Chapter ✿ Three

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"You're here!" Jay yells loudly, rushing out of the front door, her nurse scrubs clad on her body and a smile on her face. She immediately pulls Lottie into her arms, cradling her head as she gives her a tight hug. "Look at you..." Jay releases Lottie from the hug, cupping her face. "So grown up..."

Lottie chuckles, ducking her head a little, hiding her shy smile. "I'm so glad to be home," she breathes out, hugging her mother again. "I missed you so much..."

Jay smiles at her daughter, her eyes flicking up, over to Harry. "Harry, darling!" Jay gasps, motioning him over. "Wow, you've gotten even taller!"

Harry's grin widens as he hugs Jay. "Am I taller than Louis?" He whispers softly to Jay. "I'm worried he has grown..."

Jay chuckles, pulling away from the hug to give Harry a pointed look. "He is shorter than Lottie, love." She laughs softly. "A little shorty!"

"Where is he?" Lottie bounces on her toes, looking through the open front door for any sight of him.

Jay sighs, "school..." She shrugs. "But, he isn't home very much at all. Half of the time I don't know where he is."

Harry furrows his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest. "Does he know we are coming?"

"It's a surprise... He will be ecstatic," Jay gives them a encouraging smile, but deep down, she doesn't know how Louis will react. She knows how much Harry had hurt Louis by ignoring the boy... But she also knows Harry wasn't in a good place at the time. "Come on inside! Tell me how your interview went, love!"


The wallpaper is the same, Harry notes, running his hand along the floral design as he walks down the entrance hallway. His fingers stopping on a markered drawing of a stick figure and a house.

He smiles softly, staring at the permanent ink that has bled into the wallpaper. Louis had gotten into so much trouble that day and got all his drawing supplies taken off him. Harry still remembers the devastation on his small face.

Which was quite the punishment to Harry also, he missed out on a week's worth of 'colouring in's' Louis did for him to hang in his room.

Jay clears her throat and Harry looks up quickly, startling. "Sorry, I was just-"

"Don't apologise! Look around the rest of the house if you like! Louis' room is really the only one that's changed though!" She chuckles, leaning against the wall.

Harry gives her a dimpled smile, his hands clenching at the bottom of his shirt. "I wouldn't want to... Invade his privacy."

"Oh nonsense! He has nothing to hide in there... He would be fine with it, Harry!"


The pale blue walls are now dark grey. The toys have turned into linx deodorant. Wiggles posters into band posters. Teddy's have turned into balled up dirty clothes and Harry can't see Louis' night light anywhere... He looks around the room, his whole body feeling heavy.

This isn't his Lou's room... His Louis would have the walls painted pastel and fancy cushions thrown on a neatly made bed, the whole room sprayed with a pretty perfume that Harry wouldn't even try to pronounce.

This is not what Harry had expected at all...

But then Harry sees it... A frame on Louis' side table and inside that frame, a picture of Harry and Louis.

Harry kissing Louis' cheek as the other boy pokes out his tongue and has widened eyes.

He was so small... So fragile.

Harry walks over to the picture, picking it up and observing it thoroughly. The sudden realisation that in the next few hours Harry will be meeting a completely different Louis, dawns on him.

He takes a shaky breath and holds the picture frame to his chest, sitting down on the bed.

"What are you doing in my room?"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! All my love! ♡

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! All my love! ♡

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now