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After we finish our food we talk and stay seated. But he looks nervous. Oliver's not one to get nervous so it makes me anxious.

He's about to tell me 'this was fun but let's go back to being just friends'. If he did that my world would fall apart. I've liked him for so long hiding and suppressing feelings for him. If it went back to that I dont think I could act normal around him.


Pain? Why is there pain in my stomach.  Oh my god Oliver Sykes is evil and this was his plan all along. He poisoned me! I grab my stomach.

Lightheaded and nauseous, I look at Oli  shocked. My stomach hurts so bad. I look around for a bathroom or trashcan. "Are you okay love?" He askd and I stand up ignoring him. I'm going to throw up.

I wrap my arm around my stomach and rush to the bathrooms. I dont make it all the way.. in front of everyone I kellin Quinn throw up all over the floor.


Quickly I step over the mess and run to the bathroom. I bend over a toilet and start spilling my dinner out of my throat.

"Kellin? What happened? Are you okay?" He gets in the stall with me. Standing hurts so fucking bad. I fall to my knees and throw up more.

I groan in pain and he pulls my hair in a messy bun. "Its okay, are you sick? Can you make it to the car," he says but I start gagging and throwing up hardly anything.

The pain is worse. It's like I'm being stabbed in the stomach and that I'm throwing up in pain and not an actual sickness.

I whimper in pain and sit down with my knees up and my back against the wall. It's too hot, no I'm freezing. This isn't fun..

Oliver is panicking, he never panics. "It hurts," I gasp out holding my stomach. Tears of pain spill from my eyes.

I get the urge to throw up more so I get up and try to but nothing comes up. Oliver wipes my face with a damp cloth.

"Come here well get you home and you can sleep in my bed," he says but it hurts to much.

"Hospital, it hurts," I say and he picks me up and carries me out.


"Its appendicitis, you appendix has to be removed," the doctor tells me and I look at Oliver to see him looking nervous.

"Removed..?" I mumble and the doctor nods. He puts morphine in a I've in my arm and I let it happen. It helps with the pain. I've been here for 4 hours taking tests and scans and now they say I have to get my appendix removed?

"Surgery will be tomorrow morning, well have nurses move you to a better room and keep you on medication for the pain," he says and I feel the drug working. I look at Oliver and he's talking to the doctor.

A nurse walks In pushing a wheelchair. She tells me to get in so she can take me to my room. I look at her and the wheelchair. Oli picks me up carefully and sets me down in it. "I'll push him," he says being protective.

She leads him down halls and I look up at him. "You're so nice and awesome, sweet, caring, hot, and all of that jazz," I say trying to touch him. He smiles at me and holds my hand.


The pain is coming back. Oli is laying in my hospital bed with me with his hand on my thigh. I'm in a stupid hospital gown so the action makes my dress this roll up a little.

"Pain," I whine and he looks at me sadly. He presses a red button, and a red light starts flashing. A nurse walks in the room and looks concern.

"He needs pain killers or something, he's in a lot if pain," he tells her. She looks over his papers.

"He just had pain killers 2 hours ago and I'm not allowed to give him and because 4 hours is up. I could give him more morphine?" She says and then looks at me.

"O-okay," I say quietly.

Matty walks in and Oli pushes my gown down. Wait was I flashing the nurse? My head is so out of it. She gives me the morphine and then leaves. Matty comes over to us.

"Oli told me you are in a lot of pain, how is that?" Matty asks me looking concern. I smile and the morphine is stronger than last time. I giggle and react out to? I don't know but he holds my hand and I look at Oliver and then to matty.

"Your hand is a girl," I giggle and let go and then grab onto Oli. They both laugh but matty looks like he wants to say something.

Morphine makes me want to tell all of my secrets. "What?" I ask him trying to get comfortable but moving a wrong way and gasping in pain. I lay back down slowly learning my lesson.

"Well.. um. I just want to tell you that I'm here for you. You don't need to resort to this," he says leaning over oli and grabbing my wrist. I look at the cuts and frown because he sees them.

Then I realize what he said. "Okay," I mumble and he let's go.

"Want food?" He asks and I smile. Yes I want food. I throw up all my food and I've been through a lot and it's been a while.

"Nope, he cant until after surgery," oli says and I pout. Matty nods sadly.

"I'm going to stay here tonight," he says and I smile. It's like a party. Except I'm in pain and going into surgery at 10 tomorrow morning.

"Yay, oh! Please get me another blanket when you get yours, I'm a cold boy," I say and they laugh at me.

It's like im fully conscious but my words leave my mouth in a silly way. 'I'm a cold boy'? I was just trying to say that im cold.

dream in color, dress In blackWhere stories live. Discover now