Chapter Seventeen

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Third Person POV -

Things began taking a turn for the worst. Taehyung had recently fallen ill, and Jungkook was beyond stressed out during the current situation. Luckily, Jin confirmed that Taehyung's pups were healthy and alive, which put them a bit more at ease, but poor Taehyung was still sick and weak. He had caught a nasty cold from being outside with Hoseok in the rain, and everyone was doing their best to care for him. The Omega was now four months pregnant, only a few weeks away from his due date, which slightly scared the poor boy. (pregnancy's last until around five months in this story.)

Currently, Jungkook was preparing soup for his mate who was laid in their bed, hoping he could help ease his mate's sickness. He reached their room with the bowl of warm soup and entered, smiling fondly at his pregnant mate. 

" Here love, I made you some soup. "  Jungkook said as he gently set the soup on the nightstand, picking up the spoon and feeding the soup to Taehyung.

Taehyung slowly ate the soup as Jungkook fed him, soon finishing it all. He pressed a kiss to the older's cheek cheek and then laid back down, rubbing his now large stomach in the process. Jungkook bent down and placed soft kisses on the boy's stomach, his heart swelling with pride at the thought of his mate giving birth to his beautiful pups. The pair laid in bed and cuddled each other in content, basking in the warmth that they created together.

Seokjin's POV -

" Namjoon I swear to god, If you drop my babies I will kill you !! " Jin yelled as he watched Namjoon bounce their pups up and down, earning loud giggles from the sweet babies.

" Oh hush babe, they're fine. See? They love it ! "  He exclaimed as he continued playing with the babies, chuckling at how his mate was scowling at him. 

Namjoon was indeed very clumsy, but so far he had not had any accidents involving his children, which he was very proud of. He was surprisingly very gentle and careful with them, and he always found a way to soothe them if they were crying of having a fit. Jin of course was also a great parent to the babies, but he was much more stressed and on edge due to the fact that they were so small and fragile. Jin knew that it was very unlikely that he would accidentally harm the babies, but he was still scared that fear would get the best of him. 

I couldn't help but smile at how Nmajoon handled the babies, and I could already tell that he would do absolutely anything to protect our newly created family. He never failed to make sure that I got love and attention, and he made me feel like some sort of prince. 

I continued watching them and I saw Jungkook run into the room, hurrying towards me.

" Seokjin we need you, Taehyung is in pain and I think he's gonna have the pups. "  Jungkook said in a worried tone, his eyes had fear clearly evident in them. 

I followed him out of the room and to their bedroom, where I saw Taehyung crying and writhing in pain as he clutched his stomach. I quickly made my way to the Omega and hurriedly examined him, realizing that he was very much in labor. I got a washcloth with water and I smoothed it over his forehead in attempt to help with the pain, and I added more pillows onto the bed to support him.

" Taehyung baby, love, please breathe. You need to breathe honey, focus on me and breathe. "  Jungkook spoke as he clutched his mates hand, doing his absolute best to help the situation. 

I took Taehyung's pants and underwear off to better examine him, and thankfully he allowed me to without freaking out. His body was small, so I knew this would be a hard labor for the boy,but I was sure that he would make it through this. I set towels beneath him to soak up any liquids that would be involved in the birth, since blood was always a factor in childbirth. 

Taehyung's labor wasn't supposed to happen for a few more weeks, so I was worried that the pups may be too small and fragile, but I hoped for the best. Soon the contractions got worse and closer together, signaling that it was time for the Omega to start pushing.

" Okay Tae, you need to push. Push for me so we can get your pups here, okay? "  I said, earning a pained nod from him in response. 

" I'm going to count to three, and you're gonna push. One... Two... Three! "  

Third Person POV -

Taehyung pushed with all of his strength, crying out very loudly at the pain as he desperately squeezed Jungkook's hand. He pushed again and again when Jin instructed him to, but the pain seemed to never end for the poor Omega. His mate did his best to ease him, but the pain was just too much. 

It felt like Taehyung was being ripped apart as he desperately pushed, but nothing seemed to happen. He tried and tried and Jin said he was almost there, but was he? He just wanted this to be over and he wanted his pups, but how could he possibly continue handling this pain? He knew it would be worth it in the end, and that he'd have beautiful pups, but of course he wanted the pain to be gone, and he really wanted to just go to sleep. 

He pushed more, but now he could feel a pup start to come out. A loud cry was soon heard in the room as a pup was born, and it was quickly wrapped up and cleaned and then handed to Jungkook. Taehyung could feel more pups coming, so Jin told him to keep pushing, ad he did just that. Two more pups were born shortly, but there were still more coming.

" Baby you're so so close, just one more to go. "  Jungkook said reassuringly as he cradled their three pups, knolwing there was only one more pup left.

Taehyung pushed and pushed, and he felt the final baby coming, so he pushed harder. He couldn't wait to meet his beautiful babies, and he knew he was almost there. The final baby came and it was cleaned and wrapped up, and Jungkook soothed Taehyung as he carefully placed one of the babies in the Omega's arms. The boy began to look down at his new bundle of joy, but then, he woke up.

- The End -

Hello ! Yes, that was the end of Silenced! but don't worry, there will be an epilogue that explains this all, since i'm sure no one knows what just happened! stay tuned lovelies !

- vkooktingz

- vkooktingz

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