Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person POV -

The entire pack was gathered outside in a nearby meadow, silently standing around a newly placed grave that had a bouquet of fresh daisies laid upon it. Some people silently shed tears, some had expressionless faces, and a certain someone stood in the back, wallowing in his guilt as he wished he could turn back time. 

Jungkook gave a speech about Hoseok, trying his best to make people remember the times he told jokes, or the times he would take the packs pups on little field trips around the forest. He told people of the good things that his best friend did, and how he could light up a whole room with his contagious smile. Sniffles and quiet whimpers could be heard from the small pups that stood by their parents, not understanding why their favorite babysitter was hiding beneath the grass.

A pup named Dae-Hyun made his way to the back of the crowd and over to Yoongi, the soft pitter-patter of his feet finally caught the Beta's attention and he soon looked down to meet the wondering eyes of the pup.

"M-Mister Yoongi? Why is hoseokie hiding...? Did we do something to make him sad...?"  the pup asked with a sniffle, making Yoongi's heart ache.

"Hoseok had to go to sleep for a did nothing wrong Dae-Hyun." 

"Oh...when w-will he wake up..?"

"not for a long time..but I wish he'd wake up, I miss him too.."

The pup nodded with a sad expression, and he was soon picked up by Yoongi and embraced in a gentle hug. Yoongi comforted the boy, hoping to ease his little heart of the sadness it was feeling. Dae-Hyun eventually wandered back to his parents, leaving Yoongi to stand alone. Jimin hadn't bothered to go to the funeral, and he hadn't tried to speak to Yoongi, but of course Yoongi wanted absolutely nothing to do with Jimin and his psychotic ways of doing things. The Beta silently slipped away from the crowd of people, sparing once last look at Hoseok's grave before he silently disappeared  into the forest, travelling far into the dense wilderness. 

Yoongi's POV -

I ran until my legs felt numb and couldn't carry me any further, and I collapsed onto the damp forest floor, staring up at the sky that was partially covered by the dense trees. My heart ached and twisted, and I could feel my inner wolf crying out for Hoseok, desperately  needing his soft touch. There was no way that I would ever move on and find a new mate, I needed Hoseok, even if I could never have him again. I knew I was a horrible mate and that i did awful things, but I would give my life for a chance to start over, for a chance to just be able to hold him and tell him that I loved him. 

I remembered stories my parents told me about the moon goddess, and how she would answer the prayers of people who deserved a second chance, but I never believed that shit. If she was real, why hasn't she helped me? Why hasn't she brought my mate back to me? Many thoughts ran through my head and I wanted to scream, to just let out everything I was feeling and to scream at the moon goddess for not giving me back my mate. Through all of my sadness and anger, I felt a mind-link connect to mine, and I froze dead in my tracks.

"h-help..." I heard in my mind, and I immedietly started responding back.

"Who are you?? Where are you, Are you hurt??" 

"p-please help's so cold..." 

I ran towards the only place I could think of. The waterfall. Once i got there, I dashed around in search of whoever mind-linked me, but I found no one. Was I going crazy? Did I imagine all of that? I began walking away, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure curled up, soaking wet and shivering badly. 

I felt my heartbeat quicken as I ran to the person, taking my coat off and wrapping it around them as fast as I could. They looked up at me and their honey-pot eyes met mine, and I instantly knew. Hoseok. 


I couldn't get any words out, and I hugged him like my life depended on it. He sniffled and hugged me back with his shivering arms, and I could hear his teeth chattering.

"How did you get here?? We just buried your body.."

"I-I remember being somewhere that was quiet and warm...and th-then a lady told me I needed to go back and live out my life...and then I was underwater..."

I felt tears slip out of my eyes, and I looked up at the sky. Thank you. 

"I'm so sorry...I swear I'll never lay  a finger on you ever again, I promise I'll be the best mate for you...

Hoseok nodded and laid his head against my chest, his wet hair making my shirt get damp, but I didn't mind at all. I had him back, and that was the only thing that mattered. I held him against my body, attempting to warm him up and I kissed the top of his head as soft as I could manage. 

A few hours later...

I managed to sneak us both back into the pack house, bringing him to our room and getting him safely into bed. I didn't want to freak him out by telling everyone straight away, knowing it would make him nervous and anxious. He needed time to rest and get himself together, and we both needed alone time to heal what's been broken. I knew he would forgive me, but I needed time to forgive myself for the awful things that I did to him. 

We laid under the blankets and I held him and talked to him softly, knowing he likes to fall asleep to the sound of my voice. Once he fell asleep, I thought up plans to help make him happy, and thought of sweet things I could do for him, since this beautiful boy deserves the world.

Hello lovelies! I hope you all enjoyed this, and I hope everyone is okay with how the story is playing out so far!

- vkooktingz <3

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