Chapter Nine

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Seokjin POV

One week later...

I walk towards the room that we're keeping Jungkook in, which is a secured room in the basement. After the incident between Jungkook,Taehyung, and Jimin, we sedated Jungkook and he's been asleep since then. I reach his room and walk inside, locking the door behind me in case he decides to act insane again. Jungkook stirs in his sleep, meaning he'sprobaly waking up soon, so I decide to wait and explain to him what's going on. 

A few barely audible noises left Jungkook's mouth as he woke up, his eyes fluttering open as he slowly sat up.

" Jin...? Where the hell am I?" he asked with a confused look as I set a plate of warm food down on the nighttsand next to the bed he's on.

"You're in the basement, Jungkook. Do you remember anything that happened?"  I asked with a sympathetic look, knowing he probably lost control and didn't remember at all.

" Not really.. I remeber Taehyung and Jimin coming back, and I think Tae smelt like Jimin, But I don't remember after that."

" I figured..." I sighed and took a deep breath, telling him the details of the events that went on when he lost control.

Once I finished talking, he stared at me with a horrified expression, letting my words sink into him as he processed what I just told him.

" Jin I...I hurt Taehyung...?" He asked with a shaky voice, and I nodded reluctantly. 

"Oh god... Is his pup okay?? It's okay, right? Please Jin..." 

"No Jungkook, it's not. I'm sorry... but it didn't survive, the damage you did was too severe. But...Taehyung won't accept the fact that it's dead, he refuses to believe me.."

He stared at me with teary eyes, and I knew that he never meant to hurt anyone. Jungkook clearly knew that no amount of apologies could fix the things that he's done, but he knew he had to at least try. I sat what Jungkook for almost an hour, comforting him and telling him not to blame himself, because even though he hurt people that he cares about, I could see how much he was hating himself for what he did.

Jungkook's POV

Jin finally got me to come out of the basement, and I shamefully followed behind him as he led me to the medical area and to where Taehyung was. After a few dreadful moments, Jin stopped outside of a quiet room, and he turned to me with a gentle smile.

"He's in there, just please don't scare him and make sure you're gentle, he's very fragile right now." I nodded as I reluctantly reached for the door handle, slowly opening it and stepping inside of the quiet room.

I closed the door behind me once I was inside, letting out a quiet sigh as I stepped towards the bed that Taehyung was in, and when I saw the state that the poor Omega was in, my heart ached. There were thick bandages wrapped around Taehyung's head and face, and his nose was broken judging by how many bandages were surrounding it. His eyes were black ad blue and somewhat swollen shut, making his soft features look completely broken. His left arm was wrapped in a cast, and his breathing was shallow and raspy, indicating that he definitely had broken ribs. His good arm was clutched around his stomach, rubbing it softly, which completely broke my heart.

I stared at my poor mate, finally building up the courage to say something to him.

"Tae..." I spoke as softly as I could manage, and his body visibly flinched when he heard my voice. 

"Tae, baby...please don't be scared..I swear i'll never hurt you again..god, i'm so fucking sorry..." He whimpered at my words, but his hand slowly reached out, trying to find me. I gently took his hand in my own, feeling shocked that he could somehow still manage to love me. I leaned down and softly kissed his small hand, feeling his body tremble as he whimpered.

"I never meant to hurt you.. I lost myself, Tae... I love you more than anything, and I hurt your beautiful face... I understand if you don't want me anymore, I won't hate you if you leave me.." I said with a soft tone, but he whined out and gripped my hand, squeezing it with the little strength that he had. 

" I swear i'll fix this, I just need you to get better.." I pet his head softly and tried to be as loving as possible, giving him the affection that he needed and deserved. I wasn't expecting him to immediately forgive me or to comfortable around me, but I'm ready to give him time and to let him heal, no matter how long it takes.

I sat next to him as I heard his soft snores fill the room, still petting his head, knowing it comforted him. I stared at the damage that I did, feeling immensely guilty as I wondered how the hell I did that to my own mate. I felt myself tear up, and I did something that that I rarely ever do, i whimpered. I felt tears roll down my face, and I slowly managed to get into bed next to  taehyung, feeling desperate to be close to him. I'm supposed to be a big strong Alpha, protecting my pack from the dangerous things in life, but now, I just needed to let go and be next to the person that I loved. 

I very carefully rested my head in the crook of his neck, basking in the feeling of his warmth and the comforting feeling that being close to him sent through my body. He stirred in his sleep, opening his eyes a bit and his breath hitched when he realized I was snuggling him, but he relaxed and a small smile appeared on his face. 

Taehyung's POV

I smiled as I saw how Jungkook let go of his strong Alpha facade, and he looked so sweet as he snuggled into me. I watched as he slowly started sleeping, my mind starting to recall the terrible beating i received from him, but I did my best to push those thoughts away, knowing it wasn't my Jungkook who did that to me. I rubbed my stomach and giggled softly, feeling happy that soon i'd be able to hold a beautiful pup in my arms. Jin told me that i lost the pup, but I don't believe him, there's no way that I lost my precious pup. I ran my fingers through Jungkook's hair, and I slowly did something that Jimin had been helping me work on before the incident. 


Hi lovelies! I know that wasn't a very good chapter, I'm sorry :(

- vkooktingz <3

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