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The car ride is silent. Neither one of us wants to break the silence. The look of his face as he drives let's me know he wants to ask something or comment.

"Its not that bad, dont worry," I mumble and he looks at me. His eyes look sad but he smiles.

"You're always welcome at my house, I don't know how often that is but whenever you need a escape I'm here," he says and pulls up in his driveway.

He looks serious. Oli is the best person ever, I'm glad I have him in my life. I hate being gay because it makes me think bad thought of my bestfriend.  Like how he's an amazing friend and I wonder how he would be as a boyfriend.

I'm sure he would be amazing but he's straight. I'm not going to ruin our friendship but because I'm gay. I always have to block out how good he looks. He's been going to the gym lately and its definitely noticeable.

We get out of the car and I follow him inside. His parents dont get home until 6 or 7pm. That's not really a issue or anything, they love me.

I hold onto my sketchbook as we go to his room. I'm so tired, I didn't sleep at all last night. My parents were yelling nonstop. Oli goes to his desk when we walk into his room.

I take off my shoes and crawl into his bed and close my eyes. "Sleepy?" He asks with a chuckle. Without opening my eyes I know he's smirking.

"Nope," I lie and feel myself start falling asleep. Oliver is the only person I'll sleep in front of.

When I wake up I feel warm and really comfortable. If I wasnt wearing jeans or my jacket this would be better. The moment of comfort and relaxation come crashing down when I wake up a tiny more and start actually feeling.

Somebody's arm is around me. Our legs are tangled up together. My face is in their shoulder and my hand is on their chest.

Quickly I open my eyes and see Oliver who is sleeping. I relax a tiny bit but not completely.  I shouldn't be in this position with my bestfriend.

My legs are tangled in blankets along with his legs so when I struggle to get away I don't do anything productive. "Stop squirming," he says in a sleepy deep voice. He pulls me to him lazy and looks to fall asleep instantly.

"Oli, do you see how we are positioned?" I ask. His hand is on my lower back almost on my ass. His leg in in between my legs making his thigh press against my crotch.

"Shut up, I'm sleeping," he grumbles and moves his hand up. My shirt however gets pushed up in the process. His and goes up my shirt and to my back.  His hands sends chills up my spine.

I'm to tired to deal with a sleeping Oliver. He's really stubborn and says the weirdest things when he's sleepy or sleeping. The window tells me it's now dark outside so I give up.

I relax into him and close my eyes. I'm okay with sleeping in the same bed with him, it's just touching isn't something we do. We've only slept in the same bed a handful of times but this has never happened.

Its comfortable, I'm tired, so I'm not going to worry about it until morning. "Fuck, you woke me up now I cant stop feeling how uncomfortable you jacket is. Take it off," he says grabbing the zipper and unzipping it.

"Sorry," I say and he sleepy takes it off of me. I let him because I'm too tired to care or stop him. His eyes are closed and when my jacket is off he wraps his arms around me and goes back to sleep.

Does he not realize that we are cuddling? Probably not. If he's not 100% awake he's not awake enough to realize stuff. In the mornings I'm here he does stuff like put milk in the cabinet and cereal in the refrigerator. He's not aware and really confused if he hasn't had coffee and sat down for a little while.


When I wake up again I'm on my back. Oli is on his stomach and his hand on my stomach under my shirt. Panic strikes me and I sit up making his hand fall in my crotch.  My face goes red. I pick up his hand and set it on the bed.

My jacket is on the floor so I quickly put it back on. When I'm protected by my jacket I look at the time 10pm- wait.. school! We've missed to hours of it already.

"Oli wake up we are late for school," I say and he looks at me for a second and then closes his eyes.

"Come back to bed, missing one day wont hurt," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I have a test today, how about we go today and tomorrow we skip? We'll have a three day weekend," I say and he slowly gets up.

"Fine, I'm dropping you off at your house, getting coffee, then I'll pick you up," he says knowing I want to shower and change before school.


Vic looks at me when I enter class five minutes late. I take a seat in my usual desk. The one in the back corner. This is my seat in every class. In my last two classes Oliver is were Vic is. In first and third Matty is in front of me.

This school only has 4 blocks everyday. Its different then most fanfic's I read. They all have hour long classes and confusing schedules. I'm glad that I dont have to deal with that.

"Sleep late?" He asks and I look at him. He's still as hot as ever. The guy is wearing a shirt that has hits sleeves and some of the sides cut out.

My eyes go to his sides, this shirt cant be in dress code. Its.. detracting...

"Yeah Oli didn't set an alarm so it was a hectic morning," I say and realize I dont have my sketchbook. The stupid thing is probably at Oliver's house.

"Oli is your...?" He says wanting to know what kind of relationship we have.

"He's my friend," I say and he nods looking relieved. We talk for the class until the bell rings signaling for us to leave each other.

Because I know how this story ends I get the feeling you guys do to... but I know you dont I just feel like you can read my mind. ;-;

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