Chapter Five

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Jungkook's POV

I walked into the pack house after finishing my training, feeling the constant urge to hold and love my beautiful Omega, Taehyung. I went to the kitchen, seeing no signs of Taehyung, Jin, or Jimin. I sigh and walk the house, feeling nervousness build in my chest as I realize that I can't find Taehyung. I walk faster, reaching the library, and I swing the door open quickly, my body visibly relaxing as soon as I see Taehyung curled up, sleeping in Jins lap. He looked gorgeous, his soft hair falling over his eyes, his small body that was oh so perfectly shaped, everything about the boy had Jungkook in complete awe. 

"Jeez Jin, you scared the shit out of me, I thought someone took Taehyung or something." I said as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Pfft, you really think I would let someone hurt this precious boy? oh please!" Jin smiled as he pet Taehyung's head in a  motherly manner, making sure he was comfortable.

"The doctor said Taehyung's health is okay, but he definitely need to get on a steady diet if he wants his pups o survive to full term. I got him medicine for his wounds, and I made him eat an extra bowl of soup, just in case he woke up in the middle of the night and was hungry." Jin said with a smile, feeling proud that he successfully took care of the boy.

"Thank you Hyung." I nodded in appreciation and gave him a kind smile. " I should take him to our room now, he needs proper rest. Tell Namjoon I said hey, and good luck with the pup making." I smirked at the last part, seeing Jin gasp with a a blush.

" Yah! Shut up Jungkook!" Jin flushed a deep red color as he carefully handed me Taehyung, soon marching off to find his clumsy husband. 

I walked upstairs with Taehyung in my arms, eventually getting to my large bedroom. I kick my shoes off as I slowly lay Taehyung down on my bed, making sure not to wake him from his peaceful sleep. I take my shirt and pants off, quietly slipping into a pair of sweatpants before silently sliding into bed next to Taehyung. I felt him instantly cling to my body, making me smile softly and start rubbing soft circles on his back, soothing him as he slept. I couldn't wait to introduce him to my parents, more of my friends, and everyone I knew. I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to make sure that Taehyung had the best life that I could give him, even if that meant I would have to put him before everything else in my life, I would do it for him. I felt a surge of pride and happiness spread through my body as I thought about what our lives will be like from now on, slowly slipping into a heavy sleep with my Omega in my arms.

Taehyung's POV

Trigger warning- this part of the chapter will contain a nightmare that includes depictions of sexual assault. 

I woke up in my cold bedroom, yawning as I cuddled myself into my thin blankets, doing my best to stay warm as I slowly blinked and looked at my old clock. 3:52 a.m. , great, now I won't be able to sleep, I think to myself as I turn over to get comfortable. After around five minutes of me tossing and turning, I heard my door open, and in walked the head Alpha.

"Taehyung." I heard him say, but I stayed silent, fearing what would happen.

"I know you're awake, sit up and look at me, I have a present for you." A present...? It took me a few seconds for it to click in my brain, but the it hit me, today was my fourteenth birthday.

I sat up slowly and looked up at the Alpha, seeing his large body tower over me as I whimper. I heard him say a few more things, but my thoughts got completely clouded the second I felt his hands slide down my body, making me quiver and move away until my back was against the cold wall. He let out an aggressive growl, warning me to stop moving. My body froze as he pulled me back to him, and I felt his hands immediately go back to feeling my innocent body. I never wanted it to happen this way, I wanted to do this with someone I love, with my future mate, but this special thought was ripped away from my mind as I felt him tear my pajama shorts off along with my shirt, leaving me completely vulnerable to him. I could feel his disgusting mouth licking and biting down my stomach, hips, and thighs, leaving red marks along the way. After long minutes of the Alpha marking up my smooth skin, I saw him take out his phone and he pressed the record button on the camera, leaving a very confused look on my face. He propped his phone up on the side of my bed and forcefully pinned me down, very harshly this time. I let out a quiet cry, seeing him grin wickedly at the fear he could see in my eyes. He slipped a dark cloth over my head, covering my eyes from being able to see anything. As he did this, I felt his hot breath next to my ear as he whispered something.

"Happy birthday, little bitch." I heard him say, and not even a moment late, he slammed himself inside of me. I let out a loud, throaty scream as he mercilessly took every once of innocence I had left in me. My body soon gave up, my mind going foggy and blank as I just laid there, knowing I deserved what I was getting. "Why me?" I thought to myself as I was being used by the Alpha. "What did I do to deserve this? What did I do wrong?" but my thoughts were interrupted by the feeling in my lower half, my body feeling like it was being ripped in half as I felt blood slowly drip down my thighs. After hours of being used and taken advantage of, the Alpha left me, lying cold and alone in my dark bedroom. 

I woke up, feeling tears start pouring out of my eyes as I desperately reached for Jungkook, but found his side of the bed empty. My mind went into panic mode, immediately assuming the worst. He left me. He realized I'm a good for nothing, worthless Omega, and he left me. I started hyperventilating, sobbing into the pillow on the unfamiliar bed I'm currently in. I heard a door open, seeing Jungkook walk out of the bathroom, his hair wet from taking a shower. I sobbed and threw myself onto him, hugging him tightly as if my life depended on it. 

" Woah, hey now, Tae, calm down angel.." He held me in his arms and spoke softly to me, promising he wouldn't leave. I continued to cry, getting tears and snot all over his newly put on shirt, but he seemed to not care, he clearly cared more about my well-being than he did about his shirt. Jungkook comforted me in a way no one could, he didn't yell or scream at me for crying, he never once tried to hit me in the hours that I've been here in this unfamiliar pack, but instead he made me feel welcomed and loved. My sobs slowly calmed, and all that came out of me were quiet whimpers and sniffles as Jungkook continued to hold me like I was the most precious thing on earth. Jungkook laid me down gently with me still in his gentle hold, wrapping a blanket around us as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. My eyes became droopy as my breathing slowed, allowing me to fall into a peaceful sleep in my mates arms, but this time, no nightmares ever came. 

Hello lovelies! It hurt me to have to write that nightmare scene, but I think it will really help everyone see more into Taehyung's background, and to see the things that he will have to open up about to Jungkook in the future. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the next chapter will start off being in Namjoon and Jin's POV ! 

- vkooktingz <3

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