Chapter Eight

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Taehyung's POV

I follow Jungkook outside of the pack house, heading towards what he said were the training fields. We walked for about seven minutes, with me struggling to keep up with his long strides as he walked. He turned back and looked at me, chuckling as he saw me scurrying after him.

"Want me to carry you, love?" He asked,and I blushed, nodding my head.

He scooped me up and held me close to him as he carried me, and I inhaled his scent, loving how it made me feel. Once we arrived at the training fields, He set me down, and I was immediately hugged by Jimin, who smiled his usual bright smile.

"Hi TaeTae! I missed you! I saved you a spot near where the boys will be practicing!" He said as he pulled me along to a nice patch of soft green grass that had pretty little yellow flowers littered around on it. We sat down, Jimin pulling me into his lap, making me let out a squeak of shock. Jungkook heard my squeak and looked over, growling at Jimin when he saw me in his lap.

"Don't touch him, Jimin. He's not yours." Jungkook snapped out, earning an annoyed scoff from Jimin.

"Oh shut up! It's not like I wanna fuck him! Although, a threesome could be fun!" Jimin laughed out, Jungkook practically gagging. What's a threesome? I thought, and clearly Jimin knew what I was thinking, because he quickly explained it despite Jungkook telling him not too. Once he finished explaining it, my face burned with embarrassment and I hid my face in my hands.

" Aww~ TaeTae is so cute!" Jimin cooed, smiling as he pat my head. I finally got over my embarrassment once I saw Jungkook start practicing, staring in awe of how strong my mate looked. I watched the way his muscles flexed as he punched practice dummies, and the way that his raven black hair fell in front of his eyes, he just looked so handsome. I felt so lucky to have a mate like Jungkook, someone who could make me feel so safe and so loved, I just never thought I could possibly find someone who loved me the way that Jungkook does. Yoongi went over, saying a few things to Jungkook as he started training as well, And I noticed Jimin's eyes fill with excitement as he watched Yoongi. making me wonder what was going on between the two of them. I poked Jimin's arm, trying to ask him something, but he just kept on guessing the wrong thing every time I tried to tell him what I was asking. I soon gave up, pouting as I turned my attention back to Jungkook and Yoongi. 

I didn't realize that I had been staring at Jungkook, but my staring was interrupted when i saw him turn to me, and a smirk spread across his face when he saw me, causing me to gasp and turn away as I hid myself against Jimin's chest. 

The training soon ended, but I was feeling tired and didn't want to get off of  Jimins lap, even when Jungkook and Yoongi tried to get us to leave. After long minutes of them trying to get us up, they gave up, telling us to just hurry up and get back to the pack house before it was dark.

Once they left, I drifted into a light sleep, slowly slipping into a nightmare. The nightmare seemed to go on forever, but I jerked awake, immedietly hugging myself as I started crying, tears streaming down my face and dripping onto Jimin's sleeping body. I cried, not feeling Jimin wake up, but soon his soft arms were wrapped around me as he tried to soothe me. Nothing was working, so he nuzzled against the nape of my neck and started scenting me, and soon I calmed down as his scent was all over me. 

" Are you okay now, TaeTae? I'm sorry I didn't know how to help..." he said with a worried tone, but I just hugged him tightly, my silent way of thanking him for helping at all. 

Trigger warning- Violent actions will be in the remaining parts of this chapter

It was starting to get dark, and Jimin helped me up and from there we began our walk back to the pack house. When we arrived, Jungkook walked over to us with a soft smile, but he stopped abruptly and stared at us. my face grew full of concern as he just stared at us, but he suddenly grabbed Jimin by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air. 

Jimin let out a scared yelp, struggling against Jungkook's hold. I desperetly tried to get him to let go of poor Jimin, but I was shoved back onto the floor with a thud.

" What the fuck did you do to him?!" Jungkook practically roared, anger heavily laced in his voice"

" I-I scented him! He had a nightmare a-and got scared!! I'm sorry Alpha!" Jimin cried out, but got thrown across the room and he hit the back of a chair harshly. Pack members came rushing in, all of them stopping as soon as they saw how angry Jungkook was, except for Jin, who ran to Jimin and took him to get medical attention. 

Jungkook seethed with anger, his breathes were shallow and angry a he turned towards me with anger in is eyes.

"You." He spoke as he walked towards me, clenching his fists. I whimpered and backed up, still on the ground, until I was in the corner. I turned my head and exposed my neck, submitting to him, shaking with fear as I prayed he would just realize nothing bad happened between Jimin and I.

"I leave for a few hours, and you already snuck around? With another Omega? God... you really are a slut." His words stabbed into me like a thousand knives, and my body shook as I started sobbing. Slut. That's all I was. He's right, I don't deserve his love. I looked up at him through my tears, and at that moment, I saw a fist flying towards my face.

Third Person POV

A loud crack was heard throughout the pack house, the other pack members gasping at the scene that was unfolding before them. They all knew they should step up and stop the Alpha, but they would be killed if they did.

Another crack was hurt, and a loud wail pierced everyone's ears as they looked down in shame. Jungkook collided his fist with Taehyung's face over and over again, not stopping until he saw the way that the Omega was clutching his stomach for dear life. An horrific smirk appeared on the Alpha's face as he delivered a sharp blow to the Omega's stomach, earning a scream from the boy. Taehyung tried to pull himself away from Jungkook, but he got kicked over and over again, his vision becoming blurry and distorted as his body began giving up. The beating didn't stop until Namjoon rushed into the room, yelling loudly as he pulled the deranged Alpha away from the Omega laying limp on the floor. Blood oozed from Taehyung's broken face and body as Nanjoom pulled Jungkook out of the room and took him somewhere else,  while Hoseok ran to Taehyung, talking to him softly, but all Taehyung cold hear was a faint ringing in his ears. The Omega tried his hardest to just hear the faint sound of the little heartbeat in his stomach, but to his luck,he was met with a deafening silence.

I'm sorry, I'm crying too.

- vkooktingz </3

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