Final Chapter - Epilogue

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Taehyung's POV -

It was cold. Why was it cold? I didn't understand what was happening as I slowly opened my eyes, and I was met with dirty walls. Why wasn't I in Jungkook's room? Did they move me? Many thoughts ran through my head as I began to start panicking, but then it hit me. I was back in the basement of my old pack house. I began to cry, my body wracking with sobs and I tried to comprehend what was happening to me. The basement was still cold and dark, and immense pain took over my body as I noticed all of the blood that was on the bed.

My body hurt, but my heart hurt the most. Maybe I was going insane, or maybe it was a dream, but all I knew was that I didn't want to live anymore.

Third Person POV -

As it turns out, Taehyung had been pregnant, and he did give birth to four healthy pups, but not with Jungkook. Taehyung had never escaped the pack house or the basement, and he was forced to live out his pregnancy alone and hungry while the Alpha rarely checked on him. When the time came for Taehyung to have his pups, he closed his eyes and let his mind find a beautiful place to go, and that's where he found Jungkook. His mind allowed him to stay with Jungkook and live out what he's always wanted, but soon enough, that was all taken away from him when he woke up a week later.

The Alpha told him that he was in a "coma", and that made the boy just want to curl up and die, so he did. He was so distraught about everything that he sliced his wrists against the metal bed-frame in his room, smiling sadly as he watched himself bleed out. 

He would have stayed alive for his pups, but he was told that he would never be able to meet them, and that broke his heart. As Taehyung watch the life drain out of himself, he thought of Jungkook and his friends, wishing that they were real, and that they could've taken him away from the hell that was his life. He bled out in his cold bed as he thought of the life that he could never have, and his life ended with one thought. The thought of Jungkook. 

Unkown POV -

I shoved the Alpha with all of my strength, watching him tumble down the stairs and land on the hard floor with a loud thud. I quickly closed and locked the door, then I ran as fast as I could to get the others. I found Chin-Hae first, grabbing his hand and taking him to get the two others. Soon, we found Kang-Dae and Mi-Cha, grabbing them as well as we ran out the front door.

People yelled our names and chased after us, but we didn't stop. Instead, I made everyone run as fast as they could, having to pick up Chin-Hae when he couldn't run anymore. It would be dark soon, and I had to find us shelter, but I had no clue where to go in a dense forest like this. We slowly came to a stop when I found a small cave near a creak, and I hurriedly took everyone inside of it.

" M-Min-Jun... I'm so tired..."  Chin-Hae said as he curled up with Kang-Dae, trying to get warmth from him.

" I know, but we'll find a new home soon, okay? I heard the pack members talk about a pack nearby, so we'll go there once morning comes."

The three nodded at me and curled up together, leaving some space for me. I curled up with them and held them close, knowing I needed to protect them with my life. Chin-Hae, Kang-Dae, and Mi-Cha were all Omegas, and being the only Alpha out of them, It was my job to protect my siblings, even if I had to risk my own life for them. I slowly started to drift asleep once I saw that they all were sleeping, and I let my eyes close, wishing my mom was here to guide us. 

In the morning...

I woke up to a loud cry and I shot up, looking around quickly, soon seeing Chin-Hae being held in the air by a man with raven black hair.

" Hey!! Let my brother go!! "  I yelled as the man dropped my brother, looking at me with an un-amused look.

" Fine. I wasn't going to hurt him, I was just surprised to see four kids near my pack house. "  The man spoke, making me nod slowly at his words.

" We're looking for a pack that will take us, we had to run away.. "  I said as I looked down.

" Well, I suppose I can take you all in. We have plenty of room and people who'll care for you.  "

" Thank you... "  I said quietly, realzing I never told him our names.

" I'm Min-Jun, and this is my brother Chin-Hae, brother Kang-Dae, and my sister Mi-Cha. What's your name? "   I asked, looking up at the kind man.

" My name is Jeon Jungkook. "

- Thank You For Reading "Silenced" -

Thank you all so much for reading my story!! I hope the ending was decent, and if you can't already tell, Taehyung's children ended up escaping at the age of ten, and they found Jungkook's pack! Again, thank you all so much!! Goodbye lovelies, make sure to stick around for more stories, and I currently have a oneshot book that is up!!

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