A Second Book

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" Alpha? Why don't you have a mate? "

" Well, I believe I do. I just don't know where they are.. "

" I hope you find them! "

" I hope so too. "

The child ran off, leaving Jungkook alone to be in his thoughts. The Alpha had been having dreams of a boy lately, and he needed to know why. The boy was the most beautiful person he'd every laid eyes on, but he only ever saw him in his dreams. Jungkook prayed to the moon goddess nightly, begging her to let him find the boy that he saw every night, but his prayers hadn't been answered. 

After Jungkook had taken in those pups that he found in the forest, he often wondered where they came from and where their parents were, but the pups had no idea how to answer his questions, but the Alpha felt like if he got the answers he needed, it would allow him to figure out so much.

It wasn't until a few days later, when Jungkook was fast asleep in his bedroom, that he started dreaming. His dream started out as they normally did, him sitting in a field filled with flowers, taking in the beauty around him, but this time, something was different. He heard a noise behind him, and when he turned around to look, he saw the beautiful boy, and his heart instantly swelled with love.

" Hello there. "  Jungkook said in a soft tone, not wanting to frighten the boy.

The boy stared at Jungkook with wide eyes, looking shocked to see the Alpha.

" K-Kookie...? "  The boy asked in a shakey tone, his eyes swelling up with tears.

Jungkook stopped, tilting his head in confusion at what he just said.

" What? How do you know my name?? "

" Kookie it's m-me... "

The boy reached out to him, desperately wanting to feel Jungkook's touch, but the second they did touch, the boy was gone. 

Jungkook felt his heart drop when the boy disappeared, but on the ground laid a necklace with a locket attached to it. He picked up the necklace, examining it as he slowly opened the locket, and inside contained a picture. A picture of the boy and Jungkook. 

He woke up with a gasp, clutching his heart as he tried to slow his breath down, feeling his heart race as his mind tried to wrap itself around what just happened in his dream. He eventually calmed down and rubbed his eyes, but when he opened his hand, something fell out and landed on the blankets below him. He reached down and picked up what fell, and his eyes widened at what it was. The necklace and locket from his dream.

- Coming Soon -

Hello lovelies!! I've decided to make a sequel to this story, and here's a preview of what's to come!! The sequel will be called " Quiet" , and the first chapter will be released soon! Please stick around to read it, and I hope you all are excited for it !!

- vkooktingz <3

- vkooktingz <3

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