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Keep this to Give me another chance, I promise I'll be a good boyfriend ♡
Throw it at the teacher if you want to break my heart more than it already is..
I love you kellin

I twirl it around in my fingers thinking. I look at vic he's smiling lightly at me. My heart beats in my chest and I feel a smile tug at my lips..

Vic wants me..

I bite my bottom lip seductively and vic watches my mouth. I grab the ninja star and throw it at Mr. Way hitting him in the chest.

Everybody looks at me and I look at vic. He gets up and runs out the class. Everybody looks confused at me and Mr. Way  looks at the ninja star.  He bursts into laughter and looks at me.

"That's the most savage thing that's ever happened in my class," he says through laughter. He looks at his class.  "Because I'm a nice teacher I want tell the class what this says but wow kellin I didn't take you as the type to do that. I'm impressed. But if you throw anything else at me I'll punish you," he says I'm almost a flirty way. Oh my god.

Everybody is still looking back and forth trying to figure out what happened. The bell rings and I get up slowly, like always. I pick up my books and slowly start walking. Mr. Way stops me before I pass him.

"Here, you should frame this," he says handing me the paper ninja star. I smile because he looks so amused at me and I don't know what else to do. 

"Thanks," I say taking it from him. He's apparently the most layed back teacher here. I believe it too. I'm pretty sure he's dating a guy.

The hallway is thinning out and I can get to my locker without too much trouble. However people from class keep looking at me weird.

Oliver come up to me and helps put my books up. "Why are so many people looking at you?" He says looking around. I blush and look at him.

"I um... throw a paper ninja star at my teacher," I mumble embarrassed. Oli looks at me surprised. His mouth opens and closes. The way he looks could be explained as dumbfounded.

I pull out the ninja star and gives it to Oliver. He looks over it and then reads the words. He bursts out in laughter and then hugs me.

"Oh my god, that's so badass," he says and I put the note in my locker and he shuts the door for me. We walk to our next class and I explain how people and the teacher reacted.


As soon as I'm in his room he flops onto his bed and positions himself so he's laying on his back.

I crawl on top of him and straddles his waist. He looks up at me smiling. "Tomorrow we are going to the aquarium," he says and I smile. Tomorrow night I'm going back home.. I hope everything is okay a my house.

"Okay," I giggle and kiss him aggressively. He kisses back harder and I lose myself in his touch. Vic made me feel embarrassed and full of anxiety when we kissed and did stuff. I feel none of that with Oli.

Oliver Sykes makes me feel wanted..


As we enter the aquarium I look around in amazement. I don't go out to places like this often.

Oliver holds my hand and we walk to a tank. Little seahorses are wrapped around seaweed bases swaying with the water.

I gasp and look at them with intrest. Wait do they have dolphins!? "Oli!" I yell excitedly and people stop and look at me. I blush but continue to look at the taller British guy. He smiles goofily at me and gives me a look for me to continue.

I shift in my spot, "I wanna see dolphins!" I squeal and he chuckles. He kisses my forehead and people look away in disgust. It doesn't matter, the kiss is worth it.

Hand in hand we walk to the dolphins. I love this. My dreams are coming true. We walk all around the aquarium and apparently I'm 'cute when I get excited' whatever. I'm not but when he tell me stuff like that I blush and think he really means it.

I like this feeling.

He leads me to a restaurant inside of the aquarium and I look at him in horror. He notices the look and gives me confused and amused look. "What's wrong love?" He asks and I blush at the nickname.

"This is a seafood restaurant," I say in a whisper yell and he doesn't catch on. He looks around and then at me.

"I thought you said you liked sushi? We can go somewhere else-" I starts and I shake my head. He's not understanding.

"I do! But seafood, in a aquarium! Do they kill their own fish??" I ask in horror. Oliver starts laughing and he hugs me tightly.

"You're so sweet, I doubt they do that though," he says and kisses my lips for only a second before smiling and finding us a table. I follow behind and he pulls a chair out for me to sit on.

He is such a gentleman. With a blush on my face I watch him sit down across from me. I'm not hungry, but I'm never hungry so I suck it up and order some food. I've been eating st least 2 full meals a day and I feel better physically but mentally I dont like the idea of gaining weight.

But who does?

Oliver cook's me food all the time so I had to eat it. I'm going home today.. I wonder if I'll go back to skipping meals, scratch that I don't wonder. I know I will. It's not that bad, I just eat only once a day. I still eat so theres no problem.

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