Chapter Six

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This chapter is going to be very cute (: <3

Jin's POV

I walk out of the library after Jungkook takes Taehyung, wondering if Namjoon is done with training, or if he's already back in our room. I stretch as I walk into our room, opening the door to see my handsome mate reading a book on our bed.

"Joonie~ you're back~ " I smile brightly and hop onto the bed, wrapping my arms around him happily as I hear him chuckle.

" Hey baby, how was your day? Anything interesting happen?" He asked as he kissed my forehead, but I just shrugged and nuzzled my head into the nape of his neck.

" I'll tell you about it later, right now I just want to be with you.." I look up at him and saw him nod, making me smile more. We cuddled each other as he continued reading his book, with me running my fingers through his soft hair. I continued playing with his hair, feeling him set down his book, and soon enough I felt him start to tickle me, knowing that was my weakness.

" Yah! Joonie nooo~~ " I whined and laughed, making him crack up at how my laugh sounded like windshield wipers. He pinned me down sweetly as he tickled me, my face turning a deep red as I laughed hysterically. I attempted to tickle him back, but he easily continued, unaffected by my actions. The tickling turned into us snuggling again, this time my head was in his lap as he smiled down at me.

"You seem really happy lately Jin, i'm really glad." He caressed my face softly and I smiled, loving that he was happy that I was doing well. Namjoon and I have been trying to have pups for around a year now, and I did get pregnant about seven months ago, but I had a miscarriage very early on in my pregnancy. I was of course completely broken, but Namjoon acted strong, even though I knew how much he was hurting inside. I remember when we were silently walking through the forest, and he just broke down in tears. He wanted to blame himself, thinking it was something he did wrong, that maybe if he was a better mate then we could've had our pup, but I made sure that he knew it was no ones fault, and that we will try again and again until it works. Neither of us will ever forget the pup that we could've had, and it still hurts me to think about it everyday, but I know that it's not our fault. And now, little does Namjoon know, I'm having pups again. 

" Namjoon... I have something to tell you.." He nodded, and I could tell that he was nervous, but I knew he'd be happy in a few short moments.

" I-Is everything okay...? Did I do something wrong..? " he asked, feeling a lump in his throat.

" No no! Not at all Joonie, it's something great, I promise." He nodded slowly and I softy took his hand, moving it down and placing it on my stomach. He gave me a very confused look, but I soon saw his eyes light up with joy as he pulled me up and hugged me tightly.

"Jin... are you...?" I hugged him back and nodded against his chest, feeling tears of joy well up in my eyes. He lifted my face up and kissed me so lovingly, practically beaming with joy as he reached down to touch my stomach again.

" God Jin... i'm so happy.. we're finally gonna have our pups..."

" mhm.. and you're gonna be the best dad. Everyone else is gonna be jealous that we're gonna have such cute pups!" I spoke brightly and he laughed and nodded, pulling me close and laying me on his chest protectively.

" You're gonna be such a good parent Jin, the best out there. Such a pretty Beta too, hm? All pretty with my pups.. I'm so proud of you." He said with a soft smirk, causing me to blush.

" Joon! don't make me blush, you big dork!" He chuckled and watched me get comfortable on him, knowing I was tired as he turned off the lamp next to our bed. Both of us slowly drifted to sleep, our hands rested softly against my stomach.

Hello! I know this was a short chapter, but I wanted to do a quick and sweet chapter for namjin! The next chapter will be much longer, hopefully I will have it out by tonight!Thank you for reading lovelies!

- vkooktingz <3

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