Chapter Fourteen

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Taehyung's POV -

I sat with Jungkook on a soft blanket in a nearby meadow, my head in his lap as he told me stories about his childhood and the fun things that he's done. I listened closely with a smile on my face, finding his stories to be very entertaining. Jungkook seemed to be holding himself together fairly well, but I could still see hints of sadness in his eyes as he tried to move on with his daily life. I felt so lucky to be here, no longer being in the grasp of my previous Alpha, no long being scared for my life, and no longer alone. No one judged me for not talking, but I wished Jimin was around to be able to help me practice talking to Jungkook, but I haven't seen him since the day we saw him run down the hallway.

Jungkook told me a story about him when he was around 10 years old, and he accidentally spilt paint all over himself, and he was stained blue for almost two weeks. That story made me giggle uncontrollably, making my poor mate flush with embarrassment. 

" It wasn't funny! I looked like a smurf and I got made fun of the whole entire time! " he said with a pout as I reached up and poked his cheek, making him smile and chuckle. 

The way he looks at me makes my heart flutter, since he always looks at me like i'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I wish I could talk to him and tell him how I feel, but it's so hard. One day I know I'll be able to talk to people, that I'll be able to become even closer with my new pack, and I'll finally be able to ask questions and get to know interesting things about everyone. 

As I got lost in my thoughts, I felt Jungkook place a flower in my hair, making me blush and hide my face.

" Don't hide, love. You look amazing as always, my pretty little mate. " Jungkook said as he gently nibbled my neck, shivers going down my spine as I felt his teeth brush against my soft skin.

 He continued nibbling my neck, not going any further than that, which I was thankful for since I definitely am not ready for going all of the way. I purred as I felt him continuing to softly attack my neck, and he cooed when he heard me purr.

" Aww~, you make the cutest noises. How did I get so lucky to have you?" He said as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head lovingly. I smiled up at him and kisses his cheek, knowing today would be a day I'd never forget.

Jin's POV -

I hurried around the bedroom, my attempts at calming the crying boy all failing miserably. 

"Please calm down Hobi..." Yoongi said with a gentle voice, trying to calm his mate who was currently having what seemed to be a panic attack.

"Clearly he can't calm down you stupid baboon!" I yelled at Yoongi, making him back away from Hoseok.

" Give him space, he needs to calm down! Just let him be!"

" Fine.. But he needs help..."

" He can be helped once he's calm, now be quiet!" 

The two boys watched the poor panicking boy, seeing him slowly start to come back to his senses. They both gave Hoseok his space, wanting him to be fully stable before they tried to physically comfort him. The boy curled up into the blankets of the bed, sniffling and shaking as he tried to get comfort. 

" Hoseok, Baby, can I touch you? Is that okay?"  Yoongi asked, earning a small nod from the boy who was hiding under the blankets. He calmly sat on the bed and slowly pulled his mate into his lap, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

" There there, I'm here for you. Try and relax." Hoseok nodded and tried to get himself together, looking up at Jin through his glossy eyes.

" I won't tell the pack you're here, not yet anyway. I'll let you two decide when that moment should come." I said with a kind smile. Hoseok gave me a small smile and nodded, going back to curling up in his mate's lap. 

I was happy to see the two of them together and being loving, which is something I haven't seen between them in years. I quietly left the room, not wanting to disturb the peace that finally was here. I made my way to the living room, seeing Namjoon sitting on the couch as he looked for a movie to watch. I immediately perked up when I saw him, wanting to go over and smother him in my cuddles. 

" Joonie~~" I said as I placed myself on the couch, a hand rested over my stomach.

" Hey Jin. Finally decide to come find me?" he said with a chuckle, kissing his mate on the cheek sweetly.

" Mhm! I want to cuddle."

" Ah, of course. Anything for you." 

I smiled as I cuddled up with Namjoon, taking in his scent as I buried my face into his chest. His hand slid around and made its way to my stomach, and he softly rubbed it as he smiled fondly at me.

" I can't wait for these little cuties to come out. I bet they'll be the cutest pups around. Isn't that right?" he said, and he leaned down and planted kisses all over my stomach as he softly talked to the pups.

 He looked like a crazy person when he talked to my stomach, but I thought it was cute how much he already loved our pups. I felt so at ease when Namjoom spoke sweet words to me, asking me if I needed a massage or if I needed extra pillows to lay on. He insisted that he should give me a back rub, saying that my back could get knotted up and end up hurting, so I finally gave in and let him. I realized how much I really did need a back massage once he started, and I felt so much tension leave my body as he continued to massage me. By the time he was done, I was half asleep and barely keeping myself awake, and soon both of us ended us falling asleep on the couch, Namjoons hand wrapped protectively around my stomach.

Thank you for reading, Lovelies! I hope you all enjoyed !

- vkooktingz <3

- vkooktingz <3

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