Chapter Two

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Third Person POV

Taehyung jerked awake, panting heavily as he clutched his blankets and tried to steady his breathing. He had a nightmare again, the same one he has every night. Taehyung always dreads going to sleep, knowing his mind will be flooded with the memories of his dead mother and the Alpha that caused his childhood to end. 

Taehyungs bedroom consists of a small bed, a old wooden desk and chair, and a small chest that contains his very few clothing items. His bedroom is in the basement of the pack house, and he gets locked inside every night, preventing him from being able to get away. Now 16 years old, Taehyung has no friends or anyone to call his family, and he has not spoken a word to anyone since the day his mother was killed. No matter how many beatings he gets, or how loudly the head Alpha screams at him, he won't let a word slip past his lips, they don't deserve his words, not after everything they've done to the poor boy. He occasionally gets to leave his bedroom, but only to take a shower once a month, or if the head Alpha calls for his presence, which never ends well. The Omega holds himself and whimpers, feeling pain and nausea get swept over his small body. For the past few weeks, he keeps getting these terrible feelings, which usually lead to him vomiting and crying on the floor, but no one comes to help him. As Taehyung lays on his bed whimpering, he hears the door creak open, and he sees the head Alpha step inside the room. His small body automatically curls up, preparing itself for whatever is about to come.

Taehyung's POV

I whimper, not knowing why the Alpha decided to come here. I glance over at him but I don't attempt to move, due to the pains I am feeling in my stomach. 

"What's the matter with you?" I heard the Alpha growl. I never learned his name, He told me I was just a useless Omega, unworthy of knowing his name, and unworthy of being loved. 

I shake my head and whimper more and clutch myself tighter, trying my hardest to not look weak in front of him, even though I can feel his mocking glare burning into me. 

I feel the Alpha move closer to my bed, and I feel his hot breath against the back of my neck as he inhales my scent silently. I shift uncomfortably, Feeling disgusted that he's so close, making me feel so vulnerable in his presence. Of course, there has been occasions when I've tried to attack him, tried to escape and leave this awful place, but I'm no match for the Alpha, he proved that by crushing my wrists with his bare hands, leaving them still damaged to this day. 

"my looks like my little Taehyung is useful after all" spat the Alpha. I whimpered, confused at what he meant, I didn't do anything, and I know for a fact that I am most definitely not useful. I felt one of his arms wrap around me tightly, and I felt his other arm reach up to stroke my hair. My body trembled at this unfamiliar touch, not once has the Alpha ever been this gentle towards me, let alone has he ever soothed me like this. 

He continued to stroke my hair, but then a cluster of words left his mouth, words that I wish I never would have heard. 

"You're having my pups." 

Full blown panic began to set in. I jerked away from his hold, my brain giving me no time to think as I bolted towards the basement door, swinging it open and ignoring the furious roars of the Alpha who was quickly following behind me. I slammed the door shut and locked it, soon hearing the door being banged on from the other side, I hesitated as I began to think that I made a mistake, but my inner wolf screamed at me to run. 

I ran towards the front door and swung it open. I stopped for a moment, staring at the beautiful world in front of me. The tall trees, the sounds of birds chirping, the flowing of a nearby creak, it was amazing. No one in the pack house had allowed me to go outside, it's been seven years, but i'm finally free. I snapped back from my thoughts and began running through the dense forest, knowing I had to get away from the horrors of the pack house. As I ran, my mind was clouded by thoughts, so many thoughts. I can't be having pups, I'm only 16... this can't be happening. The thought of having pups made me want to vomit. Of course I did want pups, I'm an Omega after all, But I didn't want them now, I'm still a kid. There was no way I could have a litter of pups alone, in a forest that I new nothing about. Maybe I would only have one pup, that would be okay right ? maybe I would find my mate and he would accept us, maybe I would have a real family. I kept running, trying to get away from the quickening sound of paws racing through the forest after me. I should've known that the Alpha would send his wolves after me, There was no way I could outrun them if they were in the wolf forms. 

I ran faster, trying desperately to hide my scent as I ran. The sun was starting to go down, and I felt my body becoming exhausted. I quickly found a quiet area and I laid down, covering myself in leaves. It's okayI'm going to be okay. Breathe Taehyung, like mom taught you. I took deep breathes as I softly rubbed my stomach, praying for a better life for me and my pups. I cleared my mind, realizing what I had to do. I had to step up and have these pups, I needed to give them a chance at living good lives. Even if these pups were the product of me getting raped by an Alpha who ruined my life, I would love them know matter what. Even if it meant that my mate could possibly reject me due to the fact that I had another Alphas pups, I would protect them with my life, Just like my mother did.

Phew ! That was a long chapter but I hope you lovelies enjoyed ! I promise the story will get more interesting within the next few chapters, and all of the characters will be introduced. Thank you all for being patient and reading this, I'm not a great writer but I will do my best to make this story enjoyable and a roller coaster of emotions !

- vkooktingz 

- vkooktingz ♥

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