Chapter Sixteen

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Taehyung's POV -

I woke up and felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and I smiled softly, loving the feeling. My body was tired after Jungkook continuously wanted to have sex, but he looks so peaceful right now, so I'm proud that I helped my mate. I turned over and snuggled against Jungkook's bare chest, nuzzling my head against it contently. I studied his features, loving everyting about him. From his perfect jawline, his soft dark hair, goofy bunny smile, I loved it all.

I saw Jungkook stir a bit in his sleep as I gently touched his face, gasping quietly as I thought I had accidentally woken him up. His eyes flickered open and he gazed down at me, smiling tiredly as he moved down to kiss my forehead. 

" Goodmorning love, you look beautiful. " Jungkook said as he ran his fingers through my hair, chuckling gently.

I blushed and nuzzled my head against his hand, loving the way my heart fluttered every time he touched me. I saw Jungkook's eyes glance around my body, and he smirked softly as he saw all of the love bites and hickies that he gave me. Our bedroom was a mess, and it reeked of sex, but we didn't care at all as we just laid in bed with each other. I knew Jungkook would probably need to have sex with me again soon, and my thoughts were answered as I felt one of his hands reach around to squeeze my ass. 

My face flushed red as he continued to squeeze and explore my exposed body, leaving me completely flustered my his lust filled touches. I felt his hands run up and down my thighs, squeezing them and jiggling them like some sort of jello. I squirmed as my body became heated and my skin was itching for my mates touch, but I knew that soon enough I would get what I wanted.

Third Person POV -

The two mates spent countless hours having sex as Jungkook tried his best to overcome his rut, feeling oh so thankful that he had Taehyung by his side to help him. The older boy did his best to not hurt his precious Omega, failing a few times in the process as he had gotten too rough, but he was always quick to slow down and soothe his sweet mate. 

Days later, Jungkook's rut was finally coming to an end, and the two mates were finally able to relax without having to deal with Jungkooks sexual urges. At this point, Taehyung was most definitely going to be having pups, thee was no doubt about it. The pair very much wanted a family together, even if Taehyung couldn't verbally say it, Jungkook knew that he felt the same way. The pack house was beyond happy that they would no longer have to listen to the constant moaning and screaming coming from the Alpha's bedroom, but of course that peace would only last so long. 

Namjoon and Yoongi had to patrol around the pack boarders more frequently as more rouge wolves had started lurking around, but thankfully they were able to handle it with only a few very minor injuries. Days went by quickly, and soon the Alpha and his mate found out that they were expecting pups. Taehyung was ecstatic when he found out the news and he was so excited to finally start an official family with Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand was scared. He was scared that he would lose his temper again and hurt his mate, or that he'd end up hurting his pups. Hoseok sat down with Jungkook and talked to him, reassuring him that he would be an amazing father and an amazing husband to his soon-to-be fiancee. 

Jungkook planned on proposing to Taehyung, and he did just that. They had gone to a quiet creek and had a lovely picnic, and that's where he popped the big question. Of course, Taehyung immediately said yes, verbally saying it. He had been working so hard on his speech, and he was finally able to say very basic words and sentences, but it was a huge improvement. Jin had his pups a few months later, giving birth to three healthy babies, all boys. Namjoon struggled to not drop the poor things, but he turned out to be an amazing dad as he learned quickly, and Jin was so proud of him. 

Things around the pack moved quickly as they prepared for Jungkook and Taehyung's wedding, and everything was absolutely stunning. From the moment Taehyung walked down the isle to the moment they both said I do, everything was so wonderful. Everything went perfectly, until it didn't.

Hello lovelies ! clearly this chapter skipped a lot, but that was my plan! I hope you don't mind! sadly there is only a few chapters left, but I can assure you that they will be good ! After the final chapter there WILL be an epilogue, so please stick around!

- vkooktingz

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