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I open my eyes and look at him. He's looking at my face as he feels my sides, stomach, and hips.

"O-oli," I whine and he smiles.

He leans over and his face is a inch away from my own. "Yes kells?" He says and I look at his lips. He's phone starts ringing. I push him away a little and he sits up and he answers it with a unamused voice. "What?" He says rudely.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" He says looking alarmed.

"Kellin's with me, we're on our way," he says and hangs up and looks at my boner.

"Matty got in a car crash, we are going to the hospital," he says and my eyes widen.

Oli grabs my hand and pulls me up with him. "Grab your shoes and come on," he says grabbing his keys. I grab my shoes and he starts leaving so I follow.

When we are in the car I fumbled with my pants trying to zip them up. They are hard to put on normal now I'm hard and it really wont zip up. "My pants are to tight," I say mostly to myself but to oli too because he keeps glancing at me struggling.

"Try to calm down. Think about if you don't calm down people will see your red lacy panties," he says this seriously but that does the opposite. I like the thrill of almost getting caught.

"Your just making it worse," I whine and he chuckles. I put my shoes on and flashes of what happened cross my mind. Oli almost kissed me. We pull up and I look at Oli with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, my dick wont fucking calm down," I whine and he get out. I'm not going in public with my zipper all the way down.

He opens my door and makes me get out. He puts his hand in my pants. I make a girly moan. "Try to zip it now," he says putting pressure on my dick so it goes down. With shaking hands I try but it still wont zip.

He removes his hand and I close my eyes. Why am I so turned on? "Just hold this in front of your crotch," he says giving me a notebook I've never seen.

I take it and he starts walking. Oh my god. I put it in front of me and catch up to him. "This is so noticeable," I pout and he shrugs.

Oli looks at his phone and then looks around. We go in an elevator and theres already girl in it. Her eyes go to the book and smirks. I hide behind oli and he looks confused but soon catches on.

I follow him awkwardly to matty's room. He looks okay beside gauls tape wrapped around his torso. He doesn't look like he has any clothes on but he has a blanket on.

Matty smiles at us then looks at the book I'm holding. "Do you have a boner?" He asks instantly.

"My zipper wont zip," I clarify. He just chuckles and then looks at Oli.

"Did you fuck him yet?" Matty says and I blush. Yet? What does that mean? Oli is straight.

"Are you on morphine?" Oli asks annoyed. Matty giggles. Yup he's on morphine.

"Yuppie, I dont have a kidney!" He says amazing and excited.  A nurse walks in.

"You have a kidney, you just punctured it. The doctor fixed it but your staying here over night to make sure nothing happens," the nurse says to matty. He looks confused.

"Wow," he says and looks at his stomach.

"He was in a lot of pain so we gave him more morphine just a few minutes ago," she says and then looks at the book. Ugh, kill me.

"If you need me I'll be in the hall," she says to all of us and leaves.

"Is that a car book? Can I see it?" Matty says.

"Uh.." I say looking at it. It is in fact a car book.

"Please I'm dying," matty says. Oli looks amused. I turn away from both of them and give oli the book. Oli takes it and gives it to him. I start trying to zip my pants up and its almost working.

The door opens and the nurse looks at my bright red panties. Immediately I turn around so she cant see but then its matty and Oli looking at my choose in underwear.

"Wow red panties?" Matty says.

"It matches his face," oli says and I blush even more. I end up zipping it up and button it.

"I'm glad your alive I'm going to the car," I say making my escape.


"Kellin wake up," oli says making me open my eyes. My door is open and he unbuckling me.

"Im asleep?" I ask highly confused.

He chuckles at me and picks me up. I sleepily put my face in his neck. I'm to tired to understand what's funny.  I wrap my legs around his waist and lock my ankles together.

It feels like only a second passes so when I'm being dropped I squeal scared that I'm going to collide with the ground. Instead it's a bed.

Did I fall asleep from the car to here? Oli gets on me gently but I'm now comfortable and falling asleep again. Lips again my mouth makes me open my eyes sleepily. What? I kiss back but it's like I'm not completely awake.

Well that's because I'm not. My brain is trying to sleep and so is my body. My eyes close unwilling. He pulls away and
My mind slips away into sleep.

dream in color, dress In blackWhere stories live. Discover now