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Do you like awkward scenes?

Sunday I wake up in strong arms.  Look at Oliver's face to see he's watching me already.   Blushing is something I do a lot when I'm around Oli. Blood flows to my cheeks and I feel them get hot and I know by experience that they are red.

My arms are wrapped around him lazily and comfortably, might I add. I close my eyes and snuggle up to him. Why is he letting me do this? Does he feel weird having a guy cuddle up with him?

Wait, why do I feel turned on? Oh my god I hate morning wood. Luckily the blankets are over me and I'm not pressed against him. He doesn't know yet. "Can I take a shower?" I mumble still tired.

"Yeah I'll make breakfast, you can wear any of my clothes," he says getting up. He grabs his phone and leaves the room.

I get up once he's out and grab another shirt and briefs. Quickly I go to his bathroom and shut the door. Impure thoughts cross my mind. Being a teenage boy is annoying. My dicks practically begging me to touch myself.

I'm in Oliver's house, I've never pleasured myself in my bestfriends house. I turn on his shower and take off my clothes. Most of my cuts are healed all the way.. when I step into the water I'm surprised it's a good temperature, close to too hot but not quite.


The shampoo smells like Oli, or is it the other way? As I'm rubbing soap on my wet skin my hand wonders south. I but the soap down and close my eyes as I stroke myself.

I bite my lip.

Oliver's making breakfast downstairs.. I don't have to be 100% quiet. I moan a little at the pleasure and dirty thoughts. My mind goes to Oli.. my friend. I wonder how his had will feel on me. My knees get weak so I use my other hand to balance myself.

The water is relaxing but my hand mixed with thoughts of Oli jerking off in here make this exciting. This is Oli's bathroom, he must has jerked off in here so many times.

Moans escape my lips and I flick my wrist faster. A uncontrolled whine comes to me as I'm feeling the buildup heighten. I'm going to cum soon. My breathing is heavy and I'm shaking. When I hit my climax I moan out 'fuck' to myself.

Hehe.. I came in Oliver's shower.

I wash myself off and turn off the water. I wash my hair last night so I'm not worried about it needing shampoo and conditioner. The towel help me dry myself and I put on the underwear and shirt. I'll go find pants now.

When I leave the bathroom I see Oli looking under his bed. Oh my fucking god. Did he hear me!? My eyes go wide and he sits up when he sees me. His eyes fall from my eyes to what I'm wearing and then back to my red face.

"Have you seen my uh,? Aw I forgot what I'm on about," he says looking like he's forgotten what he was getting. He has a slight blush on his face. He heard me. I put my hand to my mouth slowly.

He thinks I'm gross.

He's judging me.

I am gross.

Tears brim to my eyes blurring my eyesight.

I'm a bad person I just touched myself thinking of my friend. I'm in a relationship with vic. Does this make me a cheater? If Oli found out I was touching myself with dirty thoughts of him would he feel as bad as I did when I found out my dad does that with thoughts of me.

"What's wrong love?" Oli says startling me. I didn't see him walk up to me. I flinch when he touches my cheek.

"I'm s-so gross. I'm sorry!" I say crying in front of him.

"No you're not. Dont be sorry touching yourself is a human desire. It's not gross and I'm not upset or anything. Okay?" He says and wipes my tears away.

"N-no, I'm a bad person. Wheres my pants?" I say crying. I need to cut, I'm a bad person. I need to be punished.

"In the wash, but no. You're the sweetest person I know. Your not a bad person kellin," he says. My razor- I cant get to it. He looks upset. "I need something ou-t of my pocket," I say about to walk to his door.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest. He picks me up. "No you fucking don't," he says into my ear. Thst must mean he checked my pockets incase I had something that could be damaged by water.

He walk to the bed and lays down on it with me under him. Did he just trap me? "Bu-" I start.

"Sh, I'm laying on you. You can't get up and you definitely cant hurt yourself," he says and I move my leg so its bent. My knees dont like his weight.

He moves a little sensing my discomfort. Now I'm on my back with my knees bent on either side of him. He's low stomach is on my crotch and his head is on my chest and he's holding both of my wrists.

Oli has very quite doors, I dont like it. "Oh my eyes!" Both me and Oli look at his mom who's covering her eyes. "Oliver Scott Sykes, I told you not to have sex while I'm in the house," she say.

"Mom! I'm not, nothing sexual is happening," he says and she looks at us. This is a sexual position...

She looks at my thighs.. oh shit she can see my scars. She looks at Oliver. Oli sits up and I use this to my advantage. I look at the bathroom, my escape planned in my head. As soon as I try to rush over to the bathroom oli grabs me from behind.

"I dont know what's happening but I just came in to tell you I finished your cooking and turned everything off because you would have burned the house down," she says and leaves.

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