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Hehe kellin is cute ♡♡♡

I'm more of a observer so when I'm expected to hang out with someone alone it gets awkward if they don't know I dont talk or interact with people that much.

Vic is talking about something, I think music but I'm not listening. I'm more concentrated on my hands. My door opens scaring the shit out of me. Some dude opened my door.

"Mike, dont scare him he's junpy," vic says and the tattooed guy laughs. Vic unbuckle and gets out so I do the same and Mike hugs vic. Mike must be his older brother.

Awkwardly looking around I see we are at a two story house with pretty white trimming. The house is a dark blue and really homely.

Mike runs into the house and I vic goes up to me. My feet are glued to the driveway. Vic looks happy and excited to come up to me. Why?

"Let's go to my room, Mike won't be disturbing us if we are in there," he says putting his hand on my hip. My breathing stops, why is he touching me?

I take a step back and his hand falls. I look at the house. "You haven't said a word to me? Are you shy?" He says and I blush. The look in his eyes are both concern and amusement. I shrug and he grabs my hand and I look at it with wide eyes.

Before I yank my hand away he's leading me into the house. A lady is cooking food and a man is helping her. Parents.. both of them have their backs turn to us.

His hand is firmly holding mine. Anxiety stabs me in the chest and I feel sick but I focus on trying to block out the thoughts. "Mama, this is kellin," I look away from our hands and see the lady turn around and rush over.

She hugs me and vic doesn't let go of my hand. What the fuck? Why am I being hugged? She pulls away. "Oh he's so pretty! His skin is so pale!" The loud lady says to vic examining me.

I feel shy and vic still hadn't let go. I want to run away. To many people.  Tears brim to my eyes. I'm a crybaby, I know. "Oh my god he's crying!" She yells and trys to hug me again but I step back. Quickly I open my hand and he let's go.

They both look surprised. "E-excuse me, vic where's your bathroom?" I say and tears are threatening to fall. I can't handle meeting new people. Hugs make everything worse. Physical contact makes me have panic attacks.

"Upstairs second door to the left," vic says looking worried. Without another word I rush to that room. When I'm in it I'm freaking out. I need out of this place.

I get my phone out and call Oli. Fuck I should have texted not call.

"Kells, what's up?" Oliver says in his thick British accent. I sniff a little. "C-can you call me in like 30 minutes and make up an excuse for me to have to leave?" I ask quietly.

"Woah, what's wrong? Are you crying? Where are you?" Oli says sounding worried. Oliver's never seen me upset so this must be very concerning.

"I-im fine, b-bye," I stutter out and he trys to stop me but I hang up. I wash my face and try to focus on breathing. My phone starts buzzing. He's trying to call me.

Sorry Oliver but I dont want to talk while upset, it just makes me cry more. I mute my phone and look at myself in the mirror. My face is so pale and my cheeks are pink. Gosh why can't I hide my crying?

A moment passes and theres a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Vic asks and I look in the mirror again. My face looks a little better. Instead of telling him yes and talking I open the door.

He looks at me with a small smile. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asks going up to me and grabbing my face with both of his hands and searching my face with his eyes.

I grab his wrists lightly contemplating if I should pull his hands away. "I- I'm okay, physical contact just isnt my cup of t-tea," I say not yet making him let go.

He looks puzzled at my statement. "You don't like being touched?" He asks not backing away. He's in my personal space. I look away from him. Why is he so close?

One of his hands travel down and rests on my hip. I blush hard and he locks eyes with me.  Eye contact is horrible so I close my eyes. Lips press against mine. Oh my fucking god he's kissing me! I find myself kissing back.

"Oh dame, you work fast vic," I hear Mike say. I panic and pull away. I glare at both of them as I blush furiously.

"Mike go fuck off," Vic says annoyed. Mike rolls his eyes and walks into the bathroom. Too crowded, I scurry out and vic takes a step out.

"I gotta piss, you go fuck off," mike says and shuts the door. Vic leads me to a room that is most definitely his. Its super clean and neat.

Vic sits on his bed and I go over to a guitar on the wall. It's got green goo painted on it. "Tony has a matching on," vic says. Tony Perry? I have 4th block with him. If that's who he's talking about. I might just be racist because I assume its him because he's Mexican too.

"Can you play?" I ask and he smiles and gets it down. He plays something and I listen and watch him. His arms are sexy. I'm alone in a room with a hot boy that likes me. This is so strange.

When he's done I clap a little and tell him that that was good. It was.
I turn my sound back on as I check the time. I have 20 missed texts from Oli.


I ignore the texts and put my phone in my pocket. "Let's play Mario kart?" He asks and turns on the tv I'm his room. I nod and he gets on his bed and pats a spot next to him.

Slowly I go over and sit next to him. He hands me a controller and I take it hesitantly. How do I play this? He sets up a match and when it starts I go backwards. He looks at me and I try to figure out how to go forward but I end up hitting some kind of E-break making my vehicle stop completely.

"Darling do it like this," he says wrapping his arms around me and adjusting my hand and making me press the right buttons. His lips then go to my neck and I crash. He takes me controller from me and I freeze.

What's happening? He gets on top of me so he's straddling my waist and he starts to kiss me. I kiss back but I'm not sure if I like what's going on. Yes he's really hot but he's really moving 100% to fast for me.

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