Chapter Fifteen

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Jungkook's POV -

I sat in my office going over information about nearby packs when I suddenly started feeling tense and hot. I shook my head and tried to continue working, but I could feel a strong urge for my mate building up inside of me, and I knew what was happening. I was starting my rut.

I yelled for Namjoon, seeing him soon walk in through my office door.

" Yes Alpha? Is everything alright? "

" Where's Taehyung? "

" He's out with Jin and Hoseok, they took Hoseok outside to get fresh air. Do you need me to call them back inside? "

( Everyone now knows that Hoseok is alive, Yoongi informed them.)

" No, I need you to keep Taehyung away from me, I'm starting my rut soon and I don't want to hurt him. "

" I'll do my best to keep him away, Alpha. He's going to be very upset though. "

" I know, but he'll get hurt and I cant afford to mess up with him again, I love him too much and I can't lose him. "

I watched Namjoon nod and exit the room,and I made my way towards my bedroom, locking the door and taking my shirt off as I felt my body getting hotter by the minute. I paced around, growling as my inner wolf screamed at me to get my Omega and relieve myself, but I shut those thoughts out and laid down on my bed as I began unbuckling my belt.

Taehyung's POV -

I held hands with Hoseok as Jin and I guided him through the hallways, as we were now back inside since it was beginning to become cold outside. We helped Hoseok sit down on the couch, making him comfortable as he smiled warmly at us. Jin was about to sit down as well, but Namjoon approached us, so he quickly made his way over to his mate. 

" Hey baby."  Namjoon said with a smile as he took Jin in his arms, making me want to go see Jungkook.

 I started making my way towards our bedroom, but Namjoon gently grabbed my arm and held me back. 

" Can you stay with Hoseok, Taehyung? Jungkook is busy right now." Namjoon said to me, making me whine and not understand why I couldn't go see my mate.

I tried to walk passed Namjoon but he held me back again, causing me to tear up and try harder.

" Taehyung, stop. I told you Jungkook is busy and you can't see him."

I looked up at Namjoon with watery eyes and I started crying, thinking Jungkook didn't want me anymore, which made Hoseok tear up too, making Jin tear up as well. All of this made Namjoon look like he wanted to rip his hair out, but instead he soothed the three of us and tried to explain what he meant. 

" argh... please don't cry. Listen, Jungkook started his rut and he doesn't want you to get hurt, which will definitely happen if you go near him."

I slowly nodded and wiped my eyes, hugging Hoseok for comfort, and of course he hugged me back and soothed me. Namjoon eventually took Jin back to their bedroom, leaving Hoseok and I in the living room. Hoseok showed me how to use the television and we decided that we'd watch movies for the rest of the night. Yoongi eventually came and tried to take Hoseok to their room to go to bed, but Hoseok insisted that he wanted to stay with me so I wasn't alone, which Yoongi reluctantly agreed to.

A few hours later...

I woke up seeing Hoseok sleeping next to me, but I could feel my inner wolf begging me to go to Jungkook. I could feel how he was hurting from not having me there with him, and it made me whimper and get up, and I swiftly made my way through the dark pack house and towards the bedroom. 

I finally reached the bedroom door and twisted the door handle, finding it to be locked. I knocked softly but got no response, so I knocked a bit louder and finally heard my mates voice.

" Taehyung.. You can't be here." I heard him say from the other side of the door, his voice sounding rough and anxious.

I whined at his words and knocked more, not wanting to give up, especially since I could feel the pain he was in and I wanted to try and help him. I didn't really understand what "rut" meant, but I assumed it was an Alpha thing and that he'd need his mate to help.

Jungkook finally opened the door and I was met with seeing him shirtless, sweat glistening on his skin, and his hair was very messy and disheveled. I stared up at him for a few long moments before he pulled me into the room and locked the door, pressing me up against the door and pinning my hands above my head.

Jungkook's POV - 

I held him against the door and heard him squeak in surprise, which made him look even more irresistible in my eyes. I knew that Taehyung could feel the lust practically radiating from my body and I watched as he became very submissive and flustered. I ran my hand down his body, feeling his curves as I used my other hand to keep him pinned to the door. I could fee mlyself losing control and I knew I needed to hurry up so I didn't lose it and accidentally hurt my mate.

Taehyung looked up at me with wide doe eyes and he nodded shyly as if he were giving me permission to continue, which I was grateful for. I slid his sweater off of his body and drooled at the sight, seeing all of his exposed curved and his adorable pudgy stomach. I growled lowly and laid him on the bed, sliding his pants off in the process, making him cover his pretty face in embarrassment. 

I turned him over and stared at his ass, feeling my mouth water and an obvious tent forming in my underwear. I leaned forward and gripped his ass, kneading the soft flesh in my hands and my mate gripped the bed and blushed heavily. I spent a good few minutes simply enjoying looking at the sigh before me, but I soon flipped him back over and began leaving kisses and hickeys down his exposed body as he mewled in pleasure. I started pulling his underwear down, and I heard the sweetest things I've ever heard.

"K-Kookie..."  Taehyung said in a soft, whiny voice, making my eyes widen hearing him finally speak.

A gave him a bright smile and slid his underwear off all of the way, making sure he wasn't scared of nervous. I felt my body get hotter and lust took over me, causing our night to officially begin.

Do you all think Taehyung will have pups after this? hehe, but I'm sorry about the terrible smut!

- vkooktingz

- vkooktingz

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