Chapter Twelve

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Taehyung's POV -

Jungkook and I were slowly walking through the pack house, him helping me stand and keep my balance, when we saw Jimin burst out of a room, screaming and cursing.

"Jimin...?" I heard Jungkook say, but he just ran past us and out the front door, completely ignoring our presence.

Jungkook let out a sigh, leaning down to kiss my forehead. " I'll deal with that later, don't worry." I nodded, but hoped nothing bad happened to make Jimin upset like that.

We continued our slow walk, stopping whenever I whined or looked like I was in any pain, making Jungkook treat me like a fragile doll everywhere I went. Soon enough we walked outside and I felt soft raindrops fall onto my skin, but I wanted to keep our walk going despite it starting to rain. Jungkook and I arrived at a small garden that was nearby, and we spotted Yoongi sitting on the grass with Hoseok in his lap, and we both smiled softly as we watched the scene before us. But soon, we heard quiet sobs coming from Yoongi, and we slowly moved closer to the pair, fianllty seeing blood on Yoongi's hands as he held Hoseok like his life depended on it. 

I let out a gasp and limped to them painfully, covering my mouth with my hand when I saw the state that Hoseok's body was in. He was wrapped in a blanket,but I could see blood on his neck and in his hair, and he wasn't moving or breathing. Yoongi looked up at me and his face was plastered with guilt and sadness, his body racking with sobs as he held his mate closer to him in attempt to get comfort. I look back at Jungkook, expecting to see him raging with anger, but what I saw was my mate with a devastated expression as tears left his eyes. Hoseok was his best friend, his closest ally, and now he was gone. Jungkook slowly approached Yoongi and he knelt down beside him, his hands shaking as he slowly touched his best friends cold hand. Yoongi looked at Jungkook and started crying more now, feeling so overwhelmed with sadness and grief.

" Alpha.. I'm s-so sorry... i'm so fucking sorry..." Yoongi spoke through his tears, clutching his dead mate, wishing he could rewind time and fix everything wrong that he's ever done.

" I know..." Jungkook spoke quietly. He got back up silently, walking over to me and picking me up with ease.

" we'll bury his body tomorrow when the rain stops.. bring him inside for now..." And without any more words spoken, Jungkook carried me inside as I cried into his shoulder, wishing I could've gotten to know Hoseok more, and wishing Jungkook didn't have to lose his best friend. We got to Jungkook's bedroom and he set me down on his soft bed and helped me get my clothes off, since they were wet from the rain. I became embarrassed as I felt my mates gaze on my exposed body, but he just kissed my forehead and helped me change into his large hoodie and a pair of new underwear. He told me he was going to take a shower, and I nodded, frowning as he left, because I could feel how sad he was inside, and I didn't know how to help him. I laid back and snuggled into the pillows, inhaling my mates strong scent that lingered on his bed. I purred contently and rubbed my stomach, wanting my pup to just come into the world already.

I saw Jungkook emerge from the bathroom, but a frown grew on his face when we saw me rubbing circles on my stomachh.

"Love..." he said as he sat down next to me, removing my hands from myself.

"Baby we talked about this... Jin told you, the pup didn't make it.." I whined and shook my head, refusing to believe that.

"Taehyung, listen to me please.  I promise you that we can have our own pups, lots and lots of pretty little pups, and you can watch them all grow up to be happy and strong, but you need to let go.." I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I listened, feeling his words sink into me and realization spread over my body. I wiped my tears away and hugged Jungkook the best I could, knowing I did need to let go, even if I wouldn't ever forget about this, I had to let go. 

Third person POV -

The two mates hugged in silence for a few long minutes, bu the silence was interrupted when Taehyung felt his sweater slowly become wet, causing  him to be very confused. He looked up at his mate and saw tears silently dripping drown his face, earning a gasp from the smaller of the two. Jungkook looked away and wiped his tears, feeling weak and stupid for crying.

" Sorry.. I just..." before he could even finish his sentence, Jungkook broke down into a crying mess, quickly burying his face into Taehyung's neck as he let his emotions out. 

Taehyung held Jungkook with his good arm, trying to soothe the poor Alpha who just lost his best friend. Jungkook cried and laid his head in Taehyung's lap, wanting to just curl up and make the pain go away. He just wanted a happy life with his mate and friends, but none of that seems to be going in the right direction. He wondered if he was doing something wrong, something that would make the universe turn on him, or maybe it was just bad lack. But as Jungkook laid in bed and was soothed by his small mate, he knew he would be okay, because even if the world came crashing down around him and tried to bring him down with it, he would still have Taehyung. 

Sorry for the short chapter, A longer one will be up soon!

-vkooktingz <3

-vkooktingz <3

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