Chapter Three

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Warning- This chapter will contain triggering content, such as offensive language and mentions of abuse.

Taehyung's POV

I woke up feeling the cold breeze against my body. The forest was quiet, only the faint sounds of crickets and the soft pattering of other animals could be heard as I tried to keep myself warm. I wonder if I should try and keep moving, maybe I'll have a better chance at being in a safe place if I can just get as far away as I can. I look down at my small, malnourished body and sigh. 

How am I supposed to do this if I can't even defend myself?  No pack would want a scrawny, silent Omega who's having some Alphas pups to be in their pack..

I whimper quietly as I'm deep in my thoughts, but I suddenly hear the quiet crunching of leaves and feet approaching, getting closer and closer to where I was. I start holding my breathe, covering my mouth with my shaky hands. 

Third Person POV

"Come on out little wolf.. I know you're here, your scent is telling me how scared you are..."

A low growl spread throughout the dark forest as the small omega trembled, hiding beneath the leaves, desperately clutching himself as he prayed the alpha wouldn't find him. The crisp night wind blew through the trees, spreading his scent all around, but the Alpha knew better, he knew the omega wasn't smart enough to properly run away.

"Don't make this more difficult Taehyung..." Growled out the Alpha, knowing he was growing closer and closer to finding the scared little Omega.

Taehyung curled into a tight ball, his body shaking uncontrollably as he tried to stay put, knowing his life would be over if he was found. He could never go back to the horrors of his previous pack, those werewolves were capable of the worst things imaginable, and Taehyung knew he would be dead soon enough.

"Gotcha." , the Alpha snarled as he ripped Taehyung out of the leaves, The poor Omega wailing loudly in the grip of the Alpha, until something, someone, stepped out of the darkness... 

See what I did here ? hehe :")

Jungkooks's POV

15 minutes ago..

"Come on Jungkook. We've been out here for hours and I want to sleep." whined out an annoyed Yoongi, who was currently following Jungkook around the forest, hearing him yap about a sweet smell he was following

" I swear Yoongi, I need to find this smell. It's my mate, I know it is." I sighed as I kept walking, ignoring the cold air and growling of my stomach, I'm determined  to find my mate and bring them home with me.

"Jimin's gonna be pissed at me, we were supposed to watch movies tonight., and now i'm stuck out here, in a forest, with you."

"Jimin? You two sure spend a lot of time together. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Hoseok dumped your ass."  I laughed, seeing Yoongi roll his eyes and scoff.

"Hoseok couldn't last two days without me." Yoongi scoffed, sending harsh glares at Jungkook. "Besides, Jimin and I are just friends." Yoongi emphasized friends, but I still didn't believe him, feeling hurt that he could possibly be cheating on my best friend.

"Right." I mumbled, keeping a steady pace as I walked, not caring about the groaning mint haired boy who was trying to keep up with me. 

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