaling his sweet scent. He giggled and punched my arm playfully, causing me to smirk and pin him to the ground. 

Third Person POV -

The sounds of a heated make-out could be heard in the field as the two boys got caught up in their lust for each other, not caring about any else as the night continued. The mint haired Beta held the Omega down, letting his large hands roam around the smaller boys body as he intensely continued attacking his lips. Kissing, Teeth clashing, groans and whimpers, this could all be heard as the two got more and more lustful. As Yoongi kissed the cute Omega boy, he slipped his tongue into the younger boys mouth, easily dominating him and tasting the younger as his tongue explored the familiar area. Jimin let his hands slide under Yoongis shirt, feeling his abs and his chest, drooling at how perfect the Betas body was. The Omega let a cheeky smile creep onto his face as he slowly removed his hands from the Betas shirt, allowing them to unbuckle Yoongis belt, and soon a groan could be heard as the Omega dipped his hands into Yoongis pants, making the night even more steamy, if that was possible. 

LOL ya'll thought, but have no fear, you'll get you're smut eventually <3

And of course, I do NOT support cheating, but unfortunately it fits into the plot. Hoseoks side of the story will defiantly be shown, but will he find out about what's going between Yoongi and Jimin? I guess we'll find out soon!

- vkooktingz

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