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I don't mind if you point out things or mistakes in the story

It's a quiet car ride to the movie theater. Oli looks like he's thinking really hard. That's not a pleasant thought. I dont want him to think about me cutting.

We sneak in to the place and sit in some move room. The movie has scary commercials so I suppose it's going to be a scary movie. Me and Oliver's it's down at some reclining chairs. I wish that I had my jacket because it's a little cold and here.

The more starts of really scary so I complain to Oliver. He knows I don't like scary movies. "Shh, shes about to be killed," Oli says covering my mouth. I pout and look at the screen, only to be scared and look away.

"Its just a movie," he says and I turn around in my seat and facing my back the the screen. I put my head on the back rest and close my eyes. I'm so tired.


Pain is in my wrist so I move it from under me to next to my face. My bed isnt comfortable like it usually is. I open my eyes and see I'm on Oliver's lap. My hand practically on his crotch. I close my eyes and think.

I'm sleeping on Oli's lap. My face is a few inches from his dick. Is hand is up my shirt trailing shapes in my skin. He's awake why is he doing this? Or well letting it happen. I hear moans come from the tv do I open my eyes and turn to see a sex scene.

"You woke up for the best part," he says and I lay on my back and close my eyes. I could sleep like this forever. His hand moves making my mind focus on it. He's just touching my stomach.

I feel myself falling asleep and not caring that he's touching me. He's not gay. His hand goes lower and he touches my lower stomach. I'm really sensitive there.. I try to ignore it because I don't want to make him stop. He'll realize that he has an affect on me and it will make my gayness more noticeable and then things will be awkward.

He blushes over a spot that makes my whole body tense up. "M-move your hand up," I say breathlessly. I've opened my eyes and he's now looking at me.

He looks back at the screen and his hand goes closer to my bellybutton and not where I'm super sensitive at. Why is he touching me like this? Is this just absentminded? I'm his bestfriend and he's straight, this can't mean anything.

Is it bad that I want it to mean something? It's hard for me to admit it to even myself but I've always had a crush on Oli. He's just such a great and fun person. But he's straight. I'd rather be his friend then his nothing.

"Wake up," I hear in my sleep. I fell asleep again? I open my eyes to see everybody leaving. It was halfway through the move last time I checked.

I close my eyes again. I'm too tired. I being picked up so I open my eyes again to see Oliver's carrying me. I wrap my legs around his waist to help support myself and shove my face into his warm neck.

He takes me outside and I grumble at the brightness. He puts me in the passenger seat and buckles me up. "Your home or mine?" He ask when he starts driving. 

"Yours if you dont care if I sleep before actually hanging out," I mumble.

"Yeah you know that I like you over even if your just sleeping," he says and I look at him. He's driving and looking at the road.


When I wake up I notice I'm alone. His room is empty except for me. The water is running in his bathroom that's connected to his room. He's taking a shower. Sitting up I rub the sleep from my face.

My phone tells me I have an Instagram notification. I check it to see it's a new follow. Once I check who it is I see its Vic. I have a message from him too.

Vic: hey you weren't at school, everything alright?

Me: I'm okay, just felt like ditching

Vic: a bad boy I like it

Me: well this 'bad boy' got his balls kicked my a 7 year old

Vic: dame

I look up when Oliver walks put the bathroom. My eyes pop out my my skull when I see he's only in a towel and he's steamy and wet.

To distract myself I continue to text vic. My best friend changes not caring if I see him. I don't look at all as I text vic.

Me: yeah

Vic: want to come over to my house after church? My parents won't be there

Me: sure

"Wanna order pizza and play mincraft and smoke?" Oli asks putting his shirt on.

"Yeah," I say putting my phone up and fix my hair.

dream in color, dress In blackWhere stories live. Discover now