Chapter Ten

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up to the smell of something delicious, the appetizing scent of bacon and eggs, meaning Jin and Hoseok must be making breakfast for everyone. I used my good arm to sleepily rub my eyes, looking down at my mate, who was still snuggled into me like a baby. I giggle quietly, still surprised at how innocent Jungkook looks when he's not acting all big and strong. Of course, I love seeing him being strong and intimidating, but it's really nice to see him like this, it makes me feel special. I run my fingers through his soft raven colored hair, feeling him purr in his sleep, but I was soon interrupted by Hoseok bursting into my room, carrying two plates of delicious food.

"Goodmorning Taehyung!" he spoke brightly as he set down our food, and he gasped once he saw how Jungkook looked. I smiled and giggled, signaling for him to not be too loud, not wanting to wake up my sleeping mate.

"He looks adorable! I've never seen him like this, not even when we were kids!" Hoseok whisper yelled, laughing softly as he poked Jungkook's cheek, making me giggle more.

Hoseok spoke to me for a few minutes longer, telling me that he'd be back later and would help me attempt to walk, since I've been unable to due to the amount of pain my broken ribs caused me every time I tried.  Once he left, I tried to sit up and reach my plate that was on the nightstand, but I met my defeat once I felt my body land on top of Jungkook's sleeping figure. I let out a yelp and his eyes slowly fluttered open, smirking as he saw my face flush a bright pink color.

"Trying to jump me in my sleep, love?" he said with a grin, and I quickly shook my head no, whining and pointing at the bandages that are around my rib area. His grin turned to a soft smile as he realized what I was trying to tell him, and he carefully laid me back down, picking up my plate from the nightstand once I was comfortable.

"I'd love to have you jump me, but now obviously isn't the time for that, so I'm gonna feed you, okay?" he said with a soft smile, earning a pout from me.

" Don't pout Tae, you're too beautiful for that. Plus, I need to feed you so you don't hurt yourself more." I huffed and nodded, and soon he began feeding me even though I had a pout on my face the whole time.

Jimin's POV-

Warning- smut is ahead 

I held onto the silk  bed sheets and moaned shamelessly as the Beta gripped my waist tightly, pounding into me like there was no tomorrow. Did I care that this certain Beta had a mate? Nope. Was I going to take this Beta as my own? Yep. Who cares anyways, it's not like they have a family, and he doesn't even like his mate, so what's the point of letting them be together?

"Focus on me while I'm fucking you, Jimin." Yoongi growled as he gripped me tighter, slapping my thigh harshly which caused a lewd moan to echo through the bedroom.

"Then stop fucking me like a little bitch and do it like you mean it~ " I teased, causing him to pick up his pace and wrap his hand around my throat, sending me into a state of pure bliss. I felt like I was on cloud nine, and I could feel a familiar tightness building up in my lower stomach, telling me that I wouldn't last much longer.

It took a few more minutes for us to finish committing our sins, and I plopped myself on top of Yoongi, licking his earlobe as I made myself comfortable.

"Ew, don't lick me you little weirdo." Yoongi said with a disturbed look on his face, only for me to lick him more.

" I do what I want, plus, you know you like it." I said as I nibbled his ear, getting an idea in my head.

"Baby~" I cooed, looking up at Yoongi with a sweet smile. Only getting a groan of a response from him, causing me to whine.

" I want to have a threesome. With Hoseok. I wanna tie him up and toy with him, then I want you to fuck him until he stops breathing~" I said as I slowly licked Yoongi's neck, giggling quietly.

" You- what?" he asked with a shocked look, feeling guilt build in his stomach as he thought it through.

" Jungkook would lose his shit, Jimin. What would we tell everyone? That we fucked him to death??"

" No stupid, we'd say he attacked me and that I defended myself. It's simple, say he was jealous, and then boom , problem solved!" I said happily, sighing in content as I praised myself for coming up with such a genius plan.

" Fine.. When will we do it?" Yoongi asked, and I already had the answer.

" Tomorrow night! We'll lure him back here, knock him out, tie him up and blindfold him, and then continue with our plan!" Yoongi nodded at what he heard, thinking silently to himself as he let out a sigh.

Could he really kill Hoseok?

That concludes today's chapter ! I hope you all enjoyed, and have an amazing day lovelies!

- vkooktingz <3

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