Chapter Seven

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Third Person POV 

It was early in the morning, birds could be heard outside as they started their songs, and the green, lush grass had a cool layer of dew dusted over it. The trees outside had started turning gorgeous shades of red, yellow, and orange, adding to the beauty of the large forest that surrounded the peaceful pack house. The pack started to wake up, little pups began to run around and their parents went after them, trying to keep their little ones quiet. Jungkook and Taehyung still slept in their warm bed, Jungkook of course ignoring the fact that he had duties as the head Alpha, but he'd much rather continue sleeping with his new found mate. A savory, delicious smell spread through the large house as Jin began cooking a large breakfast, waiting for Hoseok to eventually show up to help him. Thanksgiving was coming up shortly, and Jin was stressing out about how he would be able to feed so many people, but he knew he would have to figure it out soon. Jimin and Yoongi stumbled into the pack house, going noticed as Jimin giggled and held onto his secret lover as they made their way to a bathroom to shower. The morning went on, the house slowly being filled with more noise and commotion as the pack awoke from their sleep, finally starting their day.

Taehyung's POV

I woke up, feeling dried tears on my cheeks are I sniffled. I saw Jungkook still asleep beside me, and I smiled a bit, admiring how cute he looked as he slept, his soft features making him look like an angelic bunny as the sunlight leaked into our room through the curtains. I slid out of our comfy bed, wincing when I felt my feet hit the cold floor. I quickly went into the bathroom and slowly closed the door, not wanting to awake my sleeping mate. I undressed and got into the shower, loving the way it felt to finally be able to shower whenever I wanted, and I wet my hair and scrubbed shampoo onto my scalp as I purred in bliss. Apart of me wished that Jungkook was here, in the shower with me, but I wanted him to be able to sleep for a while more, so I just continued my shower, giggling quietly as I played with some of the shampoo bubbles from my hair. I step out of the shower and dry off, slipping into an outfit that Jungkook had left out for me the night before, which consisted of a black pair of loose pants, and a purple silk shirt that complimented my small figure perfectly. Without waking up my mate, I snuck downstairs and quickly made my way to the kitchen, where I saw Jin and another boy who I didn't recognize. I stood there for a few moments, before the unnamed boy turned to me and gasped with delight.

" Oh! You must be Taehyung! I'm Hoseok, or Hobi if you will, Jungkooks best friend!" He spoke with a cheery tone, giving me a goofy smile as he flipped an egg in a pan. 

I nodded and gave him a small smile, but he looked perplexed when I didn't say anything to him in return.

" He doesn't talk, Hobi, it's nothing personal." Jin said with a small smile, rubbing his stomach gently.

" Ah! I see, well that's okay! We'll still be friends." Hoseok said to me, but I was to busy staring at Jin as he rubbed his stomach, eventually catching Jin's attention and making him smile fondly at me.

" I'm like you now, Tae. We can have our pups together! Wouldn't that be nice?" I nodded with excitement and gave him a tight hug, making him smile widely and hug me back. Hoseok cooed at us, appreciating the cute moment that he saw before him. I watched as Jin and Hoseok cooked a delicious looking breakfast, Jin of course giving me the first plate of food he made, and Hoseok saved a special plate on the side for someone. 

I ate my food slowly, not wanting to make myself sick from the lack of eating that I've had over the past years I was in that horrible pack house, even though I really wanted to just scarf down my food like an animal. Yoongi walked into the kitchen with Jimin trailing along at his side, and Hoseok soon saw the pair walk in, running to Yoongi and embracing him, only to be immediately be pushed away by the mint haired Beta. 

"How did you sleep Yoongi? I made you breakfast!" Hoseok said as he handed Yoongi the plate of food that he set aside, but all Hoseok got in return was an annoyed look from Yoongi as he sat down at the dining table with Jimin. 

" Don't be so rude Yoongi, respect your mate, you asshat." Jin said as he smacked Yoongi on the side of his head, making Yoongi let out an annoyed growl at his hyung. 

Third Person POV

Taehyung frowned as he watched Hoseok sit down alone, picking at his food with a sad glaze over his eyes. The sound of heavy footsteps was heard coming down the stairs, Jungkook racing around the corner, stopping in his tracks once he saw his mate.

" Thank god.." He mumbled as he took Taehyung in his embrace, kissing the top of his head sweetly. Taehyung purred and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, feeling so safe and loved as Jungkook held him.

" Gross, get a room" Yoongi grumbled, getting a slap on the arm from Jimin.

" Oh hush! They're being sweet and I think it's adorable! Poor TaeTae deserves love after everything he's been through!" Jimin said as he gave Taehyung a sweet smile, getting a shy smile in return from the boy. 

Jin told the group that he was taking Namjoon his food, and with that, he walked away with a warm plate of food for his mate. The group of friends talked about many things, laughing with each other as they told jokes , telling Taehyung embarrassing stories about Jungkook. No one paid any mind to the lonely boy who sat in the corner, fidgeting with his hands anxiously as he saw his mate holding hands with a certain Omega boy who sat across the room. 

This chapter took me almost two hours to write, so I hope you all enjoyed ! Until next time, I purple you!

- vkooktingz <3

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