Chapter ✿ Forty One

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"Have you seen my phone?" Lottie questions as soon as she walks into the room, fully dressed in a floral dress and a full face of makeup. Harry denies with a shake of his head, only having just thrown it to the ground with her nurse clothes after taking pictures of the messages.

"Ah-ha!" Lottie exclaims when finding it, she shoves it in the purse she reaches over to get and begins to make her way to the door, not before pecking Harry's cheek. She finds it strange Harry sits there emotionless, but doesn't investigate further before leaving.

When he hears the front door slam after Jay calling out goodbye, Harry breaks, burying his head in his hands and he cries. He hates his life, it is just one thing after another and he has had enough.


After trying to call Louis again and receiving no answer, Harry decided to sleep. He had not got any last night and he was absolutely exhausted from worrying and stressing.

He got a good half an hours rest before the slamming of the front door startles him awake. He groans softly and turns to bury his face in the pillow, expecting Lottie to be in here at any moment. He could not deal with her anymore and had no idea how to confront her. He is embarrassed.

He closes his eyes tightly when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs and tries to even out his breath, so he seems asleep. This works until he feels a weight on his waist. He snaps his eyes open, expecting to see Lottie, but instead, he sees pure beauty, Louis.

Harry pulls him down into a tight hug, his chest heaving with the sharp intakes of breath as he wills himself not to cry with relief.

Louis giggles and pulls away, still straddling the man. And it is only then the strong smell of alcohol hits Harry, at the same time the realisation at the fact Louis is intoxicated does.

"Where were you, baby?" Harry whispers softly, his hand finding its way to brush his knuckles against Louis' cheeks.

"Work," Louis mumbles, pressing his cheek closer to Harry's hand. "Whoring around," the boy slurs, a dopey smirk on his face as his licks his lips. "Wanna be a good little whore for you, daddy. Fuck me like the whore I am."

Louis leans down and presses his lips against Harry, grinding down immediately, gasping at the friction. But he is stopped by Harry and lets out a whine, pulling away.

"You're not a whore, baby. I never should have said that I definitely didn't mean that..."

Louis looks down at his hands that are splayed across Harry's chest and sniffles. "I-I didn't want to be this way," he mumbles, the slur still completely audible, but his sentences more thought out.

"You're nothing but perfect, my love. There are so many worse people in this world, I need to learn how to trust the right ones."

"You are sad," Louis mumbles, stumbling forward to press a kiss against Harry's tear-stained cheek. "I want to make you always feel good, Hazza..."

"You do, always do, my blue. You're the one person who I can always count on... I'm going to make everything right okay, baby? Then it'll be Haz and Blue forever, just like it has been from day one."

"What about baby?" Louis whispers, laying down to press his cheek to Harry's chest, smiling softly at the sound of the older man's heartbeat as the boy's eyes flutter close.

As brave as he tries to sound, the devastation is clear in Harry's voice when he replies with the next words, "there is no baby, Lou."


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In case anyone is confused ^^^

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In case anyone is confused ^^^

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Keep in mind I wrote it half asleep haha! What do you think will happen next?
Leave me some comments to wake up to! xo

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now