Chapter Eleven

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This chapter will only be focused on Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok

Warning- very triggering content ahead

Yoongi's POV-

I walk down the quiet hallways of the pack house, it now being almost midnight, and most of the pack is asleep. I knew Hoseok would be cleaning up in the kitchen, so I walked in, clearing my throat when I finally saw him washing dishes in the sink.


"Oh! Yoongi! Jeez, You scared me!" He said as he came over and gave me a big warm hug, and I rolled my eyes as I gave him a half-hearted hug in return. He smiled brightly when I hugged him back, a look of pure joy washed over his face as he stayed latched onto me like some sort of koala.

" Sorry, but I wanted to ask if you'd come with me to our room, I wanna have a nice night with you." I stated bluntly, and he looked even more happy once I said that, which I didn't think was possible.

" Oh of course! I'd love to spend time with you, you're my favorite person!" He said as he took my hand in his own, and I nodded, walking us quietly back down the hallways and towards our room. Once we got inside, I locked the door and sat him down on our large bed, helping him take off his coat.

" I'll make you some tea, just stay here and relax. Light some candles if you want, whatever's fine." 

I walked through the door that leads to our small kitchen that Hoseok added to our room, and made a hot cup of tea, but slipping in a white powdery substance as I finished making the cup. I made sure the powder was dissolved, and then brought it to Hoseok, watching him sip it happily as he massaged my shoulders once I sat down with him. 

I waited a long five minutes before I saw his body start swaying a bit, leaning on me for support as he dropped the empty cup of tea onto the carpet.

" F-Feel...sleepy..." He mumbled out pathetically, and then his body went limp next to me. A few moment later, Jimin slipped out of our bathroom, bringing ropes and other objects along with him.

" Well it's about time, I thought that idiot would never pass out!" He stated with a huff, handing me a bunch of strange looking objects as he tied Hoseok's hands to the headboard, securing him in place for what would come within the next few hours.

Third Person POV-

Hoseok was tied securely to the headboard, a black blindfold over his eyes and his clothes stripped off of him. He began waking up, Tugging at the headboard once he felt the roped around his hands, and he let out a frightened whine as panic began to set in.

" Y-Yoongi...? What's happening...?" The boy asked, his voice quivering as his body let out a flood of pheromones, filling the room with the thick smell of fear and distress as the boy began to cry.

" Please let me go... I-I'm scared..." he whimpered out through his tears, but he received a hard slap on the face, making his soft skin flush a bright red hue. 

" Shut the fuck up, stupid little shit." said a familiar voice, but this voice didn't come from his mate, it came from his friend, Jimin.

" Chim...? Is that you...? I-I can't see..." 

" No shit, I'm the one who put the blindfold on you." Hoseok quivered as he heard the dark tone of Jimin's voice, and he felt something cold and metal slowly sliding up and down his sensative skin, causing him to squirm in fear.

" I swear to god, if you scream, I'll set you on fucking fire." Jimin spoke, and Hoseok nodded, his whole body beginning to tremble, wishing his mate would save him from this awful nightmare.

Jimin dragged a sharp knife up the poor boys skin, slightly drawing blood as he pressed harder, a loud cry leaving the boys lips as he felt the sting of warm blood dripping down his body. Jimin laughed darkly, Looking over at Yoongi, who sat silently at the end of the bed.

" Come here Yoongi~ Time to test your toy~" Jimin said as he pulled the mint haired boy over to them, forcefully spreading Hoseok's legs open, leaving him on full display for Yoongi. Yoongi sighed and reached for the lube, but he was stopped by Jimin, who gave him an annoyed look.

" No no no! No lube! He's supposed to suffer Yoongi!" Jimin yelled, throwing the lube across the room with a huff.

Yoongi mumbled a few angry words, before pushing Hoseok's legs to a 90 degree angle, hearing a distraught wail come from the boy below him as he slammed himself inside of the boy. A gag was shoved into his mouth as he felt his mate slam into him with so much aggression, feeling his body convulse as he tried to endure the pain that was being inflicted on him. The boy desperately tried to get his mate to stop, but Yoongi blocked out the heartbreaking sobs coming from below him. Hoseok felt his airways become restricted as Yoongi's strong hand choked him, his breathing becoming rigid and slow as he felt his body becoming dizzy. The mint haired Alpha looked down at his suffering mate, who was covered in tears and blood, the blood coming from the cuts Jimin was inflicting, and from how rough Yoongi was being as he pounded the poor boy. As he took in the sad sight, his movements abruptly stopped and he let go of Hoseok's throat, leaving the boy gasping for air through his loud sobs.

" Yoongi! Keep going, the little shit's not dead yet!" Jimin yelled, but Yoongi shook his head in shame,

" No, Jimin. This is so wrong, he's my mate, I need to stop. We need to stop, there's no more of this relationship that can happen, I'm sorry, but I need to fix what I've done." Yoongi said as he tried to reason with Jimin, but Jimin's blood boiled in anger, and his body jerked forward as he plunged his knife into Hoseok's abdomen.

A loud scream was heard through the gag in his mouth, and blood began quickly flowing from the stab wound, his body rapidly losing blood.

" Hoseok! Fuck! What the fuck Jimin?!" Yoongi yelled as he untied Hoseok and held him, trying to stop the bleeding.

"You can't leave me Yoongi!!" Jimin screamed as he gripped his head, tugging at his hair like a crazed animal.

Yoongi ignored Jimin and took the gag out of Hoseok's mouth, trying to help the dying boy in his arms.

" Mmm' bad m-mate..." Hoseok choked out, thinking this is what he deserves for not being enough for his beloved mate"

" No Hoseok...It's my fault.. come on, you can't leave me now, we have to be happy..." Yoongi's voice cracked as he spoke, tears welling up in his eyes as he watched his mate's life drain right before his eyes.

" mm' sorry... J-Just wanted.. you to love m-me..." He spoke weakly, his dainty hand reaching up to touch Yoongi's cheek, trying to wipe away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

" Please don't... Hobi come on.." He cried as he said the nickname he hadn't used for his mate in years, hugging the boys body tightly as he got no responce from his mate.

" Don't leave me..I love you Hobi...I love you so much..." He shook his body in desperation, but all that was left of his frail mate was a lifeless, broken body of a boy who just wanted to be loved.

I'm sobbing. Yes, Jimin has severe mental issues, and they will be explained further on in the story. 

- vkooktingz </3

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