Chapter One

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"Taehyung!" he heard his mother call, but being occupied with picking raspberries, popping a few into his mouth as he walked to each bush, he paid no mind to his mothers calls. It wasn't until he felt himself getting lifted harshly off of the ground, that he began to panic. "Momma!!" Taehyung cried, seeing his mother instantly run over. His mother saw a man holding her precious baby by his neck, letting him dangle and squirm in his grip. Taehyung's mother was a gentle woman, but not when it came to someone harming her child. 

His mother changed into her wolf form in one swift motion, instantly springing her attack onto her sons captor. The man holding Taehyung dropped the boy harshly, changing into his Alpha form, swiftly dominating the Beta who was lunging at him. Taehyung crawled into a nearby bush and covered his ears as he sobbed, drowning out the sounds of tearing flesh and the crunching of bones . The poor boy was only seven years old, never seeing an ounce of violence in his life until these terrifying moments. After what seemed like hours to the sobbing boy, all he heard throughout the meadow was the soft sounds of birds chirping, singing their songs as they enjoyed their blissful lives. Taehyung slowly peaked his head out of the bush, and he was met with a horrific sight. His beautiful mother was now a limp, lifeless, bloody and torn up mess as she lay in a puddle of blood and torn fur. 

"Momma...?" Taehyung whimpered as he crawled to her lifeless body. He felt hot tears stream down his face as he hugged her mangled body, not caring if he now was covered in her blood, he just wanted his mother back. He cried and shook her as he sobbed, spewing apologies. "I'm sorry momma...i'll be a good boy now... please wake up...". But his mother never woke up. Not long after, Taehyung felt the familiar, harsh grip around his neck as he was lifted off of the ground and away from his mother.

"Well well well. Looks like the pathetic little Omega boy is crying for his dead mommy." The Alpha laughed, punching the small boy in the gut, earning a pathetic wail from the boy. 

"The head Alpha will be very pleased with me finding you. I bet i'll get extra food as a reward."       And with that, Taehyung was dragged away from his mothers body, away from his home, from his father, from his whole life. He cried, trying desperately to get out of his captors grip, but a dirty rag was shoved into the boys mouth, muffling his cries and preventing him from breathing properly. The Omega flailed around in his last attempts to escape, but soon his world went dark, the last thing he saw was the hateful eyes of the Alpha carrying him. 

Hello ! I'm sorry for the sad chapter, but I hope it was well written! This is a short chapter, all of the next chapters will be much longer. I'm hoping to get out at least two chapters a day, and hopefully more if I am able to! This is my first story, so I will be trying to improve my writing as we go along!

- vkooktingz ♥

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